Is that how you say her name? Hey, what do I know? In this episode, Stabler finally meets Bensons son, Noah, during a coincidental run-in on Mothers Day. But he was married, and even when he and Kathy (Isabel Gillies) were separated, nothing happened. The pretend arguments were part of setting a plan in motion for Stablers next undercover assignment with a group of dirty cops within the NYPD known as The Brotherhood.. I can't be looking over my shoulder making sure you're OK," he says after Benson points out she couldn't shoot Gitano since he was using the child as shield. Good for her. What episode does Elliot and Olivia kiss? The guy never touched his wife., The pair go at it again in the squad room in front of Fin and Cragen when Stabler say to Benson: Im the longest relationship youve ever had with a man. Law & Order: SVU has been teasing a romance between Amanda Rollins and Sonny Carisi for years. Episodes That Define Benson and Stabler's Partnership. "Half my genes are drunk, and the other half are violent and cruel," Benson says, referring to her mother, who had an alcohol dependency, and her father, who raped her mother. It doesnt take long for the door handle to start rattling as the animal smugglers try to get inside since they saw Stabler let a guest in. Donald Cragen (Dann Florek), interrupts and calls them both into his office, where the student's lawyer claims Stabler sexually harassed her client when he brought her home from the hospital. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Im his partner, and watching Stabler interact with Beck through the window of Cragens office.). While Benson and Stabler take a brief hiatus as partners, they are. In a blow to Stabler and his family, the judge declares a mistrial, and Wheatley is remanded. The conversation takes even more of a turn after Lewis brings up Bensons father and taunts her to the point that she ends up beating him with the bed pole. A brief recap: In the SVU season 12 finale, Stabler fatally shoots the daughter of a murder victim, who had opened fire in the Special Victims squad room. She didnt hear enough after Angelas testimony? This episode is the continuation of a crossover with SVUs Trick-Rolled at the Moulin, which ends with Stabler shielding Benson in the car after theyre both shot at (classic Protelliot). Stabler texts Cragen once theyre in Porters phone to call Benson, whos started kissing Porter. Their meeting ends in an argument, and Stablers attempt at getting his mothers help is unsuccessful. Beck is a widow; her husband, fellow NYPD Sergeant Michael Dooley, was murdered while on duty. The top-tier scene, however, comes at the end of the episode when Stabler spins Benson around as theyre leaving the police station to thank her for being there for him. Christopher Del Sordo / NBCU Photo Bank / Getty Images. "You're family," Stabler responds, while searching her kitchen for sugar. On the NBC website, the summary for Savior states that the baby died on the table after Benson gave the doctors permission to operate. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. But they came pretty darn close. Benson, clearly getting emotional, says, Hes earned it. Cragen asks Benson if she wants to talk about it or take some time off, but she says no. After Eli runs through what happened, Benson springs into action and assures him shell handle this. So, who does he call to seemingly make a confession of sorts to in what could be his last few hours? While Benson stares at her squad happily celebrating the event with their partners, Stabler approaches with her coat and drapes it over her shoulders while she hands him a glass of wine that she got for him. Closet is an underrated Benson and Stabler episode in which Stablers loyalty to his partner shines, and it turns out Bensons been (un)intentionally keeping something from Stabler. After 25 years of "will they or wont they" chemistry, are Benson and Stabler finally poised to get together? After each of these lines, Stabler confirms Kathy actually wrote those words not him. Both of them confirm they couldnt sleep, and Benson tells Stabler she realizes Miles didnt rape Valerie. Stabler tells Benson he didnt ask her to be here. 1, Donnelly says while walking away. I dont want to wreck that. Im just calling to say I want to thank you for everything that youve done for me, for the kids. In the middle of a sudden commotion with the crowd, Stabler spots one of the missing kids, Ryan, and shouts to get his attention. Then Rook presses a button, and the sounds of Bensons screams fill the air. Come on now, you know thats not true, Benson responds. Theres nothing to find. Then Cragen stands up and points out it was Stablers sixth shooting and that the whole squad is on notice., So what? Even when Stabler was married, he was work-married to Benson, which is where he spent about 97 percent of his time. Rescue is another example of Stabler backing Bensons play and being there for her during a moment that toes the line between personal and professional. Even though Stabler isnt in this episode, hes mentioned multiple times to Benson by various people throughout. Stabler extends his hand for Noah to shake and tells him he can call him Elliot. In his drug-induced state, Stabler tells Benson he felt he had to see her since they never talked. Benson assumes he means about their last case, but then Stabler says us. She tells him now isnt the time for that discussion and instead says shes going to call in that he was drugged to figure out whats in his system. Benson forgets the phone call she was about to make and takes a seat for this conversation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". How much does Christopher Meloni make per episode? Look at what hes doing to you, he adds. It felt good to hear that, Stabler tells her, clearly relieved to know that after disappearing for a decade, Benson still cares about him. How Do You Tell Someone They Have Hurt Your Feelings? Stablers daughter Kathleen meets up with Benson and says the family needs her help getting through to their dad. Benson is innocent, of course, and ends up saving herself after the real suspect breaks into her home. Stabler checking in on his partner at home. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. TFW someone else says they're Stabler's partner. Many fans have followed Benson's life and career for nearly 25 seasons, but one thing that's always remained a mystery: Whether she's ever had romantic feelings for Stabler. Did Benson And Stabler Ever Sleep Together? Hows that for an admission?, Then take our hand, Benson says. While in the hospital, Kathy says it feels like the old days, seeing Stabler and Benson in the room together always so in sync. Shes surprised to find out Stabler never once contacted Benson in the time they left. Later on at the airport, the suspect, Manuel Rojas (Jose Yenque), realizes Benson is a cop and tells her to come with him or else hell start shooting people. Stuckey answers Stabler's phone when Benson calls, and explains that her partner went out for sushi (a crucial detail) and left his phone behind. Stabler gets caught up in Bensons family life, and Benson gets tangled in his. Benson gets a call to go to a scene and to her surprise, sees Kathy on a stretcher being wheeled into an ambulance. 1 What episode did Benson and Stabler sleep together? "Elliot, what's wrong with you?" At the same time, he sees Benson as she's raising her gun at Gitano, who has his arm wrapped around the other child. And Id say that your friend, Flutura? Did Stabler tell Benson he loves her? And you know what, Eli turned out perfect, Benson says. Kathy and Elliot Stabler got married at 17 years old and shared five children, but in earlier seasons of Law & Order: SVU, viewers learned that their marriage was less than perfect. For 12 years on Law & Order: SVU, fans watched partners Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) work side-by-side and flirt a bit with a will-they-won't-they relationship. Back in the squad room, Benson returns to the interrogation room, as Cragen and Stabler watch, to take another crack at their suspect from the beginning of the episode. Finally, Benson and Stabler are reunited, and it feels so good. I just couldnt get that boy out of my head, Stabler responds. In fact Stabler doesnt appear onscreen again until Meloni returns to the franchise in the Season 22 episode Return of the Prodigal Son 10 years later in 2021. Stabler gets all excited and announces to everyone, Theyre here, and as he opens the door he says, Hey guys. But its not Benson and her son at the door. Distance makes the brain dream about your (former) partner. With tears in her eyes, Benson says, You were the most, single most, important person in my life, and you just disappeared.. Well, some people arent as blessed as you are, she responds. Benson meets Stabler in the hospital, where he crumbles and falls into her for a hug (only their third one ever onscreen, but whos counting!). He melted down in front of Benson, and it turned out the pair did sleep together when she was just 16 (in case you weren't sure). Kathy and Elliot Stabler got married at 17 years old and shared five children, but in earlier seasons of Law & Order: SVU, viewers learned that their marriage was less than perfect. Why did Elliot Stabler leave SVU storyline? Unfortunately for Stuckey, a mosquito had bitten him while he was rigging Zimmer's car, and O'Halloran managed to extract a blood sample from the mosquito and called Stabler. Lost One picks up where the end of SVU left off, with Benson consulting with OC about a missing girl, who happens to be the daughter of one of the members of The Brotherhood. In episode 4 of season 21, titled The Burden of Our Choices, Benson tells Rollins about her pregnancy scare when she was 19. Benson says she's "not ready for this" as she rests her face against his cheek and then leans back against the fridge. Christian Garland actor Demore Barnes and Kat Tamin star Jamie Gray Hyder both announced they were leaving the NBC show, so both had to be written off. There was tension (physical and emotional) between the detectives . She then abandons the child at the hospital leaving Benson the message. Why didnt you tell me? Benson asks Porter. Now it's cannon that Stabler's wife was always the "boundary" preventing either Benson or Stabler from admitting they both had romantic feelings for the other. Required fields are marked *. I didnt realize it came out so sexy, she said. In the words of Stabler, Benson continues playing mom for a boy named Calvin (Charlie Tahan) whom she found during a case and took in after his mom disappeared. In that moment, Stabler snaps back to reality and realizes what hes said and who else is in the room and adds, I love all of you.. He asks for her help with Kathleen. Back in the squad room after going over the latest with the case, Porter asks Benson if shed like a ride home. Before the death of his wife, Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson opted to keep their relationship platonic and professional. "And with her gone it's like there's nothing but possibility, which is paralyzing," Benson says while refilling her cup of wine. For 12 years on Law & Order: SVU, fans watched partners Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) work side-by-side and flirt a bit with a will-they-wont-they relationship. Turns out, Valerie was having an affair with an investigator for her lawyer, and hes the one who grabbed her from behind that first night. After getting married in 2004, the pair welcomed their first child together in 2006. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Stabler meets up with Benson in a park on a snowy day, and the meetup also marks the first time Stabler sees Noah, who's sledding nearby. Kathleen may be sick, but youre the one with the problem, Benson tells him. Benson also asks about how Stablers search for the truth is going related to his dad. Theres nobody who knows these characters better than she and I. She then tells him about the one man she thought she may have settled down with for good, and only offers up his first name, Ed. Now, Benson is the one in control. But for 12 seasons, "SVU" was a classic two-hander, fueled by the chemistry between Stabler, a tough guy, ex-Marine and father of five, and Benson . Did Stabler and Benson ever sleep together? In Smoked, a survivor of sexual assault is killed in front of her daughter, Jenna (Hayley McFarland), before her trial begins. One morning, Stabler shows up at Benson's apartment, saying he was "in the neighborhood" and thought he'd give her a ride to work. Heres how the show said goodbye to Kat and Garland. The eighth episode of the inaugural season of "SVU," "Stalked," really put "Protelliot" a nickname given by fans to Stabler when hes acting especially protective on the map. While fans were desperate for the partners to hook up (even though Stabler was married) during Melonis 12 seasons on the show, they never did, with the actor later explaining why he believed the writers never went there. During a Law & Order virtual fan event earlier this year, former SVU showrunner Warren Leight said Hargitay came up with the single most important line herself for Benson. For 12 seasons, Benson and Stabler were partners on Law & Order: SVU. He stares longingly at her as she's putting something in the car until she turns and notices and says, "What?". Initially, Amaro has a strained relationship with his new partner, Detective Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), mainly because she misses her old partner, Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni). Benson goes to the scene and finds out the cops think the girl was murdered, and calls Stabler to explain. For 12 seasons, viewers watched Benson and Stabler just be partners on SVU. This episode is most memorable because it was a real breakthrough moment for Mariska Hargitay (Benson). I wish I could trust you, Elliot, Benson replies. Last weeks Law & Order: Organized Crime first-season finale ended with a life-or-death cliffhanger for Tamara Taylors Angela Wheatley, who was poisoned not once, but twice in one day by her ex-husband Richard Wheatley (Dylan McDermott) in his attempt to kill the main witness to all of his crimes, including the , Though Hargitay and Meloni never dated, they are close friends. Stabler asks what she means as she walks away, and Benson finally unleashes months of pent-up frustration. For 12 years on Law & Order: SVU, fans watched partners Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) and Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) work side-by-side and flirt a bit with a will-they-won't-they relationship. If I heard your voice, I wouldnt have been able to leave., The episode also contains a golden conversation between Stabler and Fin, who briefly fills Elliot in on Bensons life over the past 10 years. You give him stability, Kathy says. Stabler walks Benson out through the back garden. His adoptive mother is Olivia Benson. Well, youre the one who traded in your suits for jeans, she replies. I had kids the old-fashioned way, Stabler says to Benson after she points out how much effort went into getting those embryos made. Stabler was partnered with Detective Olivia Benson. Law & Order: SVU. Benson talks Simon into giving her his gun after Millfields confession while Stabler keeps his gun trained on him the entire time. I just think I needed to hear you say that.. But things clearly arent working out between Stabler and his new partner, since Stabler punches Blaine in the middle of the squad room. Its actually her call.. Stabler reminds his mother that his family had been living in Rome and notes they had come back to visit about four times.. ", Benson explains by saying she broke one of her personal rules by getting involved with a co-worker. Did Stabler and Benson ever sleep together? The person you love, Reggie translates from his mom. Ive been pushing as hard as I can. Kathy admits Stabler wont sign the divorce papers. He would kick your teeth in, break your legs, break your arms, break your back break your face. Stabler comes home one night to see Benson and all his kids. Will Hart / NBC Photo Bank / Getty Images. Despite now knowing Kathy wrote the letter, Benson still shows up in the cemetery to meet the rest of the Stabler family at Kathys grave. On April 1, Christopher Meloni will reprise his role as Detective Elliot Stabler and reunite onscreen with Mariska Hargitay 's Olivia Benson for a new episode of the NBC drama, which will air. Stabler confronts Rojas in the parking lot, and Rojas holds a gun to Bensons head. I wish you were there, he says. He says Kathy (!) Shut up and drive., During a private moment at the end of the episode, Benson tells Stabler she had recently explored adoption, but she was turned down by the agency. To this day, fans are still waiting for a discussion between Benson and Stabler about what Lewis did to her while Stabler was gone. Liv, Im being careful, Stabler assures her. She goes to ask if their relationship is OK after the heated case. Thats our thing, Meloni said. Stabler and Benson share a moment with Calvin shortly before he's taken away. Zebras (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit). Otherwise, we cant be partners., I cant believe youre saying that, Benson says. Cragen calmly responds, You know me better than that. Please dont tell me how I feel, Benson responds. Well, its not at risk. If you guessed the latter, you would be correct. '" 4. During Angelas testimony, which both the Stabler children and Benson witness, Angela reveals she kissed Stabler and that she was in love with him. Olivia has a picture of you two in her living room., Moss wont name his source and says, You two have worked together for a long time. Benson then tells Stabler about the latest with her brother, which leads Stabler to ask why shes helping Simon given all the evidence against him. Bensons longtime friend and former SVU ADA Rafael Barba (Ral Esparza), decides to defend Wheatley, much to Bensons dismay. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Benson puts her weapon down as Stabler walks up behind her with his gun drawn and tells Simon to drop his weapon while Benson begs him not to shoot. When a suspected killer who stalks his victim sets his sights on Benson, the squad, particularly Stabler in Protelliot mode, goes the extra mile to keep an eye on her. A young tech named Dale Stuckey (Noel Fisher) is with Benson and Stabler at various crime scenes throughout the episode, and at one point, even makes a careless mistake that ends up setting the suspect free. Stabler says he knows Benson "wouldve taken the shot" if the sniper hadnt first, to which she responds, "No, I wouldnt have. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Benson replies that she and Stabler are best friends.". Zebras is the twenty-second episode and season finale of the tenth season of the police procedural television series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and the shows 224th episode overall. She only communicates with a talking board that says yes and no.. Thats the problem, she responds. Then Barba mentions Benson grew up without a father and attempts to equate that with his experience being bullied as a child and how theyll both see Stabler through different prisms. Benson tries to steer the conversation back to her and Barba only, but Barba says Bensons defense of Stabler is out of unconditional love. Nobody else was responsible for it but me," he says. After a required, reluctant visit to a therapist, Dr. Newsom (Max Baker), in which Stabler pushes back against opening up in any sort of way, Bell wisely clocks him about how he needs to go back and talk. Later, Benson and the SVU squad help Stablers team infiltrate a party with the young girls and the Albanians. Stabler tells Benson to go hide while he answers the door. As ADA Gillian Hardwicke (Melissa Sagemiller) points out, Stabler has had Bensons back for over 10 years. Its Bell, who wants to tell him a piece of news, presumably about Wheatleys release, that she didnt want him to be "blindsided" by. What about me? Benson whispers. Both Calvin and Benson are devastated by the separation. Near the end of the episode, Stabler actually does just that and acknowledges that he now views the loss of his wife as a permanent ending. Benson sleeps with Detective Brian Cassidy (Dean Winters), another member of the "SVU" team, one night. Leonetti reminded many fans of Benson from her long, dark hair to her fitted blazers. Cragen doesnt let on that Benson asked for a new partner and just says, Decisions made.. Newsom says. With the help of his team, Stabler is able to prove Eli didnt murder the girl, but another man who entered the apartment did. Little did they know there was a twist like this behind who even wrote the damned thing. Stabler, who was drugged while undercover, immediately goes to Bensons apartment late at night. With Season 24 premiering in September, we thought what better time to take a very (and we mean very) thorough look back at the "complicated" history between Benson and Stabler. Meloni and Hargitay spent 12 seasons as Stabler and Benson together before Meloni left the show between the 12th and 13th seasons. "Yes, I am.". On the show, the ADAs reason for leaving was that Casey Novak had knowingly violated due process and as a result, was forced to stop working with the Special Victims Unit. "I recently lost a friend, a very close friend . Yes, they can get messy, but love thats different. They worked long hours and had to . I cant.. Benson asks if theres anything she can do to help, and Stabler assures her he can handle it. Benson responds, You dont know anything about my feelings for Elliot, and you dont know him.. "So this is about the death of a loved one?" A doctor tells Stabler and Kathy he believes Kathleen has bipolar disorder and suggests medication after hearing about her recent erratic behavior. Stabler tells Benson what she means to him (spoiler alert: the world) in a scene between the two during the second episode of Organized Crime.. A shocked Benson stares at Stabler as he tells the lawyer, "You have no right to use my personal life to make your case. 20. Porter believes Benson sent Simon money and is surprised when Benson tells him Simon is her brother. Fans of Law & Order finally got the declaration they've been waiting years for between Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler. Benson and Stabler share another long stare in the car in what turns out to be their last scene together of the season. We needed a change, she says. "Hey, would you talk to me?" How did melody learn to crawl in out of my mind? Benson, wise to his actions, points out Stabler had to have gone out of his way to make her home a stop on his way in. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Benson denies it before caving and asking, "Is it that obvious? Kathleen tells her dad she went to Benson to ask for help. Stabler approaches the hostess and says, This is my wife, Olivia.. Or the courts. "A whole friendship.". '" 4. Despite the fact Mariska Hargitay spends her time fighting crime on screen as detective Olivia Benson in Law and Order: SVU, off camera she's raising three adorable kids with her husband, Younger star Peter Hermann. Thats what Im counting on. Then Benson realizes Kathy wants her to convince Stabler to sign the divorce papers. Stabler starts working with another detective, Lucius Blaine (Anthony Anderson). In the Season 23 SVU premiere, Benson was run off the road while on the phone with Stabler. The decadeslong partnership between "Law & Order: SVU" star Mariska Hargitays Olivia Benson and "Law & Order: Organized Crime" star Christopher Meloni's Elliot Stabler has been deemed by many fans the longest slow burn in television history. Are Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni still friends? Benson says during one of their heated, very close face-to-face arguments about the case. Stabler, whos also familiar with an estranged marriage as his wife wants him to sign divorce papers, makes points in defense of Miles. Like last time, Benson and Stabler's sympathies fall on opposite sides. He feels her head and notes shes burning up before going to the kitchen to make her tea. When love warps into hate, theres nothing you wont do, Stabler responds, before telling her he signed the divorce papers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Even though Benson isn't "ready" yet, she established she does "want" more with Stabler in the pair's most intimate scene yet and that she trusts Stabler more than anyone else to keep her son safe. "Because I knew that you would try to protect me," she says. While fans were desperate for the partners to hook up (even though Stabler was married) during Meloni's 12 seasons on the show, they never did, with the actor later explaining why he believed the writers never went there. Like Protelliot, fans also love when Stablers jealous side comes out (this alter ego is nicknamed Jelliot). Part of that promise involves Benson visiting Stabler at his temporary undercover residence. "And the thing is is that I didn't have a right or a claim," she continues. Benson and Stabler will reunite in the game-changing Law & Order: SVU and Organized Crime crossover on April 1. Fans hoping for a kinder and gentler Stabler after all these years -- and in the year 2021 -- definitely did not get that wish, as he was about ready to pound the suspect of his wife's bombing . The letter also had a line implying if Benson had a man in her life, that Stabler hoped hes the kind, faithful, devoted man Benson deserved. When Stabler is in the lab and makes the connection, Stuckey hits him over the head and knocks him out. Look, we both chose each other over the job. Then Stabler, without breaking eye contact with Benson, emphatically declares, I love you.. There are many nostalgic moments in the episode for Benson and Stabler fans, including the two entering a scene before backup arrives, despite Bells order not to. "Look how great you turned out," Stabler says in response as Benson walks away. They both turn around to face the water, and Stablers already holding out his glass before Benson lifts hers to toast to partners.. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Benson teams up with Cragen for most of this episode to work the case of a boy whos been missing since 1980. The two starred together on SVU for 12 seasons until Meloni left the series in 2011. Pretending be a sex worker, Benson famously says, Are you ready for me Daddy? And once she realizes they have company, she adds, Oh, didnt know we were having a party. And I guess neither do you, Wheatley adds before Benson walks away. "That is why I'm so grateful for you," Benson says. "Elliot I want to," she says, "I want to, but I can't.". He turns back and walks up to Benson and responds, "Kathy left me.". Benson notices a bunch of pills on the floor of the bathroom and calls Stabler over to let him know. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It wasn't until the separation when Elliot started to check around. He was married (though it wasn't perfect), but that didn't stop fans from wanting the detectives to get together . Season One of "SVU is laced with incredible Benson and Stabler moments that are still discussed to this day. In the seventh season, Elliot told Dr. Rebecca Hendrix that he had never cheated on his wife. MC Suhocki is a New York City-based senior multiplatform editor for TODAY Digital who joined the team in 2014. Cragen then informs Benson and Stabler that Porter and the suspect are off the hook since the situation is out of their hands. In the OC Season One finale, Angela asks her attorney to find out exactly who Richard was talking about, and later learns that people believe Richard was referring to Benson. Longtime Law & Order: Special Victims Unit fans know Olivia Bensons journey to motherhood all too well. After knowing each other for over two decades, Stabler finally said he loved Benson on Monday nights episode of Law & Order: Organized Crime, although it was hardly the romantic scene we had hoped for. #WhatsInTheLetter trended for weeks online, and "SVU" fans on Twitter also put a letter emoji on their profiles. Benson is taken for questioning by IAB after evidence makes her the cases prime suspect, and she ends up in jail unless someone can post her $250,000 bail. Benson tells Fin that she hasnt heard from Stabler in a few months and that hes been off the grid working.
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