You may feel like an object, or a vehicle, rather than a person, and how you handle your partners dependency on you can make or break the relationship. Since I'm the sun in his 8th house, my naturally hidden personal power gets a taste of sharing that with another person on a deep level. The creator of this numerology app is in no way liable of any actions that might be taken or not taken by users. You are either a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond. The Sun in 11th House attracts, embraces, and loyal partners. You are a peacemaker and a natural politician, who knows how to get a group to work together. You can be yourself around them in a way that feels very natural. This is a very strong synastry overlay for marriage and long-term relationships. This synastry aspect is especially good when it comes to the traditional family unit. The Sun in 11th house synastry overlay creates an atmosphere of friendship between you. This idea is not new. Now that you are aware of the preliminary preparation required before moving onto synastry overlays, lets talk about the Sun in 11th house synastry overlay meaning. The North Node in the 12 th House - Synastry. Indeed, your partner sees you as a true equal and peer. Possessiveness should be avoided, as this can lead to either person feeling stifled. The Sun in the 11th House is one of the best astrological placements a person can have. They are easily moved by emotion and may be subject to severe mood fluctuations. The Sun in the 11th House gives a love of home and family, a charitable nature, a pleasant personality, great community spirit and a love for people. This is the kind of relationship in which you each do your share of the household chores, and your household runs so smoothly that its the envy of your neighbors. Your sun in their eleventh You both want friendship and find it in each other, finding an equal in each other. This person is particularly fond of art, music and literature. Both of you may share common interest and even friends. With this overlay, there is a strong desire to live together. Both partners enjoy the romance in this relationship. This is someone with a contrast personality. The Sun in the partners eighth house of a synastry overlay is not for the faint of heart. Moon in 11th House synastry is great for friendly and socially active relationships. You feel like the house person goes about things the right way. You feel mentally stimulated, and even smarter, around the Sun person. If you have any tendency toward bossiness, it will come out full blown in this relationship. Studying the separate horoscope of each partner is crucial, because this gives imperative insight into what each individual needs in a relationship. You are your partners buddy and comrade, and you fully appreciate spending fun leisure times together. Covered Here: In the birth chart, the Sun represents the center of our personality, just as the Sun is the center of the solar system. Sun in 11th House Meaning The 11th house in astrology is believed to be an extremely auspicious house. Also: try not to be concerned at this stage of the relationship. If we become obsessed with trying to figure it out we could alter how we feel about the relationship unfairly before it has a chance to start. At the same time I feel so secure with him and have a really positive relationship with his family. That is the reason why people think astrology is bs. We react upon entering someones home because we get that first impression. Sun in Pisces What Others Wont Tell You About Your Pisces Zodiac Sign (Significance, Characteristics, Personality), Sun in Aquarius What Others Wont Tell You About Your Aquarius Zodiac Sign (Significance, Characteristics, Personality), Sun in Capricorn What Others Wont Tell You About Your Capricorn Zodiac Sign (Significance, Characteristics, Personality), Sun in Sagittarius What Others Wont Tell You About Your Sagittarius Zodiac Sign (Significance, Characteristics, Personality), Sun in Scorpio What Others Wont Tell You About Your Scorpio Zodiac Sign (Significance, Characteristics, Personality), Sun in 10th House Synastry How It Actually Affects Your Relationship Dynamics. Sometimes this indicates that your partner perceives you to be in a position of authority or status, and he or she naturally tends to follow you along, deferring to that authority. Your actions will have a profound emotional impact on your partner, as you pull up many emotions in him or her. He wants to be pampered, but he also likes things to happen on time and the way he hopes they will fit into his physical and mental schedule. The woman with the Sun in the 11th House is protective of her friends and sympathetic to animals and children. They do so through their words, their emotions and their beliefs. This placement is particularly helpful when you are in close contact with each other on a day-to-day basis, as you tend to feel comfortable with each others ways of dealing with everyday life. Youre most comfortable when youre in the company of others and wont be content if you spend too much time alone. Capricorn The most important thing to remember about having someones Sun in your eleventh house in Synastry is that it acts as a permanent transit to your eleventh house! When you share something with others, it has a sense of meaning to you and you have something worthwhile to give. Gains through social networking, an ability to influence groups, and working with groups to enact social changes are all found in the eleventh house. The Sun in the partner's 11th house of a synastry overlay creates an atmosphere of friendship between you. Try not to judge or guess what that is yet, you will eventually find it out. You often end up as a leader in your communities, too, taking on a central role like the Sun. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Youll enjoy talking to each other about the trivial details your day, and you will not find this as boring as other couples may find it. Sun in 11th House people are vital and charming, quick to understand and relate. Maintaining this type of relationship would require lots of patience, of course. The Vertex person admires the way the Sun person expresses their identity, which they find inspiring. It was exactly like that. We don't collect your IP address. The eleventh house is our view of friendships in general and our ability to navigate in social settings and gain acquaintance type friendships. You accept each others differences and flaws. However, flowing aspects can suggest a relationship in which one or the other takes on a helpful role. You can work well together in in areas of religion, politics, law, and education. He fascinated me. This is not impossible. The house person will not let go of the other under almost any circumstances. Can these aspects work with plutonic friends as well? Difficult aspects can point to a relationship that is imbalanced, eventually turning into a burden. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology. The Sun has to do with power and authority, so its reasonable to think that these influences will be a little similar. The 11th house in astrology is known as the house of hopes and wishes. You both really love each other, romantically. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. So this is how it played for me. The Eleventh House in Astrology - 11th House in Astrology The Eleventh House represents your capability of making friendships and connections with people around you. That house will be lit up and energized by your partner's solar energy. Loving, warm, and positive, the energy of 11th House holds connections that last. These cookies do not store any personal information. You are drawn to them, perhaps, out of curiosity. You can lash out violently because you feel intruded upon by this person who seems right at home in your private mind. The Sun in the 11th House is a personality that likes to have a strong social network filled with numerous outside interests, groups and organizations that fit with your personal goals and are meaningful to you. It may feel like a sacrifice, but some of the best rewards in life require lots of patience. The Sun in 11th House synastry has major implications, and is the reason that this is considered one of the most important combinations in marriage charts. Sun in your partner's 11th house: You desire your partner's desire for friendship. He is such a sweet and timid guy like I really dont see how he can have those negative qualities to him like the synastry says he could. The two of you enjoy socializing together, and have many friends in common. But you do this with extreme behaviors that can cause more harm than good. The natives are born to lead and would never be happy to take orders from someone else. Sun in the Twelfth House - Synastry When Sun is in the partner's Twelfth House, it is capable of inspiring the owner of the field to develop the whole palette of different interests that could help him or her to reach deeper levels of understanding this life as a whole. And it did awaken in me what I did not know existed. Topic: Sun in 11th in Synastry: Lucia23 Knowflake . You are definitely not vague or wishy-washy, however you are open to others' ideas and feelings. (esp. Your partner views you as his or her ideal partner. You Light Up My Life: Sun in Houses in Synastry. You are good sounding boards for each others pipe dreams you encourage them rather than put them down. Synastry Overlays: Sun in First Through Seventh Houses, Synastry Overlays: Moon in First Through Sixth Houses, Synastry Overlays: Moon in 7th Through 12th Houses, Synastry Overlays: Mercury in 1st Through 6th Houses, Synastry Overlays: Mercury in 7th Through 12th Houses, Synastry Overlays: Venus in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Houses, Synastry Overlays: Venus in 4th, 5th, 6th Houses, Synastry Overlays: Venus in 7th, 8th, 9th Houses, Synastry Overlays: Venus in 10th, 11th, 12th Houses. The Mars person in this relationship often brings a very active energy to the table, and can work as a powerful catalyst for their house partner's ambition, drive and sense of adventurousness.Conversely, the house person can help their Mars person direct their willpower and considerable energy in new and fruitful ways. Whether or not the 10th house person actually deserves this much admiration would depend on their own birth chart. In some ways I have helped him deal with these issues which he is thankful for, but at other times he puts up so many walls and barriers between his inner self and me. For a professional in-depth reading that will also give you remedies and actionable steps to thrive in your love life, check out my Astrology Services. He may also want to start a business or become a motivational speaker and/or consultant. We just started dating so nothing really happened yet but Im just mildly concerned. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Charming and sociable, but not usually prone to leadership or authority roles, he prefers to go his own way and travel light. He always feel emotional and I can read him like an open book. At your best, you show your affection for your partner by doing little things for them or giving them sound advice. You can enjoy a very basic sense of shared identity between you and your partner. With him, I am a bit obsessive about and possessive ( i am a Taurus that is how I roll naturally) I start to worry if I have not heard from him ( my pluto is in his first, so sometimes I think it is just that??). Does it smell bad? Sun in 11th House Synastry Meaning The eleventh house in your birth chart is the area of your friendships. (cant say Id never let them go, if its meant physically. You see them as a person with whom you can enjoy yourself. It was a disturbing experience. As the Sun person, you may feel very unsettled, psychologically, by the house person, and yet you are powerless to leave. You drop your guard around them. As I would say the house people SEEM to feel it more than I but I definitely feel it maybe I can just SEE the effects it has on them? The Sun unlocks doors to places the 12th house would have preferred to keep buried. 351w intake manifoldSun in 11th House Synastry Explained. Even when you first meet, you feel like you already know each other. In fact, you may have met through friends. In turn, your partners reactions to you make you feel more valuable, recognized, vital, and important. The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. The Sun in the partners tenth house of a synastry overlay is powerful because of the effect it has on the perception of the Sun person. The Sun is our vital force, it is the main inner driver that gives us a reason to live on this earth, so it is a central part of the horoscope that shouldnt be overlooked when examining the possible emotional and psychological dynamics of a relationship. The house person notices and enjoys the respect they receive from the Sun person. You may have similar philosophies on all kinds of things, ranging from how people should dress in public to how the public school system should be run. Click You may or may not feel the same way about your partneryoull need to look to other factors to determine this. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. The house person gets the planet vibes in the areas of life ruled by the house. The Sun in the partners second house of a synastry overlay makes the house person a valuable asset to the Sun person. You have no idea why youre together. This overlay gives the rare, and lucky, experience of feeling real pleasure by being with another person. She has an introverted, reflective nature; she is reserved and shy with people she does not know well, but when she trusts someone, she reveals herself through her passion for philosophical discussions and her scholarly inclinations. Sun in 11th House people are often known for their achievers and lifelong learners. You like their style, appearance, and approach to life. With good aspects, the Moon in 11th house synastry overlay is an indication of a real bond of friendship. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It is especially critical to look at hard aspect between Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn and Pluto. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology - 2nd house represents - your family, family lineage, value, asstes, savings, wealth, what type of food do you like, your food intake, drinking capacity, your vocal cord, speech that is why 2nd house is most important for all singers. It is indeed a very mysterious relationship but also feels like a soulmate connection.. These individuals might struggle to navigate the inner workings of each other's emotions, but they also have the ability to learn and grow from each other. For example, if your wifes Sun is in your Eleventh House, she may be happy to be friends and spend time with your friends. My self esteem is really starting to suffer right now (he is having his Saturn return atm.). In some way, you help your partner learn about themselves through the relationship. How this position is handled can often be shown by the aspects that the Sun makes to the partners planets. Natives born with Gemini in Eleventh House want to talk and can find many listeners. Rahu amplifies the Sun's powers which can be good for both. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009: posted March 03, 2009 11:44 PM . The changes that the tenth house person will experience with this Uranus synastry can be very public as the tenth house is our house of career, public and social status. The fact that they are capable of taking charge of many projects will be seen as a plus sign by many people. Saturn person may help House 1 person practice self discipline and restraint. These are synastry overlay interpretations for the Sun in the partners 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses. This position does not indicate a feeling of being true peers as the first or eleventh houses, for example, bestow. The danger here is that your individual personalities can be lost. We are both highly plutonic and had many other aspects with us, including the Nord Node on the ASC / DSC axis. Sun in 11th House synastry can illustrate a partner who will support or aid the native. The success of this relationship will depend much on how you respond to this. The house person enjoys the admiration and approval from the Sun person. It would be great if anyone out there that has had this Sun in 8th House synastry overlay could share their experience. I struggle to feel loved or desired by him, as he is so guarded and restrictive with his intimacy. Check out all articles on Love Compatibility Here as well as our FREE Synastry App, which is pretty accurate in giving you an overview of the long-term potential of the relationship. Is this a positive or a negative thing? This is a somewhat superficial overlay, and if you are looking to be taken more seriously as a partner, check out where your Moon falls in your partners chart. This synastry aspect is especially good when it comes to the traditional family unit. I hope it provides a useful perspective on this overlay. #NoFilter. The Sun person sees something of value in the house person. You know you shouldnt look, but you look anyway. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You just know it. You bring out the best in each other. For some reason, your partners day-to-day affairs become your business. Saturn person awakens House 1 person's mature nature. I agree with what was said that the relationship started when the Sun-person was at rock-bottom (birth family life was dire and baby had to be placed for adoption, it was literally felt to be a life and death situation if baby wasnt placed for adoption). They dont try to force anyone into believing as they do but seek to educate through showing examples rather than through words. They just fill your senses with so much pleasure, it can only be defined without logic. Theres no better place for Sun than here because it is in harmony and at home. The sun in the 12th house indicates that it would be excellent if you show became more sensitive to the thoughts, feelings of not only yourself but others too. With the eleventh house as your landing pad, youre likely to trend toward hero statuseither rescuing someone from danger, or being saved by someone else. Sun in 11th House synastry relationships circumstances are characterized by friendship based on common intellectual or purely scientific interests. You cant help but notice each other! I go deeper than that here to discuss the effect on both people. Yet there are other aspects in our chart that says otherwise like my sun square his Pluto and a few more karmic aspects. The secret is to find a balance (7th house is all about balance) between being harmonious pieces of a whole, and being individuals. This is a very deep connect and can last a life-time. That person views the partnership as a profound and intimate connection. Pisces. Your relationship usually begins as a friendship, or as "friends with benefits." In this relationship, you tend to accept a "no strings attached" arrangement from the beginning. This overlay is a magnetic one. This is generally considered to be an excellent position for romance and fun. Loving, warm, and positive, the energy of 11th House holds connections that last. Your relationship usually begins as a friendship, or as friends with benefits.. You find them unpredictable. The 11th House is the traditional astrological house of friendships, groups, and organizations. Today, after many years, I am smiling. Sun in the 5th house overlay: This is one of the best house overlay positions for the Sun to be in within a synastry chart for the sake of friendships, romances, and even long-term relationships.The Sun person will "shine a light" upon 5th house-related themes in this relationship, including all forms of pleasure, entertainment, games, hobbies, pastimes, creative pursuits and self . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Cancer Not submissive like a slave, but rather in an organizational way like a boss/assistant relationship. I find myself wanting to marry and have children (I used to always be against the idea of having children) but I dont feel this with him. There can be a general sense of mistrust that stems from misunderstanding. but emotionally very true will always have a lot of love and care, just like any parent). June 25, 2022. As a result, your partner is especially sensitive to your actions. However, this is not necessarily romantic or intimate (although it can be). Generally, this overlay generates approval between the two. This does not necessarily mean you are involved in such thingsbut when your friends ask for advice, theyll consult you. A woman born with the sun in this house is optimistic and independent. I had to find out what it is? You enjoy making love. The house person, in this case, will be able to help you rise out of your ashes. The main caution here, however, is that the union is so powerful that individual identities can feel as if lostwhere exactly you and your partner start and finish may be quite blurred. The best thing about this aspect is that no matter how many other problems might crop up in the marriage, these two can always work past them because they like each other on a non-romantic level. You are not simply a pair, but rather you complete one whole. Very accurate descriptions of both!! She will be happiest if her partner shares these feelings. In your struggle to preserve your individuality, you may be driven to express your unique qualities in most extreme ways. It may just be that Sun person thinks that the house person can help them achieve some goal. Thus, sun in 12th house astrology says that it may be easy to say, but you will become a compassion guru with regular practice. Sun in the 11th house denotes a lover of society, refinement and culture. She possesses excellent people skills and is committed to her friends and family. Scorpio With this synastry overlay, there is a potential for 2nd house person to turn the raw Lilith energy into something productive and tangible for themselves. In fact, you may stimulate the inner child of your partner, and your partner may not always respond to you in ways that make sense. It holds what natives want and need, also what they need to do for the common good. I am a very sexual person like sex is our main topic most of the time. All rights reserved. In return, you have a great love for the Sun person. These folks often make great teachers if they choose this path. It shapes the relationship between two persons. They feel a close tie to their friends and family, but friendship comes a bit easier than romance. Other connections are fabulous but this one is a doozy! The Sun person has a mysterious feeling in the pit of their stomach that you two have some history together. Rahu - Sun. Manage Settings The Sun person energizes your nervous system. The 11th house is that of Humanitarian Workers and Social missions. Aquarius The placement of the Sun in eleventh house of a partner's chart suggests the basis of relationship, usually strong friendship, is in the area of mutual intellectual or scientific . However, for many, this would be a difficult challenge to overcome. The 11th house has to do with friendships, based on common ideals and groups we join together. Its as if you each are speaking a different language trying to manage a conversation. This doesnt mean that you cant be more than friends. When friends with someone, these natives give . Synastry: Where Does Your Partner's Sun Fall In Your Chart? The Sun in the partners third house of a synastry overlay creates a comfortable atmosphere in your relationship. Sun in 1st House Shining Bright With Your Own Light! ( and I do feel very possessive if someone else seems to be liked by either of them similarly to how they like me but I have a fair bit of pluto natally so I always assume its that.). Eleventh House- One of the best synastry to have for friends, love, or both. This theme of work and helpfulness is not entirely bad in a relationship. . Sun in 11th House synastry relationships circumstances are characterized by friendship based on common intellectual or purely scientific interests. He or she might not see you as more than a good friend. They have an amazing ability to draw people to them and the world can be their stage for expression of their talent or skill. Although the streams of influence between two people flow through different energy channels, connecting different points of their horoscopes, the Sun with its representation of the ego is one of the principal channels of interaction that needs to be examined. Sorry for English, but I dont know much and google translator had to help me. Your Sun is in the 11th House of friends, groups, organizations, humanitarian efforts, and travel. Because of her genuine nature, she is likely to form friendships that last for many years or even an entire lifetime. This person may be the "great love of your life." Their memory is likely to stick with you forever, as your relationship has spanned many lifetimes. His sun is in my second house so yeah very accurate. I cant talk for every one. There is a foggy barrier of confusion over this relationship, and you simply dont understand each other. It is one of the more positive aspects to look at, as it indicates an easy and congenial relationship that wont be full of difficulties. Profits and gains, earnings, affluence, and wealth - all are considered to be the parts of the 11th house. The house person feels like the Sun person lights up their life. The 11 th House person might have experienced some inconveniences with friendships or other social interactions in the past, but Chiron here can serve as a source of empowerment like a Mars placement. Sun in 11th House suggests that this person will be interested in long term goals regarding their profession or higher studies. This overlay tends to offer relationships a feeling of camaraderie and general agreement. Yes, house overlays reveal the areas of life of the house person that will be affected by the others presence (planets). As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. This position relates to ones capacity for personal achievement and recognition and social success. Any case. There may be a sense in your partner of having to give up something or to make sacrifices, as being together can bring up some level of pain or heartache, and possibly the need to be secret and private. The Sun in the 11th House man is a person of authority. Another thing to note about my moon in his 8H, is I get pretty moody when I feel like he is holding back or not being intimate with me (emotionally or sexually) and often his holding back of intimacy makes me feel so mentally vulnerable and usually triggers me to have panic attacks. Their Sun, with all it represents will be affecting your ideals, dreams, pursuits, social circles and outlook into the future! On more simple terms, it may just mean the couple has gotten to know each other through social media. Im not sure what part you find misleading. You enjoy each other, a lot. Sagittarius People with this placement enjoy making their dreams come true. Although, keep in mind that this synastry overlay doesnt, by itself, ensure a long-term, or even a serious, relationship. However, his sun and venus are in my twelfth house ( and my pluto is in his 12th house) so that may ramp up the obsessiveness he has for me ( i assume). When searching for a mate, the Sun in 11th House woman values intelligence and creativity over other traits. The eighth house person feels a strong bond to the Sun person. They're easily making friends and want to be part of many adventures. You feel like youre on the same page, like they really get you. It is also your professional network and place for achieving status and recognition. Maybe you are delusional cupcake. The Sun dictates the pace of this relationship and can trigger some emotional fragility and trauma to resurface for the 12th house person. You have a strong desire to protect and defend them, and there is a feeling that you will always be in each others corner. You cant really have one without the other. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We are triggered by first impressions. But in some cases, it may be absent altogether. Eventually, the imbalance in your relationship can be a source of resentment. But when you break up with them, her interest in them usually disappears immediately. He has charisma and is quite strong-headed. Also check out Why Zodiac Signs Can Mislead You About Love Compatibility. You like to spend time with friends, but also have an active mind that questions and ponders all of lifes mysteries. This is a common synastry overlay for marriage. The 11th house is the house of friendship, so the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. Ask me anything about astrology, The True Moon Sign Meaning: Your Hidden Key To, Why Zodiac Signs Can Mislead You About Love Compatibility, Sun in 9th House Synastry How It Actually Affects Your Relationship Dynamics, Why Zodiac Signs Can Mislead You About Love Compatibility And The FULL Guide To Unlocking The WHOLE Truth, Moon in 2nd House Synastry: What it Truly Means For Your Relationship Dynamics, Sun in 2nd House Synastry How It Actually Affects Your Relationship Dynamics, Sun in 12th House Synastry How It Actually Affects Your Relationship Dynamics, Moon in 6th House Synastry: What it Truly Means For Your Relationship Dynamics. The Sun in 11th house overlay is not a deep emotional overlay, but a positive one nonetheless if other aspects support that, too.