The first thing to do when you get a rejection is to take a deep breath and consider your options. Under these circumstances, the editors letter will state explicitly whether or not a resubmitted version would be considered. My experiences with these journals have not been this positive. Short answer: the editor will continue to try and find other suitable reviewers, sending them invitations and waiting for replies. Icons made by various authors from, Experiential Live Edit: How to improve Biomed manuscripts. Keep calm and wait: A guide to understanding journal statuses. Thanks! Once the decision has been made to peer-review the paper, the choice of referees is made by the editor who has been assigned the manuscript, who will be handling other papers in the same field, in consultation with editors handling submissions in related fields when necessary. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles At times, they may ask you to revise and resubmit the manuscript. However, the final decision may not be only that of an acceptance or a rejection. Does "Under Review" mean that the paper has passed the editorial check? Manuscripts should be submitted via our online manuscript submission system. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. No news is good news? Finally, despite persistent beliefs to the contrary, we do not base our decisions on the reputations of the authors or their friends, and so we do not respond favorably to 'celebrity endorsements' or statements about authors' previous track records. The main editor is usually quite quick (a couple of days or so) because their just gauging scope and relavence. What the . Authors are provided with an encrypted link to this system after their paper has been accepted. The cover letter is not shared with the referees, and should be used to provide confidential information such as conflicts of interest and to declare any related work that is in press or submitted elsewhere. If the editor has invited the authors to resubmit, authors must ensure that all the referees technical comments have been satisfactorily addressed (not just some of them), unless specifically advised otherwise by the editor in the letter, and must accompany the resubmitted version with a point-by-point response to the referees comments. I have been working in the Scientific Publishing Industry for more than 3 years now. It doesnt mean anything other than the editor has started to look at your paper. ii a. I gave them his address. However, if it has not gone through peer review, but is directly showing the status awaiting final decision, then there is a possibility that your paper might be rejected after initial screening by the editor. Once your manuscript passes the initial quality check, we assign it to a member of Editorial Board, who is an active researcher in your field. The average number of days between the date of manuscript submission and date of receiving the editorial acceptance decision. Weigh all of your options and look at the merits of the rejection. The initial judgement is not a reflection on the technical validity of the work described, or on its importance to people in the same field. Finding reviewers who agree to deal with the . Can we write a courteous mail asking about the status change from 'Decision Made' to 'Under Consideration'? Hopefully, the exact situation will become clear with the next status update. Journals vary in their attitude toward such trade-offs, for example in deciding whether to publish a paper that proposes an important new idea based on data that are less than solid. As opposed to an editor, a peer reviewer advises the researcher of how he would have conducted his research, and what research methods would have made a difference. Editor rejected manuscript claiming it is similar to a not-yet-published manuscript (that I haven't seen). Press J to jump to the feed. It stated 'Under consideration' until today, when it changed to 'Decision made,' and then back to 'Under consideration.' Special care is given to papers whose authors native language is not English, and special attention is given to summary paragraphs. v. t. e. Sovereignty generally refers to the supreme authority of a state or territory. b. Your IP: We will continue to publish peer reviewer reports where authors opt in to our separate transparent peer review scheme. :-) So, it probably means that the associate editor (AE), who handles the manuscript through the review and publication process, had a look at your manuscript and made a decision on it, most probably for rejection. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? 771 BCE: Start of the Eastern Zhou dynasty (and the 'Spring and Autumn Annals' period) in China 753 BCE: The Founding of Rome 594 BCE: Solon is appointed archon of Athens and proposes popular reforms; a system of land taxation introduced in the state of Lu, China 575 BCE: Servius Tullius becomes King of Rome 560 BCE: Peisistratus seizes the Acropolis, makes himself tyrant of Athens, but is . How to write an email to the editor inquiring about the current status of my paper? If an author wishes to appeal against Nature's decision, the appeal must be made in writing, not by telephone, and should be confined to the scientific case for publication. We understand your anxiety :-) However, the decision on manuscript acceptance depends on several factors, such as availability and responsiveness of peer reviewers and the extent of revisions recommended. The corresponding (or other single designated) author is responsible on behalf of all co-authors for the accuracy of all content, including spelling of names and current affiliations of all co-authors, so please ensure these are checked carefully. One's knowledge, images, and emotions regarding the past have an impact on future actions. To obtain New referees can often raise new sets of points, which complicates and lengthens the consideration process instead of simplifying it. Languages English Espaol Portugus Research Creative My Account Submit My Manuscript To complicate matters further, editors must base their decisions on evidence that is never completely reliable. Usually they decide in less than a week after the initial submission. response letterresubmit, 3. The editor considers reviewer feedback and their own evaluation of the manuscript in order to reach a decision. any technical failings that need to be addressed before the authors' case is established. //--> How did it go for you after this? Nature Neuroscience Some potential referees may be engaged in competing work that could influence their opinion. [CDATA[// >