Wow. Yeah. I mentioned I'm drinking my vitamin C water. Joe Rogan, all one word when you download the cash out from the App Store or the Google Play store to test. I just I love it. And it's horrible. That's right. Eventually I'm like, OK, I got to go back to the dentist because, you know, pregnancy makes your teeth worse. Yeah. And everyone's like correlations, not causation, which is true. I can't someone else. Like you could never do that from oral. You know, so that's a big concern. Yes, yes. I was like, I think I'm fucked myself up here. RELATED: Dr. Rhonda Patricks Smoothie #2 Recipe. But I actually prefer this product from them because this completely isolates leads the back and you're not pulling on your knees and your ankles when you're decompressing. It would be amazing to have a sauna outside sauna that's right next to a frozen lake. So sleep is so important, but those poor people that it's going to be one of the worst things for your nurses, like doctors, anybody, the first responder, health workers, anybody is working the late shift. But what happens is basically the antibody binds that. But anyways, you give them this amyloid beta and after like a couple of days, they become paralyzed or they're like laying in their little petri dish plate on the cold food. I always like to think of, like I was mentioning to Jamie that maybe 42 next month. You know, they're kind slower, a little more decrepit. Whoa, crazy, right? You have to you can't you can't do this, especially given one option. What is measured most of the time with cold shock is norepinephrine, release and norepinephrine in plasma. It's a fantastic grill and it's so versatile. And that's why fire application that comes with the Trager Grill has fifteen hundred plus recipes. Yeah, that sounds like too much. You fucks gardening. I mean, you're like more physically active than me. If you can do IV, you don't need to do it. All right. Yeah, for sure. But but the popcorn. Oh yeah. So they become like, you know, you get like a higher viral load and then you don't have antibodies to neutralize it. I've tried it before. I told you my xylitol story. It's the only bourbon with balls, it's literally on the label, Buffalo Trace is made from corn, rye and barley, and it matures twice as long as most bourbon, the buffalo trace bourbon ages in new oak barrels for around eight years for the robust yet balanced tastes. I don't know whether it has, I don't know, it might be confusing it with something. I mean, they're cold and grumpy, I'm sure. So so when you're younger and if you have it, it actually enhances immune function. I mean, I test everyone that comes in here. You don't use this on those occasion. Yeah. Thank you. Most, most of these said three months. But we have a terrible recipe, right. I'll send it to you. It's such a strange virus. Showers. Please give it up for the great and powerful Dr. Rhonda Patrick Girlyman podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, trained by day Joe Rogan podcast, My Night All Day. It is really delicious. Meat. So it was like twice as much and the other and the ginger lemon one. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. Maybe the way you do the song, like, how are you doing a sauna? And then there's two different ones that are responsible for the common cold. So people love to dismiss things, don't they? I just I don't think that it's totally accurate, considering my only real way to measure that is those little suction. And I just I don't know. And it can lead to a. And so I just started pouring water on, on the thing. But there's something else unidentified. That's it. I was pregnant. Yeah. He was laying on his back and really snoring loud. That's very interesting. It is. Do you Saana. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. So I can I could actually get work done. But the problem is, is that we don't go outside anymore. So that was the thing. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) as a COVID-19 treatment? There's zero difference in the benefits of it. Yeah. Big 12 shots. Your skin hurts, your toes hurt like it hurts. She explained that 1,000 IU of vitamin D can raise blood levels around 5-10 ng/mL, depending on a . So the intravenous vitamin C is like generating hydrogen peroxide. Hormone super vitamin. And so your heart rate doesn't increase as much like over time. It really is like like that's another thing. And then when comedy clubs are about to open up, then I'll start writing again. That's Louis right there. I must be a little bit on the spectrum because I could swear OP's title doesn't say a damn thing about Rhonda figuring this out. I know. That's why everyone fucks off for holidays twice a year. I'm just so thankful that it's not as bad, right, I mean, I really am thankful as well, but I think our government needs to make an adjustment. I'm sure they can get a lot of I mean, I'm sure there's someone listening to this right now. But TMJ is, what am I saying, the right thing. So it's like meat and vegetables, like, you know, my meals don't get me over one hundred for sure. I mean like not being able to breathe. Where did Dr Rhonda Patrick go to school? It's the natural, it's naturally found in plants. But have you noticed an effect on your sleep at all? We had to like there was some weird fire thing. That's how I felt. So the sauna, I know of one study where people that sat in a hundred and sixty three degree Fahrenheit sauna for 30 minutes had Heacock proteins. So, like, that's an especially in combination with thiamin as well, like huge differences in mortality, people dying from sepsis, which is obviously very relevant now, but hasn't been shown. Monthly didn't work there. And like, I like he's a tech guy. I got a mouthpiece and it's amazing. Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. I'll get you one. That means there's 92000 assholes. And so as a protective mechanism to not get burned, you have melanin which protects you. Have you ever measured your heart rate during it? I can't use that crap. I really loved it. There's your your your genetics. And so that's a very common thing. She has done extensive research on aging, metabolism, nutrition, and cancer. I did a sleep study once because of sleep apnea. and she has reactive airways. So as opposed to having a severe form, it's just like you're less likely to contract it even more. Do I do a hundred and eighty degrees for twenty five minute, dude? And then, so then the next day I would like look forward to doing it to see if I could do it easier again. And so I was up like I was up to like I'm fasting. But I just thought that was a really interesting thing to come across, you know, and then the other sort of on the same, on the same along the same lines as previous you know, previous virus exposure is like something that really seems to be something that is a main regulator of how people like what how you're immune, you know, what your immune response is, you know. I think it's going to be once a week. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. It's definitely not like I'll agree with you on that. It's routinely used for sepsis, like friends of mine, you know, use that use it for treating sepsis. People are starving. That's a theory that hasn't been shown. Like, tell me like how much time I'm in deep sleep. Would it wouldn't be hot enough to kill it. OK, well here's my way. Yeah. Like fuck. OK, right. Yeah. So it's really exciting because and they're going to do like a dose response where they're going to see how many the Charles Raisen, Dr. Charles Rosen showed one just one single session could result in an antidepressant effect. But the machine that we have is a little bit more complicated, but the point is this guy comes are there any pictures of females doing only guerrilla's big giant dudes? She typically takes 2 of the Nordic Naturals ProOmega 2000 and 4 of the Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Phospholipids daily. It's not. I mean, you know, vitamin D is something, again, like 70 percent of the US population has insufficient levels. She goes into the guest room to sleep, like after they go to bed because she can't sleep like it's really bad. Well, we don't I don't know. Reverse hyper. But I think it has huge potential, you know. She has done extensive research on aging . Yeah, I mean, so there are some there's potential biomarkers being identified to react to protein being one inflammation. He's at UCSF. You can pick up Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. So I went off on a tangent. And they're not ice baths. What were you saying? Because all I'm hearing is drugs and possible drug remedies, potential vaccine that they're working on the future. And then the intravenous vitamin C, you can. So like flavonoids, like quercetin, quercetin found in like apples, onions, buckwheat teas, which is what I drink. Joe Rogan and Rhonda Patrick cover a wide range of topics from pros . Yeah. They cut a hole in the leg and then get the party. Yeah, right. Yeah. So what I'm wondering and the reason I'm even like going here has nothing to do with, you know, taking vitamin C or zinc. Right. I know that that I was mentioning that TB vaccine. So what do you not think is accurate? Oh, pull it up, Jamie. But that doesn't if you look at the plasma levels, you're still increasing them much higher. I mean, I'm wearing it because I'm sort of trying to understand how different foods have different lifestyle changes, like how long you've been wearing it. But aluminum, cadmium. He's still suffering from it. Well, Jordan Peterson just went through all this and literally had a benthos. Tons of work, I mean, insane, sometimes I like it's like three o'clock in the afternoon, I'm like I never brushed my teeth, you know, like I haven't showered in a couple of, you know, the sauna thing, like I have to shower now. This has been shown with vitamin vitamin, you know, vitamin supplements as well. I mean, like, if you get the flu, is it going to not is it like a three day kind of thing or is it going to knock you out for two weeks kind of thing? We have stocked you up. But for me, it's been a giant game changer. Yeah. Bye, everybody. So I was OK. You did go on. You know, there's there studies that have shown people and I love these studies because because they basically take away people's complaints about, you know, there's lots of epidemiological studies showing that low vitamin D is associated with disease X, Y or Z, and everyone's like, well, you know, they're out and they're not in the sun as much. They didn't do anything wrong. Yeah. N-acetyl L-cysteine And so I've been able to, you know, help, help with connections. The easiest way to send money between your friends and family without having to hold paper cash cash have is also the best way to try to grow your money with their investing feature. That's going to be coming soon. It's insane. Oh great. Yeah. So this is also a problem with vaccines. No, no, no. Sugar that the sugar and that one's too much. It's hard to sleep probably when you're in those. But that's kind of the concern. And you can't say it does this. It's also density. Bright light exposure, big to big. I didn't know anything about that. I mean those aren't those are Breece Mark Levine at the NIH. There is also existing knowledge suggesting vitamin D may have a critical role in the regulation of the immune system which might include viral infection immune responses. We're talking about popcorn. Do you like it? No, you just associate with obesity. I'm glad you brought up hot baths, because that's something that I wanted to cover before we got off track. Consistently visiting a physician for blood tests is unnecessary due to the availability of blood tests both at local outlets and online, requiring just a finger prick. Bourbon has been designated an essential thing at this time, which I'm all for, that tours at the distillery have been suspended in light of the covid-19 pandemic. They're they're growing some large scale ones. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Vitamin D Dosage & Brand, Dr. Rhonda Patrick Vitamin D Brand & Dosage, Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D Sweet Spot, Dr. Rhonda Patrick Essential Supplement List, Vitamin D Deficiency in the United States, she made a special appearance in 2020 on the Joe Regan podcast. I know my youngest never want to take naps. But you know what I found. Is that going to look him up? But like, I know that it's going to help with muscle atrophy. I like that. It's very good stuff. Like, at first I was. But yeah, depression is measured. So like DeSapio has already been identified and there may start to identify other ones like the pancreatic pancreatitis drug in Japan. Yeah. And and if this guy is like it sounds like he's a little bit of a cult leader. My wife had one of those before we had a sauna. And he shows the X-rays and he shows me before and after. Like what I like. So, like, if you can identify these antibodies and then manufacture them, you can inject them in people and then potentially get some protection. Leg presses. I noticed it. Maybe that's why they're shittier, you know? So so basically, when you when your body is exposed to a pathogen like a virus, your your innate immune system, you know, the first line of defense, like neutrophil, things like that are making hydrogen peroxide, trying to kill the virus. So usually I just kind of scream and wake up and like, I'm like, look, I think someone's going to get me, you know, melatonin totally, totally stopped. We were just like we bought freezers I elk burger. It's like the missing link. It works. I mean, I'm always trying to get them to have that. I just I thought everyone that listened to your podcast that everyone is millions of you. Six weeks later, she's going to do try to do eight sessions like like where she's going to keep these people from. But to particular in that spike protein region, that's like an important region because antibodies bind there and because that's the region like that, you know, the virus uses to get into the cell. So some people prefer ice baths. I use a day. Yeah, you can find it, Brian. And and so I have a knowledge base here. Well, it's just they say things that they don't really know what the fuck they're talking about. It's an awesome company, folks, and they're there right now. So so I think that's that's certainly, you know, the issue. Well, in the in the. Look at this, athletics, badminton, singles, throwing a baseball, softball, BMX riding, canoeing, singles crabbing. SNEP So we we're our genetic report that we have, like we've got one that's like a new viral. What, what's this headline. What about if you get active, if he exercises. Oh, no, I had no idea. Yes. But where yeah. Yeah, I was doing. It is. Back in 2000, the gang at Buffalo Trace was sipping whiskey and winning Distillery of the Year by Whiskey Advocate magazine. It's so simple and it's so delicious because it's just fire and wood. You were actually in there for twenty minutes too. So you take 200 milligrams. I mean, like, there's too many factors to, like, say one thing. It's very strong. So I have the friend is the friend. When it's cold and rainy with short days, I don't feel nearly as happy. But that's interesting because your neutrophils, your neutrophils generate hydrogen peroxide. And I had a so like one of my old colleagues and science colleagues was telling me that like they were measuring some samples from like different CBD products and like the majority of them didn't actually even have much CBD in them at all. All the toxins talk to soon. All right. They're just I love the rubs. Have you been like writing? I usually use it at home, but sometimes I use it here when I like, right after workouts like if I workout I try to get a workout here before, you know, like before do podcasts and I'll time it so they have an extra hour so I can get in the sauna. And one of the first experiments I had that I was doing, like one of my first projects was. Well, he was in Tarzana. And the United States published an article this week in the journal Cell that highlights the potential use of Lamba antibodies to prevent covid-19 infections. But for thousands the the the what the they indicated as the tolerable upper intake. What's holding you back? And those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections just based on that gene alone. It's on a tent. Cause there's so many studies published. There have always been people with doubts and there always will be. So it's that Bertsch you know what they're whipping. So physical activity was like the king. Everyone wants randomized control trials like no one wants to believe anything until it's a randomized controlled trial. And it's and I feel for those people. I was trying not to look at everyone, you know, like I didn't want to see, like, you know, married, like, I don't want stuff. And if they had and they were 20 times less likely to have critical like a critical form of covid-19. Ropin. Something like a month, I think. It's just going to overall improve the way you age and that's going to make you more robust and resilient to anything, you know. And they found with influenza, I forgot which a or something. I think there's like a really nice graph on on my website on that topic, which shows it's like your peak like five, five hours after. It seems like, well, they're going to do it in addition to they're going to in addition to standard of care. And I feel like now for a while during the pandemic, when it started in the lockdown started, people were nicer. I mean, I'm sure I do lots of announcements there. But here's the other interesting thing is that if you don't take it multiple times throughout the day, you only take it once. She had discussed the optimal dosage on both her website and a variety of different podcasts. They showed it was hedgehog proteins. I used to drink. You go in. The vitamin binds to receptors on neutrophils, macrophages, and natural killer cells and stimulates them to produce microbial peptides that have antiviral activity. But I did sleep, you know, because I was I was sleep deprived. Doesn't the sun doesn't penetrate. That makes you feel good every day. There's been some small studies showing that, particularly with endurance, that there is a performance enhancement. Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. Her typical dose of vitamin D3 is 4,000iu, which is about in line with what Joe Rogan takes. Right. But when you say an antidepressant, there's no real way to measure that. The thing about the sauna, 210 degrees to one of the things that it was happening to me, I was getting headaches and my throat was burning like the next I was coughing a lot like and I was like I think I'm fucking up the actual tissue in my throat. So I've been doing this on every day, five days a week because I would do it every day. And thankfully, there are clinical trials, randomized controlled trials that are now ongoing and there are some that are recruiting. You really need to find someone who's willing to go. Yeah, it is. Dr. Rhonda Patrick believes taking vitamin D supplements every day offers a wide range of health benefits. I just I have so much I have high hopes for it, you know, and maybe maybe I'm a bit of an enthusiast with it, you know, I do like I've studied vitamin D so much. See, my son's at an age where he's he's not going to really remember. That's cool. But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. Probiotics The ones that you plug in. So there's a lot of people in the United States, as you mentioned, you make it from the sun. But once you get yourself down, you just relax and all of your weight, see how other guys doing it. And if the whiskey in the barrels not ready to go into the bottle, it doesn't. So you do? That would be just incredible. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. You're not staring at my junk. Yeah, I supplement with it as well. Why. I think it's important to be critical. Like there's huge variations in the results and it all really seems to come down to dose like it really does. But there's been studies that have shown that you can I mean, people that have taken, you know, ten thousand I use a day for for multiple years, haven't had any hypoglycemia or had, you know, problems, but too much vitamin D can be toxic. You're becoming even more deficient. And then the reverse hyper is a machine that he actually invented. Yes, that's the best way to get it. You should judge, but I have a hard time. Yeah, I just don't know the answer to your question. Yeah. I really think you are awesome to talk to. Thankfully I have help from my mom. At work. If you take three grams, it can raise you to 220. Infrared. But I think it was a month. So I mean, there's there's differences in I mean, so it depends on how long you're staying in a cold, you know, water, cold shower, like actually being submerged like from like if you're like in the ocean or something or a lake and you're like from your shoulders down, like that's probably much more powerful than just having a shower. You're hanging by your ankles and decompressing your spine. I forgot to ask you about vitamin D deficiency is red light therapy. So I found that really interesting. Magnesium Citramate CHAVOUS It was a device. It's somewhere in the range in many studies of 70 plus percent of people that get in contact with this are asymptomatic, but test positive for the disease. And basically in in Asia, in China, the the predominant form is the aspartame, the original quote unquote form. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to do this. Right. Another vitamin on the list of Joe Rogan supplements is Quercetin, which is backed by both Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick, and for good reason. But like, it's easier to convince when people are scared. EDIT: If you downvote me and you're not sure why you feel compelled to do so, it's because you want to fuck her and you're white knighting without realising it. So the xylitol gum somehow. And that's sending that pain down usually your butt and into your back, your leg and along those lines. Like, if you were having a discussion with a good friend and the good friend was looking at something that you said and said, I disagree because of this. I, I miss I miss my life before the pandemic. And right when it all went down, I was like, OK, one day, one day later, we'll do it. But he was like all of a sudden, like the first time he had it, he was just like, pain. I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. So you're not getting any vitamin D. Yeah. Some clinical studies with toddlers and some problems got really, really sick and a couple died. They don't have the concentration and isn't high. Right. It's something in the environment. Go to to get started on a last will, a living trust and more. Joe Rogan's ENTIRE episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick broken into short audio clips for easy listening (they discuss vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin C, zinc, nootropic gum, sauna protocols, COVID-19, and more) Close. It's always a treat to have Dr. Rhonda Patrick on. It was actually lack of sleep. When I introduce people to it, I have them do no weight. I would take if you just had access to it every day, how often would you take intravenous vitamin C? Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. So I went to this is before I was before I had my son. And so, like those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections than people that don't have that, which it's a great way of kind of randomising people by their genes as opposed to doing a randomized controlled trial. So I'm taking nine milligrams a night. I'll find it. Right? I mean, so important. But it's like small quantities and like do you ever get concerned from the high volume of leafy greens you have conservative oxygenates or getting kidney stones or anything along those lines? I hope. This episode, the podcast is brought to you by Trager Grills. Good. But right now, when you put the vitamin D, I mean, I'm just so like. Right. Right. And so it's part of the adaptation process as well, you know, being able to handle the heat stress. It's like my tea. Vitamin D3 Because vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it's less it's been shown to be 50 percent less bioavailable. Oh, but here's my sauna experience. It's in a dark bottle. Back in the 60s, there was this antibody dependent enhancement happening.