This is OSU! style of Taekwondo and I do know that Taekwondo is both a sport and martial art. Smells like McDojo Heh. The Belgian Police academy has incorporated some of Kissaki's techniques into its training manual. Often, they will have vague statements such as offering self defense and street techniques. McDojo has bad business practices. I have seen open, full contact competitions where novices are put to fight with people with more than 20 fights. Were not on about private lessons too which are completely legitimate and are a good way to learn and improve. Students had to say "I'm gonna punch" or "I'm gonna kick" before each technique when sparring. 40 somethin have the right to physically interact with<<. To belong to a dojo you must have the same political ideas of the leading sensei, if you don't then he/they will make your life miserable until you quit, then they say "He wasn't worthy to be here" or other disrespectfull things about that person. 3) Training any kind of martial arts with the purpose of only gaining ranks is a bad mindset to live with. Who knew? Its been really frustrating for me. Tons of them in Tennessee too!! He can be googled under verified grandmasters, black belt hall of fame, TKD Times, etc. So they do non-martial art methods and focus only on flexibility. how can they force students to wear a determined uniform? While a lot of schools have crap instructors, there are some that will have actually great instructors. Which wasn't wrong. Another thing, though, I think talking about "the street" is pretty much references to real-life situations (which is an important thing in self-defense)? As you state, the appearance of one or more of these in your own dojo/dojang doesn't necessarily make you a MacDojo. They do nothing to teach these kids how to fight at all, nothing. Reading this made me think I wasted 7 years in a mcdojo. They prey upon the weak and unknowledgeable without repercussion or remorse. Which is basically every week. I taught in Toledo Ohio for many years as a chief instructor ( I left when I was seeing more sales than spirit) I understand that there does need to be a number game to keep the machine going but WITHIN LIMITS. All will give you very useful skills and useful skills only. make sure they allow you to advance to through other techniques as you (meaning your level of learning) are able to pick up in the curriculum. Oh yeah I'm in San Antonio!! We have developed a business model that places our owners as the CEO of their businesses meaning they are making sure that their businesses are running smoothly and are profitable. I suspect not. Here in Mexico there are too many mac doyos (yes, with a Y, 'cause they don't deserve better), and this list reminds me a lot of them, as I happen to know many grand masters that fits most of these. I want to thank an awesome medical Doctor in the person of Dr Anthony Gomina, who has made my family proud in trust and urgency, he bought off one of (He's wasn't 30 and was a very traditional Taekwondo instructor.) And I am fully aware no amount of training, regardless of the quality, is a guarantee. There is. Or only fight with one hand. Other than the two of us, I don't know any student who has been promoted to JBB or 1st dan in less than three years. You know, because most people have one hand. I promised to do this when i eventually scale through and email. In some cases, you can even reach out to the original teacher to check their promotion was real. Then ask her what she likes about it there. When certain students don't even show respect and honour in the dojo yet get praised to the hilt because daddy is a carpenter. There is a little girl whom is about 9 that is a black belt, she is so shy and timid, she struggles like crazy to break a board. ), weather conditions (slippery? That's why we should all stay home! There are 7-year old black belts I like this one, just make them wait till at least 13 mainly 15 give them time to grow that. If there are any black belt children in a dojo, they should be the exception, not the norm. American Kenpo taught me to move out of the way and deflect it. is a lot a Money i just paid in 3 years more than 10,000 dll, only in classes are not idea how much i paid in weapons, but each kids have bo staf,Sai,Nunckachu,Kama,fans,Shinai,Wood Sword,boken. Have fun trying to get little kids to stand still for 5 seconds., Ahh, judgemental martial artists telling the rest of the world how it OUGHT to be done. I think this is where this concept came from. (I hope that you already have a teacher like this or that you meet one in your life) Yet here they were proclaiming, no, actually warning, that it is a martial art that is street defense centric. A good example of this is Motobu Choki's book "Watashi no karate-jutsu", in which there are many photographs of the author (a teacher of Nagamine Shoshin) demonstrating techniques in what appears to be little more than a loin cloth! Fundamentally any commercial Karate dojo is not true the the arts. That's an idea I may have to adopt if I ever decide to go full time with a storefront. whenever possible, Best defence (as always) - run. I started a new system altogether (Karate) And I've had no regrets on my decision. In my dojo we use a foam one, but like we don't have a specific name for it (we don't call it a baseball bat) does it still count? The 93 points above are so true. Over the years it has become very clear when a student is forcing himself to turn up, rather than immersing them self in the training. xD. The most deceiving part about these belts is that they can be achieved by paying more money in a short period without much due diligence. I have been trainig for a year now and I have a green belt( I skipped belts(and that's very probably not good but I knew what I needed to know for the green belt)). In your bo katas, you twirl the weapon in between your fingers and also throw them in the air as you turn around three times before attempting to catch the damn thing. But if youre a newbie, you can easily get fooled by the intriguing uniforms and the fascinating belting systems. Sure hardening the body and muscles gives advantages for full contact kumite, but there are limits. Regards, This is what a knife drill should look like. You have to go to church. Your instructor sounds a lot like my old instructors, who drove way out of the way when they could have started a program anywhere near them. 4) A proper mindset when training is always improving oneself. The students showing up and making an effort is what is important. However this just made me question the school I looked into. McDojo's are a fascinating phenomenon that some people fall for. Or if you enjoy Krav, take what youre learning with a high level of scrutiny. Were a Muay Thai/ MMA school and techniques have numbers there is a name as well for them but the number is used during matches. My Sensei(s) is/are just AWESOME!!! the move that you repeatedly do becomes illegal. Actually Seung Dong is legit and has been teaching for a long time. So, currently I am a provisional black, with the full teaching permissions/responsibilities as a black sash. Fabio, se s brasileiro, uma grande satisfao ver mais um por aqui! The dojo to worry about is your own and how are you going to keep it running. By submitting information you grant a license to Bullshido and/or Creative Combat to reproduce your statement or work. But. In fact, he is trained for years to fight. An adult brown belt came over and greeted me, turning to the young man saying you don't know who this is do you, he comes in every Monday to speak with our instructor!! 2. As stated above, theres nothing wrong with older people practicing martial arts. 1285 Broad St Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003. phone. What a great list. Most styles in martial arts have been around for a long time and have been carefully studied and refined. About the only thing on the list I disagree with is the techniques having numbers. I studied under a 4th Dan in that style. etc) That's the true essence of martial arts. I am Cheng, from Singapore. The instructor refuses to teach you certain techniques, because they are too deadly, 45. Regarding the "high block and baseball bat" thing, I respectfully disagree. It is an art that makes a karateka harmonize its mind, body, and soul. Who would be fool enough to wait him until he comes near in real situations? Not the girl attempting to break it, but the help she is given to keep the mcDojo pace of a belt every 2 months. I do agree that someone with 1 year of krav in general will be destroyed by someone with 1 year of MMA. Sparring can easily distinguish between bushido and bullshido. very nice good post I found this site and as I was reading some of the comments, I was like wow. I think you're right, sadly great part of the public wants mcodojos. 73. (Thank you Google translate). I would say if your sensei is wearing everyday clothes its a mcdojo. It's more of a spiritual matter. I was never a fan of it. I have been trainig for a year now and I have a green belt( I skipped belts(and that's very probably not good but I knew what I needed to know for the green belt)). Most martial arts schools admire what the Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Schools have achieved around the country. And running while carrying cinderblocks was part of the training. Actually nothing wrong with that, but on the other hand they do not concentrate on much important things: for example, in 3 years I don't remember practicing uramawashi not even once!!! And I think appearing in "MMA" title is more frank than posers hiding secretly under the name of "Karate." Whilst most gyms will rarely have all of these features, even one or two is enough for you to start questioning the legitimacy. and 11) name: X Martial Arts Apart from this, I wonder how come Karate turns out like this? Well 'osu' (silent u, usually) is Japanese slang for 'hi' used by males between friends, and can also mean 'to push' and I think I recall a Japanese friend of mine saying it can be used as encouragement in some Japanese dojo (like 'push on', etc.) Ha, ha. It is a fact that martial arts is the art of self-defense. The dojo should be the ones to develop that mindset? Pencak without Silat is useless, Silat without Pencak is dull. Bottom linewhat ever programs that teacher has in their dojo doesnt matter as long as they are teaching the student what they need and not what they want. And hey man, we do claim street stuff because Kajukenbo was a martial art born from the streets for the streets. 100. hosting "date night activities" for kids so parents can have valentines, or do Christmas shopping, "Summer ninja" classes where you can get points towards belt advancements (kids run obstacle courses and shoot each other with nerf guns). Don't mean to bust your balls to much but, break falls and rolling are important. It's not the time between gradings that is the issue. Nothing to worry about. 8) Your school removed kata from it's program, noting again your instructor is a 20 something and never learned the kata properly We encourage students to help their junior ranks as a form of leadership and only with the supervision of an instructor to monitor. They teach kickboxing in what appears to be a live manner (at least in the video brochure it looked live). Does she like the senior there. It's really sad I think to see someone that is that enthusiastic is getting taught by Mcdojos. The real martial arts practitioner would be working on breaking your arm, not a piece of wood. Rarely, not never. It may seem like abuse in America, but in Asia their motto is "How do you expect to learn how to fight if you can't take a punch?" We also do some sparring and disarmament of weapons. Also special ed down syndrome Yes, martial arts should also benefit the practitioner by aspects of learning discipline, respect, confidence, exercise, healthy living, and so forth. Your instructor prefers to use grandmaster, master or sensei rather than his real name. Matt-san, First of all please excuse my writing as it is not my first language. I think the biggest deception of Rhee TKD is as a student you're not told of your options once you achieve 1st dan. Ps. That was just the way it was back then - hard, very hard. Incidentally, most Arnis schools use numbers instead of names for the basic strikes (and blocks and such). Yes a agree: the public wants mcdojos. Your head is spinning. The other points I understand well and can nod my head in agreement to as I have experienced things like that first-hand, but these two things do not make sense to me. Rhee Tae Kwon Do places high importance on technique and control, the training includes kicking, short and medium range hand techniques, head butts, grappling (joint locks are usually not taught until the more senior color belt ranks when they have developed a bit of control), defence against weapons and multiple opponents. The style is ancient yet nobody has ever heard of the style in the place it was formed. There's NOTHING your sensei does that cannot be exceeded in a commercial environment. All or none of the things mentioned here might be true or not. When students seem to accelerate their grades because mummy volunteers, yet then have to be taught basic Kata by students who have been doing the same old stuff do months on end. Also, people train today, differently to the way they trained in the past. 74. 2. white belt with green stripe near the ends The sensei in the Mcdojo's I just walked from was only interested in his 6 black belts and 1 green belt. Nice list. This is where McDojos can differ in what they offer. The term "McDojo" refers to a martial arts school that exists exclusively to make money rather than teaching martial arts.. When you see red stripes on a stiff belt, and a belly that lays over it run! My instructor drives 2 hours to get to the school and never takes any money for the classes. People with little mental strength but a boatload of physical strength can only be pushed to their limits. Thank you so much. Sensai 4th Dan black belt at his age of 60 spar with us and beat us in reality with his sheer speed and knowledged. And that is to put it kindly. PS. From what I can see, culture and changes in the customer base have been the two biggest factors in the spread of McDojos. - 'Jiujitsu for Jesus' a 4th Dans in Rhee Tae Kwon Do have usually been training and teaching longer than many of the 6th and 7th Dans from ITF taekwondo, pretty close being a shotokan instructor having your own dojo. You should think trough this points first before making a decision. The fact that they form little cliques and attack anyone who disagrees is exactly the kind of bullying that many of us teach our students to defend against. Agreed that a crescent kick could be used against a knife; but one could make a case that it's irresponsible to teach empty-hand techniques against knife-wielding attackers without a thorough discussion of why there is almost always a weapon of some sort around (chair, broom, pool cue etc) and why that might be a far better option than an empty-hand technique. The Okinwan lets it come through sweat. At the time, I just considered this a minor slip of the tongue, but looking back, that's a pretty major mistake to make if teaching martial arts is your JOB, right? Its possibly because the curriculum is incredibly watered down and unrealistic. These Dojos make claims to provide black-belt training in 1-2 years. My Dojo is not a McDojo. World Master Rhee does have an impeccable lineage though and there is no denying that. If you hire a teacher to teach you the piano, you can easily hear and see their abilities and determine a level of knowledge. People of every region are eager to know more about it. At my dojang its taken me about 10 years to get to red belt, and I practice tkd. If you want to learn more about McDojos then check out this book, The McDojo Manifesto, Your email address will not be published. The Moore's Martial Arts Organization is a serious McDOJO. Whatsapp:00923378633816 In the end (IMHO) it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you're honest about it. Usually, fake belts mean a fake gym. There is little money involved at all. There are no requirements for fitness (e.g. Dude. In that town, we didnt have many options for krav, so I went with premier. Also, ANY place that requires a contract to get to black belt is a McDojo. That said, with these kinds of chains, it comes down to how good the instructors are. I also think that all sport dojos should have access to Senseis from real self defense martial art dojos so that they can redirect the student and vice versa. That is more of a sport aspect of show and demonstration. ", Actually, when I use to train Kendo in Japan, we used as a salute just as we enter, and when we leaved the dojo as well. For instance, you could get a Wing Chun instructor showing secret trapping moves for an extra price. Would I wait him draw near? Why? I have seen it in more than one dojo. Perhaps he could help? It also seems a little strange to try to re-compass Karate away from its Ryukyu, Shinto and Buddhist backgrounds and focuses it on Christian values and beliefs. Similarly, inside the gym if they act like a god and are rude to students or expect special treatment, then again this is an issue. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Okay, I was with you until the "Sensei is always right" part. C two by cake Main Street . The the name of the style you are studying has your teachers name in it. I understand why an overweight instructor that promotes himself the Grand Master may upset someone that trained so hard like Bruce Lee. There's sport taekwondo just the same as there's sport karate. Many of your warnings match my sensei. they either yell constantly or just let them play like a Gymboree without actually instilling the discipline or technique in an age-appropriate way. A Dojo is a place where martial arts are taught and practiced. I was at a Premier Martial Arts Instructor college last week and the trainer for the kickboxing part of the curriculum made a point of telling us all to find . I believe that what makes a difference between a McDojo and a real dojo is the time it takes to go through the belt system. 100: Long members skip Dan degrees by doing nothing. The prefix of Mc is added to the name to de-mean the concept of Fast-Dojo. Our sensei somtimes jokes with us. Stunned look on our faces when our Sensei chose to demonstrate this without a cup on a senior belt to show that once you strike the groin, the attacker would almost fall over making any throw almost impossible anyway because they would be on the ground by the time you would throw them. I am currently a 1st dan in the style it has taken me 7 years to achieve this rank. If you are taught bunkai, they never work except when your sensei does them. This scenario obviously was for every belt. Same in karate. Michael Jai White is a legitimate holder of 8 black belts [his most recent was Oct. 11, 2013] in 8 different styles, he is not an instructor, but I just wanted read your post and wanted to point that out. Not only do they not provide a disclaimer, they often do the exact opposite and make exaggerated claims regarding the efficacy of their system. . Feel free to contact me any time JC. how to approach range, how to kick, so do their students. Now THAT is a McDojo! When the Samurai committed themselves to 'Seppuku' (ritual suicide), they generally wore ALL white. Your sensei is a grandmaster with 7th dan or above, yet is 30 years or younger. When I was young a chain of TaeKwonDo schools opened up called TaeKwonDo Plus. Do note that belts in karate, for instance, differ to what is done in Chinese martial arts. Only Ameri-Do-Te has techniques to defend against yourself. Question: How would you find out if places that teach other martial arts (kenpo, kickboxing, MMA, aikido, taekwondo, muy thai, etc) are McDojos? Parents and kids had a great time. How much pain and injuries such "training" would cause? All rights reserved. Wouldn't include the turban comment, there's a sizable number of Muslims and Sikhs that compete with ISKA Australia, and that includes some of their teachers. His other student's would teach the newbies, but because they didn't explain anything correctly, within my group of 6 students. Love my dojo and Budo. Let me fill you in on something. 6th Dan in shotokan, 5th Daun Tai Chi and so the list goes on and on. The one thing that sticks out for ANY McDojo are the contracts, testing (and associated costs), and rank promotional opportunities. 56. And they wonder why people call them mcdojos. grading was expensive but no oney business. If you still can't. This is a massive issue as sparring is a good way to pressure test new moves against resisting opponents. You wear a thousand badges/patches on your gi. or hoping, that she still likes it in 5 years when she is 15/16. They walk around usurping their rank like wannabe kings when in reality they are worthless and can't do anything else. As for mcdojos tho, I see them all over the place here in PA, I only took instruction like 20 years ago, living in colorado. I will say that I was in a DIFFERENT dojo than the one I'm currently in, where to learn Kobudo, which was required for rank testing, you had to pay an extra monthly fee on top of your basic dues. Yes, my school also used foam bats that are made for martial arts. An example could be by receiving favors outside of the gym such as students offering them free goods or services, just to impress them. Tushar, take special note of that "Wink"! What ensued was bizzaro world. Still, let them have their own belts and standards, and dont compare them to adults. This is again a play on words for bushido which translates to code of honor for the samurai. So call masters that sell ranks and negotiate how much people they are going to take to next competitions even when they are small, amateurs schools without any structure to do something like that. He would say it was nice to have a good place but training is training, no matter where you do it! And, this is what I came to: The sensei / dojo promises better grades, better social life, better conduct, better leadership skills, better confidence, but the actual things happening in class have nothing to do with those promises. :). Is this class real or fake. Youre wearing a taekwondo uniform. Free training will drive people to the nearest McDojo. The McDojo article was posted by my sensei on Facebook because this is a MAJOR bone of contention with our city. Well said Jeff I commend you for the wise words! 16 votes, 96 comments. It attracts the brainwashed karate crowd. I've seen Oz, I wish them the worst. Every respectable sensei in martial arts comes from a specific lineage or has a history of being taught by a master whose origin is verifiable. If so, that's not real. I was older so I was the only one that got the reference and busted up laughing. Unfortunately imi was generally against sparring and competition because he felt that it resulted in people getting hurt. Unfortunately a few around Oz now just like that and just fool their students into the same old story telling BS. Now let's see your kicks! *taking notes* and how much could I charge for those again? This can be seen with traditions such as ranked belts, bowing and chants. 99. Practice your Kata Tuls or whatever you do and understand them, then grow to understand them more! (Just take a look at the pics of their front line forces currently in Ukraine, enough to make you lose your appetite!) Black belts seem to be handed out without any proper testing, and often those tested a often being tested in Olympic style Taekwondo (perhaps with the addition of some kind of Black belt form just so they can say they did it). The key mistake is the idea that you can strike the groin area, and then do a hip throw once the individual is below the belt line. Or step in to block at the opponents elbows if possible. You can contact Dr.Anthony Gomina ;-). I have been insinuations where I fell in a workplace from dangerous heights and minimized the damage from the fall by having the ability to land correctly, or roll out of a fall.Also, a defining aspect of Korean martial arts is the kiyop, the yell. Seems to be the trend once instructors figured out people will pay to keep the kids happy. Great discussion, though! We have these kind of things, but it is heavily dependent on the judges. I once checked out a "dojo" with so many red flags they could have worked as landing assistants at airports. - where there are so few people that visitors have to act as juries. Everlast Powercore Free Standing Punch Bag. McDojos shy away from sparring for lots of reasons. Chasing Dan grades is all about ego but western teachers have to focus on that because it is the western nature to strive and try. Therefore accept you are already dead, and you'll find yourself subconsciously walking into a genuine Dojo; not that idiot seated in their car, dressed in their 50 Patched Black Gi asking for a BIG-MAC at the Drive-thru ! Because the public wants mcdojos. Shouldnt martial art schools be teaching the children (and adults) these qualities of mental strength, in a perfect world? And to be fair, that hour and a half was plenty. Another sign: your reputation as an expert is solely from contriving arguments that other styles or schools are fake 'bullshido', based on your own lack of knowledge/training and some video taken completely out of context. 39. They encourage you to kick many times a la Chun Li, never letting your foot to touch the ground.