Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the earth by his word. Why, if they are ALL God? This is just an egg, or an apple, or H2O. The Holy Trinity is 'the Center of Everything.'. Must you become a better person so that God will accept you? But Scripture provides ample evidence of the existence of the Trinity. At his death on the cross, sinless Jesus chose to substitute himself in our place (Heb. The technical term in case youre interested for this wrong way of thinking about God is calledmodalism. Ask teenagers hard questions about the Trinity that will make them think, and dont bother trying to come equipped with the perfect answer to everything. This is a limitation on God that doesnt acknowledge that God isalwaysthe Father,alwaysthe Son, andalwaysthe Holy Spirit. Simply stated, God is one in essence and three in person. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Lets go back to the Trinity triangle graphic, and you will see: By now you understand that the three Persons of the Trinity equally share Gods essence. Kids understand the three different forms clearly, as separate objects. Secondly I'd like you to read this verse with me from the Bible. 9:5; Col. 2:9), The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:34; 2 Cor. The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But continue seeking to understand why the Trinitarian nature of God matters. Carrying this concept over to the Trinity, it is not a contradiction for God to be both three and one because He is not three and one in the same way. Each person of the Trinity is equally and fully God, distinct from the others, and yet they remain just one God. For if we deny this, we have denied Gods unity and affirmed that there is more than one being of God (i.e., that there is more than one God). Even then, he was not alone, because he had his Logos within him. You may be wondering how to wrap your mind around all this brand-new information! There will always be some level of mystery to this, but when you talk about the being/nature/essence as God and the persons/expressions as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit I think we get at least a little bit closer to beginning to comprehend something we can never fully comprehend. Awareness of the distinct role that each Person of the Trinity has in our salvation can especially serve to give us greater comfort and appreciation for God in our prayers, as well as helping us to be specific in directing our prayers. The Trinity does not divide God into three parts. Therefore, it is often difficult to have a concrete definition of Person as we use it in regards to the Trinity. This explains how God can be both one and three. The problem with this is that it reflects a heresy called modalism. So many things clamor to define you. So, the Trinity is incomprehensible. You can describe the Trinity in different ways: The wordspersonsandessencerefer to entirely different features relating to God. 55 years on I've yet to hear or read an explanation of the Trinity that makes sense. The oldest member of the unholy trinity. 104:30), sanctifies (Rom. 15:3). 3:25; Dan. Our mind distinguishes each of the three leaves (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost), but at the same time recognizes they are one shamrock. Explore answers to life's biggest questions. The concept of the Trinity is that we have God in three forms - a union of three. In order for something to be contradictory, it must violate the law of noncontradiction. 12:32; 28:19; Luke 3:22), There is one God and three Gods (a contradiction), God is one person and three persons (a contradiction), God has one nature and three natures (a contradiction), There is a functional order within the Trinity, Bowman, R Jr. The Biblical Basis of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Blue Letter Bible, Accessed: 1/20/2022. Ive already done your research at my local library. From our understanding of the Trinity (a social being), we recognize that a person is a relational being, not just someone with a mind, a will, and . Christ through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God.. Need help teaching your kids about communion, either at Sunday School or home? As you might expect, some people consider these mysteries as contradictions. But in response we can point out both agreement and clarification. 4:4). And likewise with the Holy Spirit. 2) It makes no sense 3) The doctrine is rooted in ancient pagan Babylon 4) Jesus himself said he is God's SON; not God himself as the Trinity teaches In eternity past, before the beginning, God was alone. There are many illustrations which have been offered to help us understand the Trinity. You cant find an earthly match for this concept. It has been said, Try to explain the trinity and lose your mind, try to explain away the trinity and lose your soul. How do we know whats age-appropriate for them to understand? The answer must be no, because the Bible also indicates that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons. In addition to these texts, the others we mentioned above make clear that the Personhood of the Holy Spirit is distinct from the Personhood of the Son and the Father. These questions arealwaysasked by someone who is exploring faith in Jesus. Disclaimer: I believe Trinity. While this is in my mind the simplest, clearest explanation, I understand that even this breaks down when we go further and say I am a human and I am Keith Ferrin. 317 subscribers in the BiblicalUnitarian community. Baker Books, 1995, pp. Why not consider these truths and place your faith in Jesus (1 John 5:1)? 3:1617). Does the Trinity mean that God is divided into three parts? The apple one is kind of cool. And the Trinity is an essential doctrine to our understanding of God. He is three in Person. Show them that there are three parts: seeds, flesh, and skin. Now lets go a little deeper and consider the triangles three corners (angles). The trouble with this one is that its a bit less visual. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all fully God. 1:318; 1 Pet. It's a great reminder of the three parts of the Holy Trinity! Its obvious that the Trinity is important to Christianity because its the framework for one of our oldest texts that crosses multiple denominations: the Apostles Creed, written in the 5th century. Begin and end with your object lesson, and be comfortable with the imperfect teaching. If we were to translate it . In the baptism of Jesus, we see the Father speaking from heaven and the Spirit descending from heaven in the form of a dove as Jesus comes out of the water (Mark 1:10-11). Specifically, distinguishing between Gods one essence and his three Persons. It is understandable that our finite minds cannot grasp an infinite God. Before moving on tounderstandingthe idea of one Being existing in three Persons, I will point out that theBiblical idea of the Trinity goes all the way back to the first verse in the first chapter in the first book of the Bible. It is one of the two ordinances of the Christian Church. If youre wondering how to explain the Trinity to a child, keep it simple. Volunteer abroad this year on a short term global missions trip offered by one of the best, most-reliable Christian missions organizations in the world. What's the Origin and History of the Trinity in the Church? 20:23; Deut. Among the worlds religions, the Christian faith is unique. There would only be a contradiction if we said that God is three in the same way that He is one. Develop your leadership skills and learn how to launch a ministry wherever you are. Its a clear and concise explanation that works great for kids. The Trinity doctrine developed over hundreds of years and was influenced by the teachings of pagan Greek philosophers. *catholic, meaning universal here, and not a reference to the big C Catholic. We need you. I think the major problem involves not distinguishing two different features of God. The Bible is full of Scripture speaking of there being only one God (seeDeuteronomy 6:4for starters), as well as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all being God. Well, we can know because God has given us his special revelation: the Bible. For instance, the Father is the first person of the Trinity. His function is superior to that of the Son and the Holy Spirit. How is God one? 8:2327), Resuscitates the dead (Matt. God the Father sent God the Holy Spirit to conceive Jesus (God the Son) in the virgin Marys womb (Matt. See, each member participated in the creation, the incarnation, and redemption. God the Father. There are three Persons with one divine essence! Then, ask them to write words on the poster that make up the character of God. So a closer look at the fact that God is one in essence but three in person has helped to show why the Trinity is not a contradiction. And the triangle can help us distinguish one essence from the three Persons. But he is not inferior in Gods divine essence. The word "trinity" is a term used to denote the Christian doctrine that God exists as a unity of three distinct, simultaneous persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is spirit (John 4:24). ONLY the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are God. Below are several of the most popular ones. Whether an object is a rock or a triangle, we can classify it based on its objective characteristics. 1:7; 2 Tim. In John 1:1 it is affirmed that Jesus is God and, at the same time, that He was with God- thereby indicating that Jesus is a distinct Person from God the Father (cf. It is the revelation of who our Almighty Creator actually isnot just a god, but an infinite Being existing in eternity as three co-equal, infinite Persons, consubstantial yet distinct. Lets change that! " Here God is a plural noun, said is in the . For example: One of the most common mistakes people make is to think of the Holy Spirit as some force ala Star Wars. But the Holy Spirit is most assuredly a person. Yoto has lots of great stuff for, Read More 27 of the Best Yoto Cards for Kids (sorted by age group)Continue, If youre a Sunday School teacher or a mom hoping to instill a love of Bible learning in your children, Ive got some goodies for you! Elohimis the plural form of the word God. (eds. My Starting Point for Trying to Explain the Trinity, The Simplest but Still Clear Explanation for the Trinity, The 3 Most Common Trinity Analogies (and their limitations). 19:714; Ps. 2:511). The three Persons are distinct, yet only constitute one name. Then share them with another Christian or genuine seeker. The Apostle Paul also affirms the doctrine of the Trinity. If God is three Persons, does this mean that each Person is one-third of God? 8:6a). Those centuries were t the one who is not a Christian. Having seen that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, that they are each fully God, and that there is nonetheless only one God, we must conclude that all three Persons are the same God. Trying to fully understand God is like a 2-year-old trying to fully understand the complexities of relationships, marriage, and parenting! 5:21), making it possible for us to have a relationship with God. There is a clue that the Son is distinct from the Father, yet there is fellowship between them. Read about individuals who have been transformed by faith. But that doesn't mean the concept isn't clearly taught. This verse accurately states the doctrine of the Trinity that God is One God in three Persons. However, let me highlight some of the most significant passages that confirm monotheism: Are you interested in learning more about the Godhead? While it is good for us to seek understanding of the Trinity, we cannot fully comprehend God. Each member of the Trinity is . Use Objects As Visual Aids. Satan existed with the angels at the beginning of creation as one of the cherubim. Learn about Cru's global leadership team. The all powerful one who lives up in Heaven and either judges us mercilessly or loves us endlessly, depending on who you ask. Think about it: Finite Christians serve an eternal and infinite God. Jesus is the one whose life we try to copy. And this illustration helps us understand the Trinity: This illustration shows how the doctrine of the Trinity does not divide God into three parts. Instead, it reveals that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit possess the same divine essence. Understanding who the Holy Spirit is, the place He holds within the Holy Trinity and the role He plays in individual lives is vital to anyone exploring what it means to become a Christian and anyone trying to follow Jesus. 4:30), and a will (1 Cor. The seeds are like the Holy Spirit, because He helps us grow. Its probably the most classic Trinity object lesson, but its not my favorite. My passion is helping you not just read and study the Bible, but truly enjoy it! Below is the easiest way that I have ever heard it explained: God the Father is the sun. In other words, Christianity is unique among all other worldviews. Many other verses concurrently list the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Before anything was created he begat his Logos as a person distinct from himself. He exists as a Trinity. Just like anything else, some kids have to work hard for what comes easily to, Read More 15 Powerful Self Esteem Activities for Kids to Do at Home and in SchoolContinue. The Definition Of The Trinity. The important difference between complexity and incomprehension: If Christianity was something we were making up, of course, we could make it easier. While I believe that this is a helpful definition, it should be recognized that Grudem himself is offering this as more of an explanation than definition of Person. 12:28; Rom. Read Books About The Trinity. But is there any easy way to apprehend these exciting discoveries? Genesis 1:1 reads: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." If we look more closely at the word we translate "God," Elohim, we see it is plural. Reflecting Jesus together for the good of the city. Geisler, N. L., and R. E MacKenzie, R. E. Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: agreements and differences. Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. Admittedly, the idea of three distinct persons/expressions that are each fully God is part of the mystery. That way were providing a simple, common language and framework for everything else were going to say (or any analogies we use). Then study the pronouns used in Scripture point to the Trinity: This one-ness is Gods one divine essence (Heb 1:3). This is one of the books of the Torah. If Jesus is God, why do the Gospels record instances where He prayed to God? Thus, as Wayne Grudem writes, When we speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together we are not speaking of any greater being than when we speak of the Father alone, the Son alone, or the Holy Spirit alone.[2]. After all, as I have said many times (to myself as much as others! "It has been said that there have been four centuries when the church's understanding of the person of Christ has been most under attack. When he has gone further in his "explanation" of the Trinity than many have gone, he admits, "I am far from asserting this as any . Learn how you can know God personally. But Keith Ferrin is noteveryhuman being.. And in John 16:13-15 we see that although there is a close unity between them all, the Holy Spirit is also distinct from the Father and the Son. Because humankind is limited, God will always exceed our knowledge and understanding (Isa. Ignore the urge to tie everything up with a nice little bow. 8:1417). "Economic" has to do with the history of salvation, and discusses the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the sending and mission of salvation. OrThe person were explaining it to will think that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are only parts of God (egg and sun). using the shamrock or the three states of H 2 O to explain the . So God is one what but three whos.. When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen. During this period, it was attempted solely by using algorithmswhich are basically rules or sets of rules you tell a computer to follow. Third, notice that although the three divine Persons are distinct, we are baptized into their name (singular), not names (plural). For I am God, and there is no other (Isaiah 45:21-22; see also 44:6-8; Exodus 15:11; Deuteronomy 4:35; 6:4-5; 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:2; 1 Kings 8:60). One God? 31:3; John 3:16; 1 John 4:8), Righteous (Ps. That may sound intimidating but dont worry Ill unpack that definition below. However,barais the singular conjugation of the verb. To help us do that, here are two reasons why the Trinity matters. Many of us say it every single Sunday morning. 5:2122; John 13:34), End-time judgment (Matt. Most of them are less-than-helpful. OksoWhat about this idea of one being who exists in three persons?. Both the New Testament and Old Testament testify that there is only one God: Unfortunately, we cannot go through each of these passages in detail. Be cool with leaving the gathering with more questions than answers. Jesus, the Word, was present in Genesis 1. God created man in His image. Weve made a comparison between this object and the Trinity. Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! God the Holy Spirit. The Son and Holy Spirit are equal in deity to the Father. In other words, you have contradicted yourself if you affirm and deny the same statement. Tertullian, Cyprian, Augustine, and Jerome mention it. For example, it says of Christ that "in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9). 3:19; Eph. God told Moses in the Torah to tell God's people these words: M. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." ( Deuteronomy 6:4) C. Yes, that's right. And God seeks people to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). Deity of Jesus: 10 Essentials You Need to Know! So, rather than starting there, heres where were headed: To think we will everfullyunderstand the Trinity is to make the mistake of thinking God is fully understandable. Sigh. For example, if I say that the moon is made entirely of cheese but then also say that the moon is not made entirely of cheese, I have contradicted myself. A beautiful mystery. 13: Trinity | Putting the Fun In, Faith and Finances: 5 Steps to Get Started. Actually, March 17 commemorates St. Patrick's death, actually. Errr, not quite. Here are three I found to be really helpful. Within a week,, Read More Is It Normal that My 4 Year Old Can Read? Second, we have the son of God, Jesus. But Christianity's God is unique. A subreddit for the encouragement and discussion of the Biblical Unitarian position which holds Jesus is like the flesh, because He became flesh so we could know Him better. Ironically, not much is known about his death; even the year when he passed away is up for debate. We begin with a brief discussion of the doctrine in historical context, explaining more fully the nature of the problem it raises. Girls become divided, friendships are ruined, and reputations are tarnished. Unfortunately, it is also a doctrine that is surrounded by disagreement and controversy among believers. Trinity not mentioned in the Bible anywhere! The Trinity consists of one being revealed in three distinct persons. After Christ rose from the grave, he appeared to the disciples and gave them a job to do: preach the Word to everyone. . 4 Visual Ways To Explain The Trinity To A Child. 1:2), and empowers us for service (Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. Trinity may be a new term for you and can be confusing even for Christians to explain to others. After all, theyre good questions. Tertullian coined the term Trinity during the second century. Sun The sun is a physical object, but also gives off light and heat. Hes the one who walked the Earth blamelessly, performing miracles, and extending mercy and love. Explaining the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit will be needed at some point when presenting the God of the Bible to children, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and other non-Christians. Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring. 15:19), God is called Father (John 17:1; John 3; 20:17; 1 Cor. The different roles refer to a functional order or functional subordination.. You may feel like you are drinking from a fire hydrant. Internship opportunities with Cru's ministries. 40:18; Rom. The Trinity is a concept that is impossible for any human being to fully understand, let alone explain. Example 1: What is the nature or essence of a rock? That leaves us with the modern definition of the word mystery. 2:2729). The ancient church fathers at first simply acknowledged the Trinity without feeling the need to explain a theology of that understanding. That isGod is three Persons in onethe Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Every time the wordElohim(plural) is used throughout the Old Testament referring to the one, true God, it is used with a singular conjugation of the verb. Nothing is more astonishing, more challenging, and more potentially life-transforming than knowing God.". The Trinity is first of all important because God is important. We should not think of God as like a pie cut into three pieces, each piece representing a Person. As a result, Jesus death covered or atoned for our sins (2 Cor. Most people, including many Christians, struggle trying to apprehend the Trinity. The doctrine is critical, even if not easily comprehended. Find resources for personal or group Bible study. According to the American Heritage Dictionary the word I recently had some of my kids friends ask meWhat is the Trinity? They are three real persons, not three roles God plays. These definitions express three crucial truths: (1) The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, (2) each Person is fully God, (3) there is only one God. The prologue of the Gospel of John has the strongest argument for the Trinity. He is one in essence. Get the answers to frequently asked questions on Christian beliefs and practices. Essence and personhood are NOT the same thing. Let's explore each of these members. Therefore, the Holy Spirit must be distinct from the Father and the Son. See if you can let kids arrive at the notion that God isnt really made up of parts. And God created humankind to share that love (John 17:2126; Acts 17:25). 32:39), Has personal traits, such as the ability to communicate (John 14:31), He has intellect (John 2:25), emotions (John 11:35), and a will (John 6:38), Has intellect (John 14:26; 1 Cor. Deut. Because these features make up the singular essence or nature of a triangle. The The truth is always new, fresh, and exciting to the believer in Christ. 2:11), speaks (Mark 13:11), testifies (Acts 20:23), reveals (1 Cor. But dont get confused. 2:8-9), we can become Gods children. He sent Jesus to save us and then completed our salvation through the indwelling Holy Spirit (Eph. The concept of the Trinity is often referred to during worship, which helps Christians to understand it. Believe it or not, the fact that God is too immense for our finite minds should be comforting, not discouraging! If it were the other way around and we understood God completely, how would he be the sovereign God? The Father is God. Modern theologians have created a distinction between the "economic Trinity" and the "immanent Trinity.". First, we have God. Of course we are speaking by analogy here, for we cannot understand this in a physical way about God. And confusing ones. The early church absolutely believed and taught the belief in a God who was three-in-one. But analogies cannot entirely explain the mystery of God. In Hinduism, the trinity (Trimrti, or The Three Forms) is of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Steam, water, and ice are all H20. 2:1011; Heb. Christs resurrection is variously attributed to: Multiple verses distinguish each member of the Trinity. In explaining the Trinity to your friend, begin, perhaps, with the work of salvation. Ask them to draw it on the page. We Reflect God's Personhood and Relations. What does essence mean? Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the Holy Trinity in simple terms. And that he is manifest as three Persons.. Christianity is a monotheistic religion. Anytime you see a geometric figure with these features, it is a triangle. Trinity, in Christian doctrine, the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. Firstly, we agree that finite humankind is limited. God is like the skin because He protects us. After all, plenty of, Read More 40 Surprising and Fun Bible Facts for Kids (with a FREE true/false printable game)Continue, Whereas most of us are pretty comfortable with our family traditions for celebrating Easter, Holy Week for kids is WAY more intimidating. The Bible speaks of the Father as God (Phil. Three parts in one, yet all very much an egg. Since our personal relationship is with Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit lies within us, what role does God play as Father? Contrary to this, the passages we have seen imply that God always was and always will be three Persons. The substance of God is God, not a bunch of ingredients that taken together yield deity. This formulation can show us why there are not three Gods, and why the Trinity is not a contradiction.