Have you heard of anything like that? PipeCarrier nodded his head in agreement.I recalled having researched many different perspectives and arguments for the theory of the Cherokee being of Israelite descent. 1948 Israel: Biblical Prophecy Or A Fraud? Throughout history, Egypt was one of the greatest societies for many reasons. When America Declares War on Russia, America Will Fall.. In Kussman's article she points out that all the similarities between the stories have not been considered much because for the early settlers in Canada, the idea that a Native creation story could be anything like a Christian one was unthinkable. "A key difference iswhen and how it arrived in the New World." There are certain similarities - though important distinctions also - between the traditions of Mesopotamia (which are ancestral to the Biblical narrative) and those of Egypt. Native American Names This shows the power that the Oracle had, which comes from the belief of the people that the Oracle could tell the future or connect them to the deceased. Adair noted linguistic similarities between Native American languages and Hebrew. They had every different houses than many other tribes like the, Cherokee Vs. Egyptians: The Spiritual Values Of Native Americans, Their power or structure of rule was mainly run by men. Apparently, ancient explorations and settlements were concentrated on the major inland waterways of America, as much of the evidence of their presence has been found in such locales. Importantly, they were built for different purposes, are of different design and are located in sites different with regard to the local populace. Generally speaking, they had a decent relationship with the other settlers. They analyzed DNA from 49 new samples from Central and South America dating from 10,900 to 700 years old, at more than 1.2 million positions across the genome. These reference populations are used to generate your ancestry percentages. Willerslev found that the remains from Spirit Cave are most closely related to living Native Americans. Egyptians built tall large buildings. A series of mysterious and uncanny architectural, artistic, and religious parallels connect the ancient Maya and Egyptian civilisations. Whatever the origin and lineage of the Native American peoples, we may take great comfort in knowing this: 2 Timothy 2:19-Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. At some point, those that journeyed south of the ice sheets split into two groups"Southern Native Americans" and "Northern Native Americans" (also sometimes called Ancestral A and B lineages), who went on to populate the continents. Each of the 50 countries that occupy the African continent has its own history. "Another similarity is the lack of comparative or superlative degrees. In fact there are worldwide Orion star maps. Willerslev detected Anzick-related ancestry in both the Spirit Cave individualwho is associated with western stemmed tools, a tradition likely older than Clovisand 10,000-year-old remains from Lagoa Santa in Brazil. These upper parts of the pyramid (consisting only of men) had important roles in society. Could Ancient Greek Myths Hint at Contact With South America? Isaiah 11:11 as well as joel 3:19. pyramids and ziggurats. Let us also keep in mind that the builders of the dolmens were unrelated to each other. indicates that they had been cooperating together for a considerable period of time. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! Also, the false dogma that no Old World explorers prior to Columbus could have been on our continent affected peoples perceptions. For example, we read that Solomon had a palace built for the daughter of Pharaoh (1 Kings 7:1-12; 2 Chronicles 8:1-6). While some share similarities in their stories, others have a very different story to tell of how this world came to be. He recounted a Cherokee Twister Clan legend that named Mauis father as Tanoa. This shows that they do not value woman as highly as men and women were more of a decoration. Maui is similar to the Egyptian words for guide or navigator. Maui was said to have brought all civilized arts and crafts. (Wikimedia Commons, background image of DNA via Thinkstock), Experts Divided on Native American Origins, 3 Distinguished Linguists Examine Mysterious Origin of Native Americans. The Navajos grew plants like corn, beans, squash, and cotton. The terms Iberian and Punic indicate languages which are closely related to and descended from the Phoenician/Hebrew language of King Hirams and King Solomons navies. Two ancient cultures we call the birth of civilization. It is also fascinating to learn that the Native American tribes contain ancient stories of their being descended from the Hebrews. Some populations stayed isolated in Beringia, and Willerslev sequenced one new example of such an "Ancient Beringian," 9000-year-old remains from Alaska's Seward peninsula. He recorded the similarities within the Cherokee culture, traditions, laws, feast days and more that are similar or identical to the Torah that was given to the Jews and Gentiles at Mount Sinai. All rights reserved. What sticks out? We have already examined evidence from his book that the Phoenicians had a significant presence in North America, and that the Phoenician god Baal was worshipped at an ancient temple site in New Hampshire. Atia may refer to Attica, a historical region encompassing the Greek capital, Athens. It could be restated as: All men are two-legged creatures; therefore since the skeleton we dug up has two legs, it is human. It might be a kangaroo.. Where elsedo you see this Sphinx and Pyramid together like thisin America? The Hawaiian word that epitomized this lost world is karioi, leisure, ease, literally the same word in Greek for amusements. Indeed, the term Iberian comes from the name Eber, the forefather of the Hebrews. Two separate studies published Tuesday found a genetic connection between Brazilian Amazonians and indigenous Australians, New Guineans, and other Australasians. They were a powerful detached tribe of the Iroquoian family and were commonly called Tsaragi which translates into "cave people." According to the Cherokee story, Creation took seven days and man was made from red clay and woman made from first mans rib. The Water Beetle made the land from mud, while the Buzzard made the mountains and valleys. Just as mysterious is the trace of Australasian ancestry in some ancient South Americans. In many Native American mythologies, Father Sky and Mother Earth or Mother Corn are important creative forces. Again, we are confronted by the fact that modern academia has an almost superstitious attachment to the false dogma that nobody could have discovered America before Columbus.That these language groups were acting in such close concert with each other that they left a trilingual inscription in approximately 800- 900 B.C. Also notice the symbol of the Egyptian flagan eagle! While the Central Band of Cherokee website has posted a summary of Yatess research, some online comments indicate that some Cherokee have been reluctant to stand behind such claims or to involve themselves in the controversy. 'I was already in my 30s when my Indianness was pulled out from under me.' Photograph: Sequoya Yiaueki. Today American/Egypt is ruled by Rome/England-Pope. Willerslev also finds traces of this Anzick-related ancestry in later samples from South America and Lovelock Cave in Nevada. Recently the Mexican government finally acknowledged the indigenous Mexicans ie Olmec/Mayans. The North African region is south of the Mediterranean Sea and is comprised of ten countries. DNA gleaned from a roughly 14,000-year-old fragment of a human tooth suggests that people inhabiting a surprisingly large swath of Asia were the ancestors . In the year 2000, 4.1 million Americans identified as Native American or Alaskan Native (Indian Nations). For example, in the myth "The World on the Turtles Back" (25) "In the Sky-World there was a man who had a wife, and the wife was expecting a child" This is a Native . Women were landowners, but men were chiefs. Mayans started around 200 A.D and reach its peak on 900 A.D. The main things that Native American and people today accept that it is a good thing to have could be the balance in the nature . America is modern-day Egypt spirituallyAND literally. He wonders whether that Australasian ancestry was confined to a small population of Siberian migrants who remained isolated from other Native American ancestors throughout the journey through Beringia and the Americas. They are one of the tribes that mastered the skill and art of farming. In both Hebrew and Cherokee cultures, days are counted from sundown. Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies, dating from approximately 1400 B.C. Willerslev added the Spirit Cave data to 14 other new whole genomes from sites scattered from Alaska to Chile and ranging from 10,700 to 500 years old. Several books have been written about the possible origins of the Cherokee with a few researchers being convinced they are of Hebrew or at least mixed origin. All told, the data decisively dispel suggestions, based on the distinctive skull shape of a few ancient remains, that early populations had a different ancestry from today's Native Americans. They are forced to join certain characters to words, in order to supply that great deficit, he wrote. They usually focus their values around food but are not interested in everyone getting fed; they are only interested in feeding the main power source. Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as . Navajos and Apaches primarily hunted and gathered in the area. The Ancient Egyptian creation story is one of the oldest known to us, predating the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible codified maybe c.650 BCE) by more than two thousand years. It was mostly whites that were slaves, not indentured. google_ad_channel =""; Riverwind explained that while among his people, the ancient name for God is Yah Yah, among his wife's ancestors, the Cherokee, they called God YoHeWaH, a title with striking similarities to yud-ke-vav-keh. Meanwhile, other groups headed south. ). (Steven Collins, The Lost Ten Tribes Of IsraelFound! The lowest part of the hierarchy consists of children, in which the boys were superior to the girls. The Cherokee kept no idols per their ancient religious laws. Because such documents are extremely rare, those interested in the Native American past also draw information from traditional arts, folk literature, folklore, archaeology, and other sources. As for African religions, there is no single religious branch. There are similarities between place names in Bengal and Egypt and recently an Egyptian scholar, El Mansouri, has pointed out that in both Egypt and India the worship of cow, sun, snake . While in popular usage the term myth often refers to false or fanciful stories, members of cultures often ascribe varying degrees of truth to their creation myths. Therefore, all American Indians are lineage A, B, C, D, and X. The fallacy in such reasoning is apparent. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. This shows that theres no completely black or white in this world so the balance between these two is so important. The same goes for the gender roles in the Egyptian valley the Men always have higher power over the women but it wasn't as strongly enforced as the Yellow river civilization. 46 Then lived they there until the latter time; and now when they begin to come again. http://escapeallthesethings.com/sept-2017-revelation-12/ "How did it get there? Theyre rule came from the Pharaohs and all his wealth came from the smaller poorer people at the bottom who were forced to pay up to him. What's new on our site today! July 22, 2015. and two more process. That suggests individual groups may have moved into the continents without mixing. Everyone in their community did not share the work. For the Cherokee, everything had its proper place. A creation myth (or cosmogonic myth) is a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. Are Native Americans descended from Vikings or Welshmen? But insteadof converging on a single consensus picture,the studies, published online in Science andNature, throw up a new mystery: Both detectin modern Native Americans a trace ofDNA related to that of native people fromAustralia and Melanesia. This One Predicts The Hoover Dam Collapse!!! Also note the Djoser SteppedPyramid of Saqqara(and the Pyramids of Giza pictured above), which arenttoo far from Memphis, Egypt. As with the indigenous (people who originally lived in a geographic location) cultures of South America, those of North America were diverse. At the point when the European settlers came over in the sixteenth century, the Cherokee Native American Indians were living in the East and Southeast United States. Boys, when they were younger, would spend time with their mothers, staying in their huts and listed to stories, The first tribe I will be talking about is the Navajo tribe. Previous genetic work had suggested the ancestors of Native Americans split from Siberians and East Asians about 25,000 years ago, perhaps when they entered the now mostly drowned landmass of Beringia, which bridged the Russian Far East and North America. Also known as The Cradle of Civilization.. Canaanites were people who lived in what we now call Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan during the late Bronze Age, about 3500 years ago. There are different regions that make up the Arab world. Thus, it seems clear that many of the Israelites fled to America at different times and under different circumstances. Their manner of delimiting time was similar, as was their custom of having a most holy place, and their designation of prophets and high-priests. Add another 400 years to that, and that brings usto 2019!!! ASecond Exodus is about totake place. Notice how the Nile flows through the ENTIRE country, with about 30% of land to theeastof the River, and 70% to thewest. Native American tribes all have their own unique views of just how the world and civilization came to be. For decades, Cairo in Egypt was, and in some ways still is, the combined Hollywood and New York for film and . Not everyone in an empire has a duty, only those who are poorer and work for the pharaoh. Similar Values of Native Amercians and Puritans Essay. While some share similarities in their stories, others have a very different story to tell of how this world came to be. MORE ON THAT HERE. When the Babylonians overthrew Assyria in the seventh century B.C., we find an interesting historical note from the Apocrypha about the ten northern tribes: 2 Esdras 13:39-46-And whereas you saw that he gathered to him another multitude that was peaceful; 40 these are the ten tribes, which were led away out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmananser the king of the Assyrians led away captive, and he carried them beyond the River, and they were carried into another land. If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. Being one of Gods people today is not based upon bloodline or ethnic descent; instead, it is based upon whether or not one is a Christian, a member of the church of Christ. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. The Word of YAH tells us in Deuteronomy 28 that the Children of Israel would be broughtagainto Egypt IN SHIPS, and would be enslaved therefor 400 years. (ICTMN Staff , Thus, we feel that while culture may vary slightly across tribes through their rituals and ceremonies, cultural values and identities were more related and applied throughout the general Native American heritage, rather than being tribe. Their languages included the Semitic language shared by the Israelites and Phoenicians (with dialectal differences), Egyptian, and the language of the North African/Libyan sailors of the Egyptian navy. The tribe had been fighting to repatriate 10,700-year-old remains found in Nevada's Spirit Cave and had resisted destructive genetic testing. Egyptians started around 3150 B.C and had its highest peak at 30 B.C. These scriptures are relevent to the truth you have dicovered. Hmm Where have I heard that before? Egypt. Women were seen a feminine, making them weak to the eyes of men. High Priests of both cultures wear white cotton cloak, 72 bells, a sleeveless jacket, and a breastplate set with 12 stones. "Both models see in the Americas asubtle signal from" Australo-Melanesians,notes Science co-author David Meltzer, anarchaeologist at Southern Methodist Universityin Dallas, Texas. Native American Fetish What I thought was most similar was that both of these groups see the natural and the supernatural together rather than separate. They dont value women they value men and believe that men are better than women. http://www.smithsonianchannel.com/videos/the-surprising-link-between-the-grand-canyon-and-ancient-egypt/36938, America is Egypt as is evidenced with the Smithsonian cover up of Egyptian/Kemetan artifacts in the Grand Canyon. Six days of work with one commanded day of rest. Many eighteenth and nineteenth century scholars believed that all world mythologies showed signs of having evolved from a single mythical theme. 45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arzareth. Native American Art They value women who can procreate and who can provide food. One could hardly invent a more fitting folk memory of Greek culture, Yates wrote. Unfortunately, this New World equivalent of the Rosetta Stone was largely ignored because no one could read it. I'll describe 3 deities from each religion and let you decide what is similar and different about each. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. Dont yet have access? The Most Hight God is returning to gather his people once again and finally we will be free!!! Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. In Salinan Indian Creation Story, there are resemblances both to Greek mythology and to the Bible. But the two . Unlike the Cherokee that worked together as a unit the Egyptians did not have a cyclical based culture. If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. These things were important in differentiating men because it shows their self responsibility, personal achievements, and personal accomplishments. They are one of five tribes known as the Five Civilised Tribes. Owls and mountain lions were presented with the ability to see in the dark, while cedars, spruces, and pines were allowed to keep their hairs in the winter. Hence, there is much religious diversity in Africa. The Navajos grew cotton so they could make woven items like blankets; the Navajo would then trade the woven items to get things like bison meat, and other things that could be used to make tools or weapons. They are absolutely indigenous to this continent," Raff says. He gave the Cherokee their title for principal chief, Amatoyhi or Moytoy, said Yates, which translates as mariner or admiral.. Most scholars break North Americaexcluding present-day Mexicointo 10 separate culture areas: the Arctic, the Subarctic, the Northeast, the Southeast, the Plains, the Southwest, the Great Basin,. Several Cherokee elders from Quallah boundary told me they were descendants of Israelites.In the early 18th century James Adair, a Hebrew scholar, lived for forty years among the Cherokee. "Native Americans truly did originate in the Americas, as a genetically and culturally distinctive group.