Since Canadian nationals generally are exempt from visa requirement, a Canadian "TN' or "TD" alien does not require a visa to enter the United States. However the way it works is that you need a valid iranian passport (6 months or more left on the expiration) . [a]ccording to the most recent resolutions, foreign resident draftees who have left the country before the date 29/12/1382 [19 March 2004 ( 28 Mar. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. [Accessed 20 Mar. [Accessed 13 Mar. Image: Iranian army military personnel hold Iran flags while attending a funeral for the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) unknown martyrs in downtown Tehran on January 6, 2022. Money: Non-Iranian credit cards and bank cards cannot be used in Iran. . Country of Origin Information Report. Fee: The reciprocity fee, also known as the visa issuance fee, you must pay. 2014], Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases. The second is a one-page document issued by the Department of National Registration and Statistics stating that the couple appeared before one of its officials and provided an oath stating that they are a married couple. On April 4, 1981, eight F-4 Phantom fighter bombers conducted a daring airstrike on three airbases deep inside Iraqi territory. In the United States by the year 2018, obesity was among other shortcomings such as physical fitness deficiencies and lack of a high school diploma that disqualified about 70% of 17-to-24-year-olds from serving. [Accessed 20 Mar. N.d. "About Us." UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. MENASource offers the latest news from across the Middle East, combined with commentary by contributors, interviews with emerging players, multi-media content, and independent analysis from fellows and staff. [Accessed 20 Mar. 2014], _____. Sources state that people who refuse military service cannot get a passport (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). 9 November to 20 November 2012 and 8 January to 9 January 2013. Irans Bureau of Affairs Concerning Documents maintains a record of the location, name, number, specimen of signature, and seal of each notary who is expected periodically to advise the Bureau of the number of marriages and divorces that have been registered. 2014], Press TV. Mexican nationals are not visa-exempt. The duration of compulsory military service ranges from 18 to 24 months, depending on the geographical location of the conscript service. Iran now has a largely conscripted force with limited military training and little combat experience. Presently, military service lasts generally 18 months, but there are shorter terms for college graduates. Sina Azodi. Under the 1984 law, draft evaders were subject to restrictions for a period of up to ten years. N.d. "IFOR - International Fellowship of Reconciliation." He is also a PhD Candidate in International Relations at University of South Florida. Similarly, Al-Monitor reports that, according to General Kamali, "reduced-time exemptions are still applicable for those who entered military service this Iranian calendar year, which ends March 2014" (19 Dec. 2013). Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities in Iran. This means a temporary marriage would not disqualify an alien from a K-1 fianc (e) visa and would not be considered a marriage for determining whether an alien meets the definition of child (under 21 and unmarried). All rights reserved. U.S. Visa: Reciprocity and Civil Documents by Country. With respect to educational exemptions, Chapter 4, Article 33 states that, Yet even the air force, which had developed training facilities for support personnel and homafars, was short of its real requirements. [Accessed 24 Mar. If you live in United States, please visit the official website of the Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran for complete list of forms and fees to obtain civil documents. Alireza's military service exemption card made it plain that he was homosexual On Tuesday, May 4, a young ethnic Arab man in Ahvaz was murdered because of his sexual orientation. No S visa may be issued without first obtaining the Department's authorization. 2- They must have lived at least 2 years in the foreign country. According to the Iranian Islamic Public Military Service Act, these include educational exemptions, medical exemptions and guardianship exemptions. Absence without leave for more than 15 days without a valid reason is punishable by six months' to two years' imprisonment and/or 12 months extension of military service. U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS. All pages of the document are required for immigrant visa processing. However, Al Jazeera indicates that the recruitment age is 19 (Al Jazeera 24 Apr. Al-Monitor reports that in December 2013, General Kamali indicated that Iran is "reviewing its policy of offering a reduction in service time for those who are married" (19 Dec. 2013). New versions have a brown cover for adults, photo, digital biodata, and stronger security features; and a dark green cover without photo for minor children under 15. Iran does not recognize the Bahai'i faith as a minority religion, thus the documentation of such marriages differs from Islamic marriages or marriages of other religious minorities. [Accessed 14 Mar. 2014], _____. Iranian-citizen males aged 18-34 are required to perform military service, unless exempt. However, when a Baha'i marries a person from any other religion, the identity documents may not indicate the marriage. If the candidate gave any suggestive evidence of emotional instability, such as nervousness at the time of examination, sweaty hands, or expressed fears, he was usually rejected. A member of the budget committee in the Iranian parliament, Mohammad-Reza Mirtajodini, said the plan only includes the absentees who are living abroad and at least five years have passed from their conscription due date. [Accessed 13 Mar. (Factiva), Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP). Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents. The governments 2019/20 budget initially excluded the option for citizens to buy their way out of the draft. If the original booklet is lost, a handwritten transcript from the registry office may be acceptable (Roonevesht).. 2014)]. (Regardless of academic documents, or period of absence from service). In fact, the vast majority of the combat-trained labor power Iran developed during the Iran-Iraq War left military service by the mid-1990s. Compulsory conscription has been in effect since 1926, when Reza Shah's Military Service Act was passed by the Majlis. 504 of the 1996 Tazi'rat (the Islamic criminal code): "Whoever manages to incite the armed forces, or who in one way or another assists the armed forces, to rebellion, desertion, surrender or non-performance of their military duties shall be considered a Muhaarib if he intended to overturn the government or to enable the defeat of own forces by the enemy; otherwise, if the actions taken by him have been effective he will be sentenced to from two to ten years' imprisonment, and if they are not, he will be sentenced to six months' to three years' imprisonment." (Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto). Thus far, this regulation is expected to be in effect up to 04/11/1390 [24 January 2012 ( 28 Mar. Management Fax: (+9821)66709333 [Accessed 20 Mar. Iranian soldier with his commander (1950s) Conscription was first introduced by Reza Shah in June 1925 and approved as law by the National Consultative Assembly. However, in reality, this interest predates the 1979 revolution and reflects a deep-seated desire for national prestige and development, as well as a need to deter regional rivals. . What is the general policy for people who wish to obtain visas to come to the United States (U.S.)? Procedure for Obtaining:There is no procedure for obtaining. Home Office. In December 2013, media sources reported that, according to General Kamali, due to a shortage of personnel, Iran may increase the length of military service to 24 months. 2014], Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC). According to a January 2009 study on kidney donor attitudes in the Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases, some of the donors surveyed had donated a kidney in order "to be exempted from the military service" (36). Since the beginning of 1986, women had also been en couraged to receive military training, and women were actually serving in special Pasdaran units as of late 1987. "Denied Identity: Human Rights Abuses Against Iran's LGBT Community." Aligning the text of the Luxury Goods Sanctions at EAR 746.10 with the . Our programs and centers deliver in-depth, highly relevant issue briefs and reports that break new ground, shift opinions, and set agendas on public policy, with a focus on advancing debates by integrating foundational research and analysis with concrete policy solutions. Iranian males 18 to 49 years of age are legally eligible for conscription, for an active service term of 18 months followed by voluntary reserve service. This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. 30 June 2013. (Iran n.d.b). Some indicate why the cardholder was exempted from military service. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Formno.104 for granting permission to exit once a year (for those required to do Military service and those born after 1338 (1959) who have not yet done their service and are not in possession of any Exemptions and have left the The legal provision can be found in Section 212 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 US Code 1182. Depending on their field, those with higher education can end up with higher-status duties. Of the three services, the air force fared best in this respect, as it had always done. New Atlanticist is where top experts and policymakers at the Atlantic Council and beyond offer exclusive insight on the most pressing global challengesand the United States role in addressing them alongside its allies and partners. Given the tens of thousands of Iranians whom the IRGC drafted over the years, its likely that many have relatives who are part of the large Iranian diaspora in the United States. According to Commander Kamali, the eight-year rule also applies to military deserters and university students who were exempt from the national service while in school but had quit their studies without informing the draft registration office. January 2009. Sources report that when an exemption is obtained, the person is issued a military exemption card, which lists the reason for the exemption (Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 26; BBC 6 Jan. 2010; IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013). Certified Copies Available:Certified copies are not available. 2023 Atlantic Council Revolutionary leaders repeatedly declared that Iran could establish an army of 20 million to defend the country against foreign aggression. These marriages are performed by ecclesiastical authorities and are not registered with the government. Al-Monitor, a news source providing "reporting and analysis by prominent journalists and experts from the Middle East" (Al-Monitor n.d.), reported that, General Kamali, described by the source as the "chief conscription officer of the armed forces," stated in December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year" (19 Dec. 2013). 7 November 2013. 24 April 2012. The old version presents the spouses information on the top half of two facing pages, with the childrens information on the bottom half of the same pages. Comments:The booklet includes the individuals name and surname; place and date of birth; gender; unique ID number; parents names and places of birth; date and place of issuance; and identifying information of the individuals spouses and children. "Currency Converter." Shortly afterwards, the Iranian lesbian and transgender network 6Rang (Six Colours) named the victim as 20-year-old Ali Fazeli Monfared, known as Alireza. Women may volunteer but are exempt from military service (as of 2019). During the Vietnam War (1964-1973) 8,744,000 served, but by the time conscription ended in 1973, only a quarter of elligible males were actually being conscripted. Iranian / Dutch B2 tourist visa refused because of no military card / no military exemption card ! According to the IHRDC, Article 33, paragraph 8 of the regulatory code that governs medical exemptions from military service notes that "'moral and sexual deviancy, such as transsexuality'" is considered to be grounds for a medical exemption (19 June 2013). Somewhat less than half of white males, aged 20-39, enlisted in the Union Army, while almost all military age Confederate males served. Desertion is punishable by two to 12 months' imprisonment in case the deserter surrenders himself to the authorities. Military card for Turkish applicants are not required. On 30 June 2009, Press TV, Iran's first international news network that broadcasts in English (Press TV n.d.), reported that a bill, which was to be enforced in 2011, would reduce military service by 2 to 10 months for conscripts with university degrees (Press TV 30 June 2009). Registration Criteria:A notary public (daftar-e asnad-e rasmi) registers divorces and marriages for Muslims and those who practice recognized minority religions (Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism). N.d. The news met with widespread outrage. When major global news breaks, the Atlantic Councils experts have you covereddelivering their sharpest rapid insight and forward-looking analysis direct to your inbox. There are many reasons a man could be exempted, including, but not limited to, payment in lieu of service, medical reasons, being the only son in his family, having elderly parents, and having a brother currently serving in the military. Treatment of People Who Refuse Military Service. The first compulsory military service bill was passed ninety-six years ago, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Registration Criteria: Iranian citizenship, completed application form with photos, and payment of fees. However, it is likely that the Majlis may reconsider the proposal to help the military meet its budgetary requirements for next year, Mr. Dehghani said. Many applicants also submit titles and deeds to apartments and property. 2014], Al-Monitor. Other Documents Available:No other documents available. General Kamali, the chief conscription officer of the armed forces, stated 19 December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year". Under the amended law, men of draft age were subject to conscription, whether in war or peace, for a minimum period of two years and could be recalled as needed. 30 June 2009. The Main Representative to the UN for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), a Netherlands-based organization founded in 1914 that is "against war and its preparation" with "branches, affiliates and groups in more than 40 countries" who has been monitoring issues of military service and conscientious objection worldwide with a view to reporting [and] briefing treaty bodies and other UN mechanisms and procedures indicated that "there are no provisions for alternate service" in Iran. These cards facilitate the United States in honoring its host country obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR), [] Tehran's forces had more combat experience in mobile conventional warfare than their Gulf Arab rivals, but that experience was rapidly aging. (Factiva), _____. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:The card contains a full-face photo (left-aligned), and biodata (right-aligned), including the unique national ID number (different from shenasnameh number), given name, surname, date of birth (Persian calendar), fathers given name, and expiration date. Sign up to receive expert analyses from our community on the most important global issues, rapid insights on events as they unfold, and highlights of the Council's best work. Arash Karami. Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. Human Rights Watch adds that gay and transgender Iranians who are exempted from military service "are not immune from harassment and abuse" and that doctors have reportedly pressured gay men seeking exemption to apply for exemption as transsexuals instead (Dec. 2010, 25). Correspondence from the Main Representative to the United Nations. ! Refusing to serve in the army without an exemption can result in not being granted a driver's license. Exemption cards show the reason for exemption in the usual place of service dates, and these cards also have a different photo border from service cards. Under the pre-revolutionary law, temporary or permanent exemptions were provided for the physically disabled, hardship cases, convicted felons, students, and certain professions. but she kept asking for it ! Older cards include detailed biographical information such as blood type, hair color, weight, height, eye color, physical defects, and sometimes level of education. "Programme Summary of Iranian TV News 1630gmt 4 May 2013." IranSource Select a visa category below to find the visa issuance fee, [Accessed 25 Mar. If you wish to remain on, click the "cancel" message. Document Name:Sanad-e aghd; Sanad Sanad-e ezdevaj (Marriage Certificate), Issuing Authority:National Organization of Registration of Documents and Property (Sazman-e Sabt-e Asnad va Amlak-e Keshvar), Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Red/burgundy booklet, off-white pages with handwritten data, Issuing Authority Personnel Title:Notary public. "Iran May Increase Compulsory Military Service by Three Months." The NGO said the three male members of his family took him to the village of Borumi, western Iran, and murdered him there. 22 hours ago, AmirNL said: Indeed, it can be argued that only a small minority of IRGC members, particularly those who served in the elite Quds Forcethe Guards external armparticipate in acts that might be characterized as terrorism or support for terrorism in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon. It was considered that by allowing them to leave, the authorities were thereby getting rid of dissent. Failing to serve without an exemption can also result in a ban on leaving the country without special permission. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Form [ 104 ] for granting permission to exit . On Conversion to Christianity, Issues Concerning Kurds and Post-2009 Election Protestors As Well As Legal Issues and Exit Procedures. [Accessed on 27 Mar. Those seeking relief for medical reasons had to serve but were not sent on combat duty. Sina Azodi. Q-2 and Q-3 visas are available only at the Embassy in Dublin and the Consulate General in Belfast. A computer engineer would serve as a computer operator and so on. Although translations tend to be accurate, it is recommended that both the translation and the original card are reviewed. 2012). The IHRDC says that "physicians charged with administering these evaluations likely recommended that these individuals seek exemption on the basis of transsexuality, not homosexuality, because of the Iranian government's more lenient attitude towards the former in contrast to the latter" (7 Nov. 2013). Young men who have turned 17 years of age will not be allowed to leave Iran without completing their military service. After the United States entered the World War, a large Army was needed immediately. This exemption is for a man who is the only male in the family and his father is over 65 years old. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Of that number, an estimated 220,000 were conscripts. If there is a number, such as "One", you may apply for entry one time with that visa. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Form#104 for granting permission to exit once . 26 February 2014. (Denmark Feb. 2013, 70). Iran has a compulsory military service requirement for all Iranian men when they reach the age of 19. A 14 October 2008 article by Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that, according to the state-run Fars News Agency, General Kamali stated that military service would be reduced by 1 to 2 months, adding "the term was 17 monthsand now it has been cut to 16 months." A weekly column by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe, Inflection Points focuses on the global challenges facing the United States and how to best address them. International Relations: (+9821)66746460 Alternate Documents:An expired birth certificate will have IS DECEASED stamped on the pages. The following dependents of a T-1 visa holder, however, may be issued a T visa at a U.S. consular office abroad: The validity of NATO-5 visas may not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less. In Iran's military protocol, homosexuality is defined as a type of mental abnormality, and more specifics are . It was commented that young dissatisfied individuals could be perceived as a potential source of unrest by the authorities. The undated website of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in The Hague, states that. Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to apply if you believe this information is in error or if you have further questions. Marriage between two Baha'is is registered in two documents. The validity of H-1 through H-3, O-1 and O-2, P-1 through P-3, and Q visas may not exceed the period of validity of the approved petition or the number of months shown, whichever is less. N.d.a. Sources indicate that military service is mandatory for all males in Iran (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 23). 28 March 2014b. Compounding this dilemma, many conscripts came from those areas where Persian was not spoken. 2014], United Kingdom (UK). Alireza Fazeli Monfared, 20, was executed after they discovered a letter saying he had been exempted from the military service due to his sexuality, according to 6Rang. Further information about payment in lieu of compulsory military service could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. For those who live in the country, paying to avoid military service has not always been offered". Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. Therefore, all Mexican "TN"s and both Mexican and non-Mexican national "TD"s accompanying or following to join them who are not otherwise exempt from the visa requirement (e.g., the Canadian spouse of a Mexican national "TN") must obtain nonimmigrant visas. Number of Entries: The number of times you may seek entry into the United States with that visa. "Iranian Youth Studying Abroad Can Apply for Reduced Military Service." It was considered that by allowing them to leave, the authorities were thereby getting rid of dissent. National Organization for Civil Registration: ( Embassy in the Hague. Their dependents (spouse and children) accompanying or following to join them may be admitted in the "trade dependent" or "TD" category whether or not they possess Canadian or Mexican nationality. This is not a UNHCR publication. 2014]. Alternate Documents:There are no alternate documents. Please contact the consular sections in Bern and Vienna for additional details on the application process. 2014], Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL). About 80 percent of army personnel are conscripts, as are 60 percent of the Revolutionary Guards; navy and air force personnel are mainly volunteers. [Accessed 20 Mar. (Factiva), _____. They, like less-educated conscripts, are often disciplined for minor infractions. If the original booklet is lost, a handwritten transcript from the registry office may be acceptable. _____. Procedure for Obtaining:Apply at local registration office. Comments:Available but unreliable. Out of the manpower pool of registrants about 17,000,000 available at that time, over 10,000,000 were drafted [the total number who served was over 16,000,000, as younger men became of draft age]. Effective February 24, 2023, the Implementation of Additional Sanctions Against Russia and Belarus Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and Refinements to Existing Controls rule (the "Russia/Belarus Rule") amends the EAR by:. 26 September 2013. Under the current amnesty plan, citizens who have not reported for compulsory military service for eight years after they first become eligible have until the end of the Iranian year (March 20, 2019) to pay a fine and avoid conscription.