Greece can no longer start the Megali war if it is part of a major faction, unless the Weltkrieg has already started. Fixed Hungary's units being stuck in other crownlands during the Austrian civil war. Fixed LKMT's focus to attack Dutch East Indies and German East Asia. Fixed the general War Propaganda decisions giving ten times as much war support than they should. Fixed the annexation of Macedonia targeting Serbia instead of Bulgaria. Increased the starting fuel for the Union of Britain. teleport [province ID] - Teleport all selected units to the target province. Mechanized companies no also affect amphibious mechanized vehicles, Tank companies now also affect td/aa/spg variants, Countries which can join the ISAC by other means no longer are invited to join automatically, Removed AOG, Normandy, Schleswig-Holstein, and Yugoslavia tags, If a country occupies territory owned by a country they are allied with, they should now automatically turn it over, Moderate resource rebalancing in parts of western Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, Continued rebalancing starting slots for states, notably the USA, Removed starting cores for more nations which aren't around in 1936 - saves on performance, Converted colonial government ideas to a special government type, The corrupt kleptocrat minister trait is now less corrupt. Fixed puppet totalist Bulgaria being locked out of the focus tree. The French Republics Expanded Foreign Legion state modifier is now only applied to non-core Africa states. Increased the duration of the Belgian Last Stand and Push Forwards national focuses. Added new production menu icons for tanks. Added descriptions to Portugals political parties. A crash caused by the UK fleet refurbishment has been fixed. Fixed puppet Russia getting Vladimir on the throne. Fixed Fengtian trying to retire their advisors twice. Germany in Exile now gets Mittelafrikas design companies. Edward's wedding now takes place in the proper capital. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Fixed a dead-end in the Canada/Iceland bailout events. Ported over the vanilla Netherlands air wing names. Japan must now own Korea to take their national foci relating to China. Added a flavour event for Japan about Kitei Son and Nan Shoryu in the 1936 Olympics. Fixed Shandong getting a decision too early. Fleets are now transferred from an American faction to the faction that capitulates them. Previously the uprising was exclusive to the colonization decisions (Tang Jiyao/ Sinicization focus). Countries invited to the Moscow Accord by Russia can now demand the return of any cores in exchange. Fixed Jabal Shammar crashing the game, if re-puppeted to the Ottomans during the War in the Desert. Persia now annexes Iraq in the Cairo Pact peace deal if they've claimed it, and Egypt will demand their withdrawal if that happens. Chinese Warlords can now use a few selected design companies from other tags if they have cores in those states. Russia no longer peaces out with Reichspakt/Donauadriabund Poland when Germany collapses. Fixed puppet democratic Argentina having access to the NatPop tree. Fixed Anqing and Shandong ignoring the Fengtian compromise conference. Fixed the Ottoman state Kastamonu naming in Endonym mode. NatPop Germany (via NatPop United Baltic Duchy) can now receive all of the German Empire generals. Fixed Shanxis Power Struggle decisions not appearing. Fixed the Netherlands remaining at war with Insulindia, if it goes socialist peacefully. Ramirezs Argentina can now access its political tree if he comes to power after the FOP refuses reunification. Southern Rhodesia is now released by the leader of the Entente, when South Africa is released. Syndicalist Chiles foreign policy converted from focuses to decisions. Added some flavour events of the League of Eight Provinces and Lianguang. Socialist Tibet now always uses Roerich's flag. NatPop Italian Republic is now known as the Italian National Republic instead of Legionnaire Italy. The Dutch research group is now called the Nederlandse Academie instead of the Koninklijke Academie. Added correct pronoun where appropriate in the Fall of X news events. Note that, if you decide to use the PLPC or STT mods anyhow, it wont break anything - you just wont get our updates to them. This includes updating the railroad and supply hub locations, changes to army, air and naval experience generation and doctrine research, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. ITA and SIC should now be slightly less cautious about jumping in on wars against the SRI. Japan now loses all wargoals on China upon surrendering, and all China-related foci now bypass. The Ottoman Empire will no longer try to take non-claimed Bulgarian states during the Fourth Balkan War. British-controlled Kenya now declares on Zanzibar upon the collapse of Mittelafrika, if it is able to. Wallonias Leon Degrelle now only gets shot if he is in power. German East Asia and Mittelafrika can no longer integrate Austria. Venezuela will now attack the West Indies for Essequibo, and can offer the West Indies peace when they hold it for long enough, Siseno Ramos Sarmento added as the new natpop leader of Amazonas, Perus focuses are now all locked to ideology. Added parties and leaders to Algeria, Tunisia and Senegal. Fixed a Swedish event referring to the wrong state. Added some railways to the area surrounding the Caspian Sea. Decreased the chances of the Polish SocDem/SocLib republic being couped by SocCons. AutDems and PatAuts now have access to the State Serves the Military army spirit. Added a new trait and description to Kaiser Wilhelm II. Fixed the bypass conditions for Canada's American Recruitment national focus. WIP icons in the BHC and DEH foci trees have been swapped with ones from base game. Fixed Portugal not being able to progress down its focus tree if Mittelafrika collapses. Added two off-map civilian factories to Sichuan. An Italian country that claims Malta while in the Entente will now be forced to leave the faction first. Indochina will now correctly guarantee Siam instead of Burma should they accept to cooperate. Fixed a Sichuanese famine event firing after it has already been solved. Fixed two remaining zero-weight national foci for Brazil, added increase weights during a war. Improved the armour variants that are provided when researching basic armour technologies. This is a change done in preparation for future work on the Caucasus content. Fixed the Netherlands leaving the Reichspakt, when they undergo a pro-German coup. Fixed Bulgarias Tsar abdicating if it is a puppet. American Civil War division templates are once again editable. South Africa: Added Drakensberge, Margolet, Op Patrollie, Silwerpyl, Train to Kimberly, Voorwaarts!, Zambesi and Zulu Warrior. National France now gets a claim on Rio de Oro if they attempt to seize it, guaranteeing they get the province on the peace conference should war break out with the CNT-FAI. Canadas Looming War national spirit now changes its name to The American Intervention, when appropriate. Non-core states now give only 2% towards the unit limits, instead of 5%. Fixed all remaining auto-generated leader stats. Fixed puppet republic Denmark keeping monarchist national spirits, and vice versa. Fixed the RUS Zemstvo flags not being properly cleared if events were delayed. Tweaked the text in several Mittelafrikan events surrounding the DKAEB. Fixed countries not being able to hand over Taiwan or Manchuria to Chinese puppets. The Lingering Communard Influence spirit now has two levels, Libya and its allies no longer blockade their own caravan routes, Nancys forts are dismantled if Germany asks for border fort dismantlement as a condition at the Congress of Lyon, Syria can now finish its authoritarian political tree, You can only cement the democratic coalition in National France if you have not taken the other paths to empower Parliament or the PSF, Fix some typos in the National France localization file, YUN's generic design company is now actually generic, Coring coastal Guyana now cores the jungle as well, A democratic National France should be less prone to immediately attempting to wage war against a German backed puppet France, Coring NFA claims in Europe also has a PP cost attached to it instead of just time, Secret Deal for Austria now doesnt let you do both Military Occupation and Status Quo. Added Kurt von Hammerstein Equord as a Field Marshal for Germany. Improved the rendering of the existing flags for German Cameroon, Denmark, Egypt, Flanders-Wallonia, Kachin, Kurdistan, Lianguang, Montenegro, Mysor, Niger, Norway, the Russian Empire, Sweden, Taiwan, Tibet and Yemen. Improved the political power gain for the Legation Cities, and altered their priorities in completing national focuses and decisions. Fixed Belgium forming the BeNeSam before choosing their government. Renamed several Turkish advisors Bey and Paa. Fixed Brazil removing their Black Monday national spirit not bypassing some related national focuses. The Fengtian Government now gets a notification about countries accepting or refusing to attend the Unification Conference. Fixed the Dutch East Indies keeping the altered version of the Colonial Government national spirit, when the mainland falls to revolution. The United States now starts with the Bureau of Ordnance spirit of the navy. Siamese events will no longer refer to German engineers if Siam is socialist. Fixed several Chinese splinters not having access to the Army Reform decisions. Fixed the Netherlands potentially claiming the whole world. Fixed Indochina keeping a core on Samaburi despite losing one on Laos. P.S. The Indochinese Union is now just called Indochina. Fixed the Ottomans declaring on Bulgaria for Thrace, even if the game rule was set otherwise. Fixed Persian news events not firing properly. Syndicalist-aligned Social Democrats have been removed. Added event for Shandong victory in League War. The Kingdom of Spain can now no longer be denied entry into the Entente or Reichspakt based on RNG. Fixed Anqing being unable to integrate Fujian. BUL reconciliation decision now removes negative Belgrade Pact opinion modifiers, The Treaty of Budapest will now release any Italian countries in Austrias faction prior to peace being made, so war will continue with them, Fixed some issues with countries improperly peacing out with Austria if its part of the Reichspakt when Germany falls, Brazil will no longer capitulate too easily, Serbia no longer gets a claim on Western Salonica at the Balkan War outset, The ISAC tech sharing icon now no longer says IEDC, Wallonia can no longer go multiple political routes as a puppet, Katanga now keeps its current government type when puppeted by Portugal, Norway will now automatically annex states it claims from focuses if theyre owned by puppets, Qing can now actually take the admittedly inferior Baili plan. Renamed an Armenian military national focus. New England can no longer grant themselves joint bonuses for being a member of the Entente, when they are already the leader of the Entente. Authoritarian Bulgaria now releases Romania as SocCon, instead of AutDem. Fixed Morocco staying in Mitteleuropa after leaving the Reichspakt. Fixed Ramadan event not firing correctly for Libya. The AI will no longer take commando Chief of Staff so frequently. Improved the AI for Syrias faction-joining. Added a decision for the RKMT to conquer Legation Cities. Portugal now starts with claims on its colonies. (Hey, Hey, Kerensky! Kaiserreich has now been made compatible with the changes brought by v1.11 Barbarossa, and accompanying DLC No Step Back. Fixed Ibn Sauds portrait getting overwritten by vanilla HoI4s. Fixed Natal's tree being unlocked before the Boer War begins. Added a couple of missing operative mission modifier text entries. Fixed unfixable Black Monday in Costa Rica. Fixed Siam keeping the engineer shortage decision, after the national spirit times out. Serbia can now be offered territory in the Balkans in exchange for an alliance. It has been an invaluable tool for us and we encourage modders from all Paradox games to make use of it. Replaced Ludwig Reuter and Wilhelm Souchon as German admirals, for Max Bastian and Willy von Nordeck. United Scandinavia no longer suffers from an inability to trade overseas. Fixed the Legation Cities Tsingtau Collaboration, and other German-related national spirits staying around, after German East Asia has been defeated. Fixed Sardinia using heavy tanks as suppression templates. In games where Qings Manchu Coup has occurred, the ideologies of the Zongshe Party, Young China Party and NCERA are now changed. Fixed Fengtian not leaving Japan's faction when revolting. Fixed the Italian decisions to deal with integration resistance auto-cancelling. Fixed Jorge ONeills portrait not appearing for Ireland. Germany can now fortify before the 2nd Weltkrieg starts. Added English translations to the Mexican party names. Fixed some Netherlands national spirit bugs. Morocco's naval focuses now give naval experience instead of political power. Federalist China will now have Wang Jingwei as the head of the Kuomintang upon unification, rather than Song Qingling. The NFA and GBR foci about the British-French relationship are now linked. Fixed Hans Vogel being replaced even if the Bundesrat was reformed. Decreased Russias naval production and naval invasion priority. Fixed an edge case where giving Lombardy to Venice meant the Lombardy/Venice annexation decisions couldn't appear later. Greece being booted from its faction upon taking the Megali focus is no longer automatic - the faction leader is notified by event and may elect to support them or not. Fixed Russia spawning emergency units without a template. Fixed Karl Albrechts portrait not appearing. Russia no longer places troops on its small border with Norway. Adjusted the Permanent Revolutionary leader trait so that it can start wars faster, not slower. Serbian-led Yugoslavia can now join the Reichspakt, should Russia be socialist and be advancing on Germany. Fixed Ireland joining two factions at once. Fixed Italy not claiming Libya's two impassable states. Fixed the Dutch East Indies / Insulindia peace deal firing multiple times. Added two new Shanxi-related loading screen quotes. Spanish Civil War participants now get a free level of mobilisation upon war start. AI behaviour is unchanged. Wells, Dalton Trumbo, Westbrook Pegler, Earl Browder, Nerfed volunteer size ideas across the mod. Fixed coastal defence and panzerschiff cruisers types - now they are correctly defined as capital ships. Several new event pictures for Russia and the Commune of France. Argentinas textile national focus effect is no longer just a penalty, and clarified its national focus tooltip. Added a news event for Wilhelm IIs death. Added a leader description for Tibets Huang Musong. LKMT Yunnan forming Republican of China after the loss of Fujian KMT has been fixed. Fixed the Fourth of July event firing multiple times. The Internationale will now collapse if a suitable leader cannot be found. Fixed a Legation Cities event firing twice. Fixed Albania losing its core on Northern Epirus. Fixed Dai Li's coup of the Left Kuomintang not firing, even if the correct options were chosen. Fixed Japanese-puppeted Fengtian still having the Divided Governance national spirit. Fixed numerous typos and text inconsistencies. Removed Socialist Republic of Italys focus to increase mobilisation. Fixed Two Sicilies elections triggering the wrong event. Apartheid now permanently sets South Africa to the highest segregation level, and is no longer beneficial. Finlands MarLibs are now lead by Heikki Ritavuori instead of Kaarlo Juho Stahlberg. All the events for terrorism in those states have been removed, and the built-in LaR resistance system is used instead, General descriptions have been added for all of Brazils general roster, Russian generals have been rebalanced and three new generals have been added, Yang Yutings Fengtian/Reorganized National Government of China must now secure control of Manchuria following its formation, The "From Beijing to the Begonia Leaf" focus now grants a core on Jingzhao/Beijing. Lengthened the debuff to Manchu-led Qing for defaulting on their debt. SocDem Germany will now wait until after the war to grant Poland independence. Fixed Ethiopia joining the Reichspakt when it is the puppet of another country. Germany will no longer give Asian or Eastern European territories to a Russian puppet. Re-activated some mistakenly deactivated Fengtian events pertaining to Mantetsu schooling. Batam is no longer connected to Singapore making Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sunda Islands actual islands and not part of mainland Asia. Added proper ship name lists for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, South Africa. Fixed the Al-Hasa concession being given away twice. Fixed Mittelafrika's regime changes blocking completion of the DKAEB mission. Fixed the Kirkuk resource rights for the Ottomans not updating if the receiver is annexed. Fixed Hungary stealing states from neutral tags when released. The Legation Cities / China peace deal now transfers all possible concession states. Slightly buffed Argentina and nerfed Patagonia, as part of rebalancing the War in the Southern Cone. Fixed the event descriptions for the Standoff in America news event. Galicia now unites with Reichspakt Poland, if it wins against Austria in the Military Occupation path. Adjusted the parties, popularities and starting national spirit icons for Ulster. Overhauled the Bulgarian AI so that it completes its foreign policy national focuses and decisions more efficiently. Iceland now leaves the Reichspakt when they declare independence in the referendum. Adaptation of Eastern Front Planes pack for Kaiserreich. Tweaked the AIs default division composition and land doctrines. Fixed Edward Rydz-migy not being the PatAut leader of Poland in Operation Parasol. Removed the states of Lori, Zaqatala, Coto Brus and Boquete from the map. Fixed Centroamericas Somoza not being correctly promoted to the AutDem slot. Fixed Indochinese spawned units being the incorrect template. Fixed a timing problem with Oppenheimer's event for the United States. The Combined Syndicates of America will now try to start their foreign policy tree more quickly. Now it has the ability to declare war on any non-socialist tag in South America, to create a research group, to create an economic cooperation group with scaling effects, and to develop allies industry. Tweaked Canadas availability in performing the decision to intervene in the American Civil War. Reduced the World Tension gain from Canadas naval exercises. Fixed the Combined Syndicates not being able to progress down their foreign tree, if they annexed Mexico or Canada. Fixed Insulindia being able to join factions it's at war with. AI republican Poland will now wait for the WK to join a faction. Fengtians Unification Conference with the Federalists, if successful, now causes Zhang Xueliang to become the HoS while Chen Jiongming becomes the HoG after federalizing the provinces. Fixed South Africa entering a war it cannot fight due to the Wavering Dominion national spirit. Fixed Anatolian Kurdistan getting support from Canada if at war with them. The Unification of China now only requires no other rival governments to exist. Added Moonlight Serenade to all American civil war participants. Fixed the Italian Republic causing the Belgrade Pact to merge with the Moscow Accord, before the Second Weltkrieg. Depending on your system things may run up to 25% more smoothly than in 0.11. Added a timed mission to let players know when the deadline for the American Civil War is ending. Arc Words: All five of the World In Kaiserreich videos focusing on the post-collapse American nations start with a variation on the sentence "A long time ago, the United States was a land of vast opportunity and promise."making it the arc words for the second civil war in a way.