I hope you come back to comment more. I would love to know your thoughts on the matter. So, I guess we are not all as rigid as one would believe from some comments. (1 Tim. True Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches uphold the purest teachings of the early church as revealed in the New Testament. Also, those who God draws will come to Christ and believe in Him. It is an important part of the church. Examine any church in light of these five distinctive it will be shown if they are true historical Baptist congregation which is synonymous with what is a true biblical New Testament church. Don't expect anything contemporary or liberal. I love your statement above about The Grace economy I think Im going to have to borrow it. I cannot know. As a matter of fact, you cannot be a member of a Calvary Chapel. To say there is a unbroken line or succession of Baptist churches from the time of Christ until today cannot be shown from history. In 1688 a Baptist church was organized at Pennepeck, Pennsylvania with twelve members. For example, we had Dish installed in our home a few weeks ago. Share this: However, in the midst of all this apostasy, which was the founded the Roman Catholic church, there were groups of Christians who were never a part of the Christianization of the Roman Empire. when the apostle Peter was fishing he stripped and was naked while he was fishing (John 21:7). God bless. He brings up the subject of God and church all the time. If the apostle Peter wanted to show up to Church one day while he was stripped and naked he would probably not be allowed in most Churches unless he put on some clothes. My Sunday school teacher and I have discussed the music issue and we both agree that there is nothng wrong with contemporary Christian music (I do believe some of it lifts up flesh rather than Jesus, though). Soul liberty is a belief that everyone is responsible to God individually. If your church does teach the following then watch out, you are probably in a manipulating extreme IFB church situation. fundamental, Baptist, church. The Puritans were in control of the colonies and in fact had set up a theocracy in which the Puritan church governed both secular and religious affairs. By 1644, these congregations grew to seven churches. He also had a big thing against girls being in beauty pageants, not sure what the problem was there. I usually look fwd to these. Jesus as clearly as the Son of God could tells us says (John 6:37-39,43 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. A church only has authority to set guidelines on dress as it is addressed in Scripture. IMO, this is is baptist deception at its absolute worst. God, I believe deliberately used isolated groups in many different places during time to preserve His church and did not choose to use a line or chain of churches to past His Word and authority on to the next generation. In my civilian life..and please do pray for our military..I am very honored to serve as Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge in Jacksonville (FL). While I do agree that there are some things that tradition has failed on (i.e. It bases its belief in the New Testament teaching that every believer is a priest to himself, having full excess to God without the need to go through a church, church leader or priest. He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory and empower us . I think it is true that God certainly does choose people and draw them to Himself. The center of Baptist activity in the colonies was in the Philadelphia area, and Baptists held regular general meetings of the churches for devotional and evangelistic purposes there. The faulty logic here comes from not paying attention to the Scripture. Independent Baptist Churches believe the following "Independent Baptist Distinctives": 1. 3:1-16) However, some Independent Baptist churches do not accept that the word "officer" is the proper biblical term to be used and particularly does not apply to deacons. I have gone to Dayspring in Wisconsin and Hillcrest in El Paso and both have apps if you want to check them out. with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. The crucial point is not that they called themselves Baptists, but they followed the Bible as their sole authority for faith and practice. But wouldnt Paul himself, or the original church to whom the letter was sent, count as outside authority and control? (P.S. It is important to note too, that each Believer must be passionate about winning lost folks to Christ. But when we begin to paint entire church groups with the broad brush of generalities then OUR motives become suspect. Knolleys joined other dissenters left England. The one caution I would give is to allow God to speak to you through the scriptures, that is the most critical. Matthew 7:1&2, Judge not, that ye be not judged. You seems to be as blind as the Pharisees. And I dont study my Bible enough and would say no one does. So many churches have lost wonderful ministry opportunties by turning away those hurting, divorced folks, its a shame, God help us all to be sensitive to those who are hurting all around us. Its ugly and frustrating. You have accused Greg of, Throughout all your conjecture you based none of you opinions on scripture., yet you have essentially done the same thing. 4:11) or leader of the congregation. He continued to read the New Testament, and became fully aware that infant baptism, sprinkling for baptism, and allowing unsaved people to be members of the church was not Scriptural. He told me that he attends a independent Baptist Church and stressed the importance of the small ( i ) in the name. It has received 39 reviews with an average rating of 4.7 stars. However, John the Baptist was an Old Testament saint and the last Old Testament prophet (Matt. If I was wearing a sponge Bob square pants costume while leading worship I would probably be asked to change into something more appropriate. adhering to correct doctrine and proper practices should be the focus in our lives. In fact the Roman Church can only trace its history back to 313 AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity a legal religion. Sir, 2 Corinthians 9:6 Prosperity Giving Deception, 76. An Independent Fundamental Baptist church exists for the sole purpose of evangelizing the world with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. p.s. For another example, our neighbor is a lost man. @ Bob & Greg, I cant say how much I agree with your posts. It certainly isnt about our adherance to a set of manmade rules. In 1995 the group reported 69,857 members and 670 congregations. My statement about folks not studying and just sitting in the pew and listening to the MOG, was not addressed to you specifically, but to folks generally, you wouldnt agree to this? It can be historically determined that forty seven Baptist churches were in existence before the Great Awakening. Most Baptist churches were in the past founded on the sound doctrinal teachings of the New Testament, however, many of them have in varying degrees drifted away from many of the teachings of the Scriptures. 2 talking about this. In answer your assumptions about me. Particular Baptist had their beginnings around 1616, when some dissenters left the Church of England and were lead by the Rev. As far as I can tell, we are not cultic in any way and just like any other denomination we have our doctrinal differences. Filter Churches. God uses us, to the extent that get out of His way. The Independent Baptist church has a congregational form of government with each member having the right of the vote and all the affairs of the churches are conducted by the local congregation following the guidelines of the New Testament. He spoke aganist them leaving the others things undone. Personally, I try to for the most part give as I think God is pleased incl supporting Evangelism Ministrys like Compassion (that not only care for childrens physical need but also spirtual vs. the formerly known as Christian Childrens Fund now I believe under the name Child Aide, mainly becaus eCompassion confesses to be Christian & I believe to support church endeavors. He returned to Salem where he was summoned before the court in Boston because of his outspoken beliefs and was banished from the colony. Many Baptists were executed by the newly formed Church of England during what is called the Protestant inquisition. Because Knolleys refused to baptize infants and preached against it he was banned from the colony by the famous Puritan governor Cotton Mather. Even if a church blows the interpretation of verses like this and sets up what you refer to as a hierarchy, I feel you are in error to claim that God has no party with them, see for reference the 7 churches in Revelation which had great things going for them, but Christ had to deal with their errors. He strongly believed in separation of church and state and upheld the principles of soul liberty. A new church opened their doors here recently, stating they are an IFB church. After taking in many of their services and listening to the self-ordained Pastor, and now reading this article, Ive come to some conclusions. 521 13 AVE W. WILLISTON ND 58801 (701) 572-7839 CH. He tells us all the time he can tell we are believers because we are different in how we treat him and others in our neighborhood. I respect a church that weloclmes being a part of my tithe but does not mandate that I do. 6:30, Titus 1:9-11, II Tim. God said He would preserve His church and that task was not left in the hands of fallible men or groups. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE BAPTISTS IN AMERICA. 5. Ministry experience: Over thirty years of experience in Independent, Fundamental Baptist Churches, serving in . I find it difficult sometimes to keep Gods sovereignty and my responsibility in balance. A couple of things. Later Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Methodist were added to the lists of Protestants denominations. than we pray that they will get right with God You are correct, I was surprised. I do like your nice touch of calling us idiots though. People have a tendency to attempt to conceal their sin. Please anyone readng this, go back and take a couple weeks and seriously read through the gospels again, over and over, our Lord talks about, and condemns pharisees and others for dressing up the outside and not being concerned about the inside, btw if the inside is right the outside will follow. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); //