66. Content Design, HoI4 [Retired] Paradox Staff 57 Badges. In the beginning of the game until 1940 or until world tension is big you have at least 2 freebies without the allies entering. On the other hand, we don't exactly have the means to fight them on this issue. Do it earlier, try and stay below 25% if I am not wrong. This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 15:45. However, if the UK refuses to let Germany have Sudetenland, France can either opt to stay out of the conflict (which will cancel their guarantees of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia) or they can reaffirm their support (if the UK is not in a faction already but France is in one, the UK is added to France's faction and vice-versa; however, if both France and the UK are in separate factions, then France will guarantee Czechoslovakia). Somewhat historical, like by 1 or so. Using his extensive powers, Ptain effectively abolished the Third French Republic and replaced it with the "French State" (French: tat Franais) or the "French Nation (French: Nation Franais)colloquially known as Vichy France (French: Rgime de Vichy)a unitary authoritarian dictatorship. France is the only nation to start with Battlecruiser II, a 1940 technology. The USA sometimes doesn't join in when controlled by an AI because someone at paradox removed the focus to give the US a war goal on Germany in the new focus tree, nor is there an event where the AI will always go for war with Japan or Germany. With the regime in Berlin ratcheting up the tension over the border between them and Yugoslavia, the British have chosen to give way. Their heartland in Europe is rich; almost half of Africa is under their control, and they have colonies in Indochina, Syria, and Guyana, not to mention direct control of islands in all the oceans of the world. and our The greeks and the turks joined the Axis and the polish finally annexed Romania and put troops all over my border and sent the ultimatum i accepted it because I did not want to be crushed. By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired. The main problem with forming the EU as France is the inability to annex Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg but this can be worked around by going down the French Entente line in the focus tree. As Fascist France or Vichy France, occupy all of Great Britain. Francoist Spain, or Nationalist Spain, is an authoritarian regime that came to power in 1939, historically after beating Republican Spain in the Spanish Civil War. The UK is holding Egypt. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. With its far-flung and vast colonial possessions, defending them against attack will require a higher concentration of light, fast forces compared to Metropole defense. The Belgians have lodged an official protest after seeing our preparations from across the border, but work continues. With each passing day workers are caving and return to the factories. We are in the enviable position of having very low unemployment, partially because of the massive bloodshed of the Great War. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. However, if Germany has restored the Kaiser, they will instead establish Bourbon France, although unlike what happens if France manually restores the monarchy, this Bourbon France will not have a king in charge (France will also become Bourbon France if they become a puppet of a non-aligned government). Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Estonia Finland France Free France Vichy France German Reich Kingdom of Greece Kingdom of Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Nationalist Spain Republican Spain Romania Slovakia Soviet Union Sweden Switzerland Turkey Republic of Ukraine United Kingdom Yugoslavia, Dominion of Canada Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama United States, Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela, Afghanistan Bhutan British Malaya British Raj China Communist China Dutch East Indies Guangxi Clique Iran Iraq Japan Manchukuo Mengkukuo Mongolia Nepal Oman Philippines Saudi Arabia Shanxi Siam Sinkiang Tannu Tuva Tibet Xibei San Ma Yemen Yunnan, Angola Sultanate of Aussa Botswana Kingdom of Egypt Ethiopia Liberia South Africa, Australia Melanesian Federation New Zealand Tahiti. Together we will be a shining beacon of liberty in a world encroached by the darkness of oppression! If they opt to interfere, however, they will unlock a series of decisions - said decisions will boost war support; after getting war support to a certain level, France can opt to intervene directly in the Spanish Civil War. Significant rivers include the river Rhine between France and German Reich, Le Rhne to the southeast, La Seine to the northwest, La Loire which runs through the center, and La Garonne which runs in the southwest. Valve Corporation. I guess that just means I cannot attack an commies without taking daddy russia out first. Yes, you can actually join Allies as any nations with either dem/fas/com/non-align but World Tension is need to be high enough > 50% and you are at war with their enemy, for example Fascist/Communist France can join Allies if they are fighting Germany. are there anyways to stop france from joining the allies . on Paradox technology, Legal Vichy France is created through an event chain which will start if France is in a faction with United Kingdom, at war with Germany and Germany controls the state of Ile de France (16). We have signed the London Naval Treaty and accordingly are restricted in the size of our capital ships. 'Our request to join Britain as Allies has been denied. Press J to jump to the feed. While reforms are needed and welcome, the nation is divided and getting drawn into a conflict would put it at great risk. He became a senior analyst at age 26 at Alfa-Bank, Russia's largest private bank, before a brief spell getting his master's of finance at the University of London. Do we give in to their demands or stand firm and risk a countrywide strike? This page was last edited on 31 July 2022, at 13:58. If this happens, France is given the option of collaborating with the Germans (which will create Vichy France if the Germans approve), continuing the fight regardless or proposing a union with Britain (which will create the Franco-British Union if both sides approve). However, not all Non-Aligned paths are monarchies - for example Poland has 3 authoritarian non-aligned paths and 4 monarchist non-aligned paths, while Spain has an anarchist non-aligned path and a monarchist non-aligned path. Send Tank Volunteers to Republican Spain, and use them to secure the ports in Asturias; delay for as long as possible (if Nationalist Spain does either a Methodical Approach or Caudillo of Spain after Martyrdom for Primo de Riveria instead of Consolidate the North, you're on the right track). Ruling party is Fascist, Has completed focus Form the Popular Front. Feel that something is missing in this article? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Well, not probably, presumably---I haven't tried it. The Soviets. Join. When formed, Vichy France starts off with the following national spirit. I played Hungary and played the elect a democratic king path which they didnt believe and the Germany player threatened me with an early anscluss. Alternatively, if France is Democratic and aligned with the UK (the UK can be any ideology), they can instead propose joining the two countries in the Franco-British Union - this decision will end the game for the French Player if the UK accepts, but in return, the British player will gain all existing French cores (this can include any gained through other methods), all French Units, Ships, Generals, Admirals, and equipment; while the Union can remain afterwards if the British player opts not to let France go independent when the Union is at peace, they will lose all French cores and generals/admirals if they choose to do so. Charles de Gaulle delivered a radio broadcast urging resistance against the collaborationist Vichy regime. For more information, please see our France starts outside of the Allies at the start of 1936, but has options to join later. If Germany agrees to establish the Vichy Regime (which they most likely will), France will be split into Free France and Vichy France. The player can also expect production to be reduced by the "Inefficient Economy" national spirit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 2019, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=France&oldid=60463, Countries with unique National Focus trees, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Articles with potentially outdated tables, Play on Paradox technology, Legal I forgot to say that I got parts of Slovakia and did not want to deal with resistance and released a puppet czeslovakia which later became independent and there was a czeslovakia in southern slovakia. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Japanese forces are positioned along the borders of our colony in Indochina, and they are demanding total access to our bases and facilities! Press J to jump to the feed. Since every war/annexion/justification will increase world tension, it's simply impossible for you to keep world tension low enough to invade Europe as a whole without angering the allies at some point. He was so weak that I guerenteed him as a joke and he thanked me for it. The state of French politics is far from stable. And somehow Poland-Romania started a war against the Soviet Union and I thanked them for it and quit the game. The UK and France will start guaranteeing independence at WT 25%. Questions, Paradox Note that one can spawn Carlist Spain on Historical if certain conditions are met (while this won't allow you to gain Brazilian Cores, you can still gain cores on all of Iberia if Spain forms that nation) - as soon as the Spanish Civil War begins, start Intervention in the Spanish Civil War and rush the decision for Volunteers. Should an aggressive adversary like Germany threaten its heartland, France is unlikely to be willing to sustain defensive efforts that could see the entire country devastated. These are choices of ministers and design companies for France. When everything is complete, you can export the mod, extract the zip file to. It has very little in terms of resources, manpower or industrial power. But honestly as Germany you can steamroll most of these minors anyway. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 'History has shown how much can be accomplished when our great nations stand side by side. If France elects to collaborate with Germany, Germany will be given the choice between establishing the Vichy Regime and warring France into the ground. They are evidently seeking to enslave us all we have no choice but to fight to the last! Messages 2.247; Now im about to go to war with the other Facist faction that Mexico created that consists of Italy, Mexico, Romania and Hungary (Mexico stole my Axis allies!) Next step is forming the European Union. By selecting this Design Company it will permanently affect capabilities on all equipment researched while they are hired. Whilst the Marine Nationale is strong enough to decisively defeat either the Kriegsmarine or the Regia Marina alone, it would have no chance against a combined Axis fleet. Vichy France's zone of jurisdiction is initially limited to the following states within Metropolitan France: In addition to these, Vichy France will also gain control of most of France's colonial empire (Free France will gain control of French Guyana and a handful of other island territories). on Paradox technology, Legal Turn off historical and hope they form little entente. Military production is dwarfed by Germany (20 more factories) and Italy (11 more factories) and only on par with Belgium. If Poland chooses to go Democratic, it has the choice to join the Allies or form a new faction with France. As Italy I joined a bunch of European nations to invade Germany and destroy it. A way for Vichy to become the "legitimate" France and even potentially join the Allies; A way to have Free France gain territories that were assigned to Vichy France when the whole thing was created, without bringing them into the war . Starting off with only one province, it is the tiniest nation in the game. Cookie Notice When formed, Vichy France will inherit all technology previously researched by France. Germany heads the axis so I doubt that they could join the allies. For the first step, in forming the super Kingdom of Franco-Spain, you must put on non-historical focuses, and restart saves until Portugal does its focus Estado Novo. Tonjoin the allies youd go full democratic. Should prove that we are the greater power and risk fighting alone? As US u won't be able to take nothing. As France, complete the "Little Entente" National Focus, and have all German cores owned by you or someone in your faction. We should try and find other sources of manpower to make up for the shortfall, either in recruitment or in the economy. Even off of historical, Britain, France, and Czechoslovakia have a >90% chance to let Germany have the Sudentenland. The British government has dismissed any possibility of merging our two nations into one. I composed the music for the Battle for the Bosphorus pack. Similarly, if Germany overthrows Hitler and opts to restore the Kaiser, France can raise an objection to the Return of Kaiser Wilhelm II (the AI will usually limit it's response based on how much tension Germany has generated); similar to Rhineland, the UK can opt to support or not support France, and Germany can either choose to continue ahead or compromise and instead install Wilhelm III as Kaiser; this will give them a similar debuff, but unlike the Rhineland Challenge Met debuff, none of Germany's focuses will be blocked. Then me and my master, Poland-Romania joined the Allies but not the french. As for the military, Vichy France's military situation is a bit unpredictable, as Vichy France is only created if France is capitulated by Germany, which will cause the majority of the French military to be dismantled. Plans for the extension of the Maginot Line all the way to the English Channel have been finished, and construction orders placed. So Im playing as germany and everytime im about to invade a country i justfiy go to declare war and all of a sudden an allied country is guranteeing independence that fast which means i have to back off or start ww2 or even worse. The Vichy regime enjoyed diplomatic recognition from the majority of the Axis and Allies and was recognized as the official government of the entirety of metropolitan France except for Alsace-Lorraine and Savoy, which were occupied and annexed by Germany and Italy, respectively. Through the focus "The Blum-Violette Proposal", France can gain cores on Northern Algeria. . It consists of mainland France and the island of Corsica. I just want to write down what happened to my first game. Most unique focus trees include a monarchist path for their country, typically represented with the Non-Aligned party. The Prussian Menace was a nightmare. Our industry will be back to full capacity and it is unlikely we will have strikes anytime soon. An armistice with Germany at this point is inevitable. Capital: Madrid. Eventually I got dragged completely into the War and now Half of Europe, Japan, some of India, the USA, and a few more is at war with the UK (now commie), USSR, Yugoslavia (Tito got stomped already), Australia, etc., etc., etc.. Hi, let me introduce myself! Once created, Vichy France will find itself in control of southern Metropolitan France as well as most of France's colonial empire. How should we respond? At world tension above 50% you can expect any nation you attack to always seek to join a faction of the same ideology OR willing to go at war with you, if one exists. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Just restart and hope this doesn' happen again or you could be a boss and beat both of them I guess lol. To avoid this case, you need to justify at a time when the allies cannot guarantee your target. Start in Sicily and work your way up the peninsula towards Rome. As France, occupy Moscow while Napoleon VI is your country leader. There was an independent India that was in the Axis because of Germany that started justifying on Bhutan. These are the results. Gets event Protests descend into violence, Has completed focus Confirm Eastern Commitments Then WW2 kicked off Poland-Romania did not accept the ultimatum, the Germany player was kind of angry about it but in a civilised manner. However, their government is divided, with Communist influences threatening to weaken it further. Nationalist Spain. France can form the European Union through a decision if it is democratic and controls the requisite territories (those being all of its own starting core states a well as the starting core states of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. This is a community maintained wiki. Paris has fallen into German hands, and it is only a matter of time before the rest of the country is occupied. Ruling party is Democratic, Has completed focus Buy Time Follow the Forming the European Union steps for how to form it, but make sure to not go down any focus tree other than the monarchist branch, as well as making sure that the Carlists win the Spanish civil war and the monarchist Portuguese win their civil war and the Brazilian monarchist civil war (If they Don't fire, don't worry, that just means you don't have to help them through the civil wars). Tho if they hate you they'll be eager instead. If successful, this will deny the Allies a valuable staging ground from which they could harass . In the spirit of the Entente Cordiale, we are proud to welcome you not only as friends, but as Allies. The forces of Germany were able to quickly overrun northern France, capturing Paris without a fight. Their support of the Ustae in Croatia was too much. If that happens, whoever that leader is will assume this role of European protector, even if they are on the other side of the world. Questions, Paradox The French government has asked for an armistice, and our diplomats have prepared terms which they have agreed to. France is a major power in 1936, one of the winners of the Great War, and in control of a globe-spanning empire. If they opt to encourage non-interference, success will give them a stability boost. The problem with fielding a modern army will be expanding France's production base, which is both extremely limited and faced with the prospect of crippling manpower shortages in the very near future in 1936. Once the Axis powers are defeated and the peace treaty commences, annex the BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) countries in their entirety and as much of Italy and Germany in the first peace treaty as possible. Interactive corporate website, 3 provinces in the state Nord-Pas-de-Calais (29). Privacy Policy. We can count on their full support in the turbulent times ahead. Peace must always be the goal of any democratic nation. We must look at the state our country and not accept, but change the outcome of this war. Use the four years of preparation as the answer to your question, after that you fight the allies either way. HOWEVER, if the "GER_has_started_war" flag has been set, Britain and France will always back up Czechoslovakia off of historical. Good. any ways to increase the likelyhood of this happening? In an effort to strengthen the Little Entente - Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania - and contain the possible resurgence of aggressive expansionism on part of the old Central Powers, France has requested that we join them in an alliance aiming to bring these nations together. This is offset by a major penalty to doctrine research, making it extremely time-consuming to develop proper doctrines. The Habsburg Sub-branch France, along with the United Kingdom, guaranteed the independence of Poland prior to its invasion by Germany. However, the very good civilian production allows for considerable military buildup in the years before the war and France can easily build up its industry to a comparable level once negative modifiers have been removed. The below description is one of several available for this event.Germany has acceded to Italian demands for our territory. Has completed focus Invite Communist Ministers Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 Posted by link3341556. In almost all my games USA always joins the allies by early 1941, but in my last germany playthrough it joined in 1942, so it depends on what historical path USA chooses or if Japan declares war on them soon. Barbarossa has not kicked off yet. PDXCON Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This thread is archived . Vichy France will gain control of a portion of the French forces but it is not possible to predict what divisions Vichy France will get. So how did your first MP game go. With the collapse of the Third Republic and the refusal of the German government to offer an Armistice, it must fall to fresh leadership to continue the fight from the colonies. Yet the wounds of the last war are not yet healed and our country is deeply divided, are we strong enough to go it alone? Becomes the owner and controller of every state that meets the following requirements: Is either on the African continent or is a core of either of the countries: Becomes the owner and controller of as well as gaining national territory on every state that meets the following requirements: Is controlled by a country originating from, Every uncontrolled state that is national territory of, Sets the ownership and control of every state owned by, Is either Corsica (1), Provence (21), or Savoy (735), If Provence (21) and Savoy (735) are controlled by, Sets the ownership and control of Alpes (32) to, Every unit leader, including admirals, with the, Otherwise, if our country is the faction leader, kicks, Owns either Damascus (554), Aleppo (677), or Deir-az-Zur (680), Then the following is executed for a random nation which originates from. Regardless of what Vichy France gets, it will usually only be left with a few leftover fragments of the previous french military and will thus have to rebuild it. You need to have a high war score in order to pull off this strategy. Interestingly, the way these decisions are coded make it entirely possible for a Fascist France to intervene on the side of Republican Spain and also drag the Axis in. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Interactive corporate website, Can declare war on country of the same ideology group without a war goal, No National Spirit. On April 1st, 1937, with WT at 28%, well below the 50% threshold for them to autojoin the allies and almost 7 months before they could join by focus.they out of nowhere join the allies, dragging the UK into my war. As Fascist France or Vichy France, occupy all of Great Britain. If the allies are already at war, but not against you, the nations you attack are likely to try and join them but depending one who you play and what's your relation with the allies, they may be reluctant to join the war, especially if you're co-belligerent. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Dozens of runs where this early war against France goes off without a hitch, I change one thing, one insignificant thing and out of nowhere it all goes to hell. These are the results. Went and took out british Raj next to free up my eastrn allies. If France is capitulated by a non-democratic Germany and Germany is still at war with another major in the same faction as France, Germany can opt to set up an unofficial government in France - what government this is will depend on what ideology Germany is at the time. Then took out Canada and America then the rest surrenderd since they were all small countries. ( they discussed it on chat) Turkey capped and the Turkey player started raging. The UK and France will start guaranteeing independence at WT 25%. The situation in France is dire. We don't know what to expect these following months, but we will face it together! This is a list of all France's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/France.txt). Their heartland in Europe is rich; almost half of Africa is under their control, and they have colonies in Indochina, Syria, and Guyana, not to mention direct control of islands in all the oceans of the world. Vichy France is a country in Europe that is neither releasable nor formable and is instead created through an event chain which will start if Germany defeats France (allied to the United Kingdom) in a war. With the French military teetering on the brink of collapse, the French government (having been evacuated from Paris to first to Tours, then to Bordeaux) concluded a ceasefire and subsequent armistice with Germany, effectively surrendering the whole country. France has access to huge amounts of Steel and Aluminum. 2019, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Vichy_France&oldid=60550, Countries with unique National Focus trees, Articles with potentially outdated tables, Play Marshal Philippe Ptain became "Chief of State" (effectively making him both head of state of and head of government at the same time with both offices being merged into one), and a new constitution was drafted giving Ptain extraordinary powers. Vichy France will start off with the following economy laws: Vichy France will also retain whatever industry and resources that end up within its zone of jurisdiction (the rest will end up under German occupation). What I just did was go to war with poland instantly and then stacked against the Soviet Union. On April 1st, 1937, with WT at 28%, well below the 50% threshold for them to autojoin the allies and almost 7 months before they could join by focusthey out of nowhere join the allies, dragging the UK into my war. Our plan to stop the Little Entente alliance from falling apart and away from us is making progress. Tho if they hate you they'll be eager instead. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Luxembourg is one of the minor nations in HOI4. I got pissed and console annexed the UK. However, poor naval infrastructure and low shipbuilding priority means that constructing a large modern fleet is not easy, and in fact can often be counter-productive in that it denies vital raw materials from tank and motorized production.