He wonders why Eadith didnt betray them when she had the chance. thelfld is prepared to give herself up so that no one else has to die for her. Uhtred remarks that it was never less than an honor to serve Alfred, who didnt wish to see God without first granting Uhtred his freedom. One country, one king. Uhtred saw a door along the east wall. , , , , - , . But soon after, Ragnar was killed. And Brida will also want revenge for her imprisonment at Wealas. Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth ride off with Lady thelfld. ("Episode 4.1"), Cookham, Wessex; Uhtred greets Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric as they return from the north. Nevertheless, Edward has him taken away and orders thelhelm to find out where Uhtred hides lfwynn. He then kills Hakka. ("Episode 4.3"), Young Uhtred says a prayer for the lives lost during the Dane attack. The story of Freya, Uhtred's bastard child. Theyre traveling North with Alfreds blessings and silver. Uhtred, Halig, and Finan are held up in the stable with the pigs. ("Episode 2.5"), Coccham, Uhtreds Wessex Estate. ("Episode 4.6"), As they ride through the woods, hungry villagers rip the bread that Stiorra is eating right from her hands. Skade curses Uhtred. ("Episode 4.10"), Winchester, Wessex; lswith, thelhelm, and lfld are escorted out their prison and taken to Brida and Sigtryggr. Nevertheless, men will remember what Uhtred did in the name of Wessex. ("Episode 2.5"), Winchester, Wessex. The village in which they are meeting sits on land that belongs to Sven. Uhtred tells thelfld that they dont have the time for such luxuries. The rest of the men, Uhtred wants Halig and Clapa to remove their heads so that he may send them as a gift to Kjartan. He suspects that young Uhtred was trying to steal away and demands to know why. Wessex was the last unconquered Saxon kingdom in England and thus always under constant threat from the Danes. He orders Beocca to send word to thelred. They end up becoming shipwrecked, and Uhtred grieves the loss of his . Alfred and Odda tell Uhtred that he was seen crossing into Daneland. Every year, Congress invites the President to provide an address on the state of the nation. All the while Edward, lswith and Cenric watch from above. An older sister who adored her. He then tells Skade that if she truly belongs to him then she will do as he asks of her and leave with Hsten. ("Episode 2.5"), Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and Clapa watch as thelred arrives, though they dont think great of him. thelfld reminds them all that Mercia and Wessex are allied. "Perhaps I may let you live." ("Episode 1.2"), Oxford, Mercia;Stopping in Oxford, Uhtred has a longsword made, with the amber his birth father gave to him welded into the hilt. Plz help, I know what's coming and I need more content. Uhtred orders Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth to form two lines and build a shield wall. Beocca remains upset and goes outside until they finish. thelwold is sober now. Those sweeping historic novels follow a mostly fictional character named Uhtred who rubs elbows with Saxons and. In Alfred's hall are thousands of scrolls, in which he writes down the comings and goings and happenings of all friends and enemies that his spies have managed to gather. But when Uhtred and Leofric, Alfred hidden amongst them, arrive to their estate and rally him to their cause, Odda refuses to believe the king still lives. However, young Uhtred doesnt even know of Bebbanburg. I will send out an army to find you, They will need another horse for the priest thatll be joining them. He takes cover behind a tree, as Uhtred searches for him. When he persists, Uhtred strikes him. Uhtred then urges Odda the Elder to strike that night after he sets fire to the long ships while the Danes scurry in disarray. Meaning he crossed into Daneland. Alfred wants Steapa at Edwards left hand and Uhtred at his right. And so, Uhtred leaves, with Finan not far behind, though he tells Finan to fall back. Alfred reveals to Uhtred that to save Wessex from crumbling at the hands of the Danes, there must be a single, defining battle that will determine the fateful outcome of either nation. One day, your home was attacked, half of your family and people are killed, you were 'taken care of' by your uncle, until you found out your big brother was alive and went to find him with new family, who took you in. He wants to speak with Edward personally, but thelfld asks him to leave it be and for them to celebrate their victory over the Danes. Young Uhtred watches angrily before leaving. But the Gods are fickle creatures. Uhtred simply wanted to bring peace to Aegelesburg rather than another battle. As Sihtric binds her hands, she claims that Uhtred now belongs to her and his spirit is hers to torment. It was the last time Uhtred saw her. Beocca reminds Uhtred of the promise he made to thelfld that he would come to her aid when she called on him. thelwold looks over to Brother Godwin, who remarks that Gisela was a pagan whore who never shouldve been buried on blessed grounds to begin with. Having been raised in a country constantly at war has hardened her. Lord Uhtred and his army set off to take the fight to the Danes. Bishop Erkenwald commands Steapa to return Uhtred to the palace. contains spoilers for TLK books and the TV series. Uhtred tells Bloodhair to spare the hostages and send them across the burh. Sihtric leads them to the dock, where they kill the guards before jumping into the ship and sailing away. Uhtred claims that thelfld is unloved and was sent to Mercia to be humped by her husband. , , , . Selwine suggests sending a representative of Wessex as well. She said that is why Uhtred will always have the strength to stand up when others fall and to go on when those around him say it is hopeless. Uhtred contemplates going back to retrieve Beoccas body, but Finan insists that he doesnt. ("Episode 2.1"), Guthred rewards Uhtred with food for coming to his rescue. Alfred cant trust Uhtred as he behaves like a spy, floats into Daneland and back again, tells half-truths, keeps secrets and refuses to accept the existence of the one, true God. Uhtred comes to a standstill. And for that, she will always have his protection. He said that thelwold should be King of Wessex and that Uhtred will be crowned King of Mercia. Rally them against Eardwulf if necessary. Brida does not hesitate to accompany Ragnar on his ship, but Uhtred reveals he has already sworn his oath to Alfred. Cnut confronts Uhtred, who hes come to know as the Dane-Slayer. In "The Last Kingdom", Uhtred was born into status as son of Uhtred, Ealdorman of Bebbanburg, and raised to have hatred towards the surrounding kingdoms of Mercia, East Anglia, Wessex, Scotland and the Danes. He then tells Uhtred that while he remains an outlaw, he is under the protection of Lady thelfld and free to leave when he is ready. Uhtred takes Bridas hand and remembers the very first time they met. Or will Ripley just leave the both of them in the dust. And now hes questioning if God wants him to do this. He suspects there may even be bodies laying in the fields. Uhtred and his men will attack from the north gate while thelred leads his men from the marshes. 200 or more. Afterward, Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth follow them out. If the dead man rises, when he returns to his grave, Sihtric will watch. And I mean everything. Iseult tells him that Uhtred is the chosen one to save them. ("Episode 2.8"), Alfred approaches Uhtred and states that he has a habit of rescuing Wessex. ("Episode 2.6"), Uhtred must accept that thelred is in charge of all men. Uhtred decides to go and see for himself. thelwold claims he was invited and the same will happen for Uhtred. Finan and Sihtric are prepared to fight to the death. ("Episode 1.6"), Summoned to the witan by Alfred, Uhtred walks blindly into a one-way trial where he is accused of not only raiding and plundering Cornwall by plotting with Skorpa, but also of helping Skorpa burn down the church being built at Cynwit. Status Hsten and Dagfinn escape as their men are slaughtered. Alfred is rather reserved in his opinions of the two newcomers, distrusting all pagans (and especially Danes) by nature. Before he can answer, Brida sneaks up from behind and strangles the life from Storri, breaking her curse. Uhtred has already paid the bride price of 33 pieces of silver and knows that she owns land and will therefore serve his long-term purpose of giving him what he needs to be a respected Ealdorman. The spirit of Saint Cuthbert has decreed that Guthred shall be king. Hsten asks how thelfld is in bed, comparing her to a squealing pig. Hsten then invites them all over to join him. Sigefrid claims that he no longer wishes to kill Uhtred. Hsten watches as Uhtred sails away with Skade. ("Episode 4.9"), Outside Winchester, Wessex;Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, Sihtric, and Eadith arrive outside of Winchester. But Alfred has bigger plans in mind. S2 If she lives, Uhtred will be her hope. ("Episode 4.7"), Uhtred is brought to Edward for his involvement in the riot over the grain. They plot to find a way inside. They claim to be worried that Kjartan will take their land. He is a Dane. Even his own comrades watch in disbelief. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He makes Uhtred promise him that he wont do anything stupid. Beocca reveals that Thyra died in a fire, which he suspects was set by men of Wessex. Brida believes it to be a bridge for Ragnar to cross over into Valhalla. "Episode 1.1" Uhtred changes the plan. Leofric then questions why his nephew Osferth with Uhtred when he is no warrior. The following morning, Tiske, recovers the heads, reporting back to Kjartan and Sven. Skade tells Uhtred that he has no other choice but to break his oath to Alfred. To Alfred, penance is what separates the good English Christians from the pagan heathens. She informs him that Gisela died during childbirth, but shes given him another son. ("Episode 3.1"), Uhtred, Sihtric, Osferth, and Skade arrive at Fearnham. Erik and Hsten arrive. She fears that people will see him nothing more than a tyrant imposed by Wessex. thelwold tells Uhtred that if they leave now to see Bjorn, they can be back in two days for the wedding. ("Episode 3.4"), All doors have been blocked except for the front door. She recovers the sword and wakes Uhtred and Halig up. Instead, he lies under a pile of stone. S3 ("Episode 2.6"), Erik asks Uhtred about his encounter with Bjorn. Pyrlig then calls Edward forward. Leofric is quick to declare the end of their fight as they flee in the ensuing panic. During the chase, thelwold hits his head on a branch and falls off the horse. As for who to betroth her to, Edward thinks that instead of making a bond with the Ealdormen, they should find a way to break them. Adorable Sihtric (The Last Kingdom) Protective Finan (The Last Kingdom) Mentioned Uhtred of Bebbanburg Enemies to Lovers Romance Strong Female Characters The day Uhtred murdered Skade, he had no idea she had a family. However, Aldstein refuses and suggests Osferth take on the role to which the council agrees on. : 9 , . He has a close relationship with his Danish family and is encouraged by Ragnar to marry Brida. Tags. ("Episode 3.10"), Cookham, UhtredsEstate, Wessex; Uhtred and thelfld have sex. She looks for signs if he does, but she rarely sees them. Once Hsten leaves, Uhtred shares that the Danes have 19 ships, meaning it is the start of the end of peace. Uhtred follows behind with a fleet of soldiers, including Hild, Halig, and Clapa. She wants them to meet her at the ruins of St. Milburgs Priory. However, Uhtred will do whatever he has to in order to kill Kjartan. He still sees her in his dreams. Uhtred then interrupts the Witan. ("Episode 4.10"), Aldhelm suggests choosing lfweard as his legitimacy isnt in question, but Edward refuses to choose one son over the other. ("Episode 4.9"), Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric lay low outside of Winchester as they wait for Edward and his army to arrive. Shes told Sigtryggr much about Uhtred, such as how hes lost his home in Bebbanburg. #the last kingdom #latest #pandemic #never have . ("Episode 4.9"), Uhtred and Finan watch as they dispose of a body outside of the kingdom and start to discuss of this as a possible way of entry. Leprosy is a terrible curse that no man dare approach. Years before, when he was a young man, foolish and prideful, he was made to choose between love and a crown. It is to feed Alfreds army. He kills Erik as the others escape. He only wanted peace. ("Episode 3.10"), While Uhtred may not be named in the kings chronicle, he is written on every page; from the Somerset Marshes to Ethandun and all the battle that followed. Uhtred then returns to the hall, where Osferth has started a fire and prepared food. ("Episode 3.9"), To Alfred, it feels like just yesterday he was giving baby Edward over to Uhtred and Iseult when he was sickly and dying. Hakka orders him to get back in his place, when he continues, Hakka whips him. Sigefrid explains that Guthrum sent them to Beamfleot begging for peace. They feel as though Uhtred is the blame. As the Danes try to recover, Uhtred, thelfld, young Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, Sihtric, Pyrlig, and Aldhelm charge, with the Welsh as backup. And so, Uhtred has to save her as he promised he would. ("Episode 3.2"), Uhtred meets with Alfred. Unbeknownst to Cnut, Brida has overheard him admit to killing her former lover. Hild then asks about his children. ("Episode 1.2"), Winchester, Wessex; Uhtred and Brida arrive in Winchester, where Uhtred is happily reunited with Father Beocca, who takes them to see Alfred for the first time. Uhtred demands that he admit to killing Ragnar. Uhtred and Brida arrive from their spot in the woods just as Earl Ragnar valiantly attempts to kill as many as he can before burning to death. Unbeknownst to them, Hsten eavesdrops on the conversation. This decision leads her to seek refuge in an unlikely ally. , , , , - , . He did not die a warrior's death. Ubba does not hear his pleas and wants to kill Uhtred, but immediately calls a halt when he learns Uhtred has kidnapped Storri. Osferth and Mildred (Uhtred first wife) being the best match that would've ever happened in the show. Edward threatens to have Uhtred seized, but hes done nothing wrong. Uhtred reached under the wooden frame of the bed's lower half and pulled out his old bow and arrows from when the Danes invaded Bebbanburg. Uhtred will only reveal her location if Edward promises that lfwynn and thelfld will be protected. Sigtryggr and Brida have captured Winchester, where Hsten plans to take lswith, thelstan, and Stiorra. He remarried to a Mercian noblewoman, Lady thelgifu, that union produced a son;Osbert (later known as Uhtred)in 857. Uhtred holds a blade to lfrics throat. Alfred will do what he has to to recover his daughter, even if it means negotiating. Wihtgar fires an arrow at young Uhtred, but Beocca jumps in front of him, taking the arrow in the chest. ("Episode 2.1"), Uhtred reunites with Father Beocca, who introduces him to Brother Trew. His eyes lock with Eadiths over Uhtreds shoulder. His work must continue. ("Episode 3.9"), Uhtred awakens Alfred from his sleep and swears that he will remain in Winchester until Edward is crowned king. The king is positioned at the centre of the pieces. Uhtred The presence of the king will increase their price. However, Uhtreds men grow tired of waiting. Uhtred is surprised to see that Brida is pregnant, as he did not know when he allowed her to be captured by the Welsh. He walks into her life and suddenly Finan is the last thing on her mind. Uhtred asks Hakka to release them of their chains, but he refuses. ("Episode 3.7"), Guthlac surrounds the ale house with Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth inside. One makes a run for it while the other tries to stab Finan, but they are both captured. ("Episode 3.6"), As soon as Osferth is recovered, Finan wants to recover Skade. Gisela tells Osferth that while Uhtred may be a good man, hes only allowing him to join his crew to embarrass Alfred. And with Hsten returning south, they soon he will know thelfld is in hiding. Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric urge Uhtred to attack now while Bebbanburg is weak. Hsten then puts the message in his mouth and slits his throat. To fight Hstens army, they will need an army. Unbeknownst to them, Bjorgulf arrives with a fleet of soldiers just up the hill. Uhtred exists the fortress with Skade. The Last Kingdom is based on Bernard Corwnwall's best-selling Saxon Stories. When Brida demands the name of this alleged "rebel Saxon slave", he says it was Uhtred. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (462), The Warrior Chronicles | The Saxon Stories - Bernard Cornwell (309), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (3), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (3), Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Erik Thurgilson (85), Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Character(s) (81), Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Aldhelm (The Last Kingdom) (72), Alfred the Great/Uhtred of Bebbanburg (71), Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Female Character(s) (55), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (166), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (69), What Could've Been, Would've Been, What Should've Been You, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Female Character(s), the crossover of my fave sexy dark haired warriors. After Young Uhtred was castrated by Brida . He then gives Uhtred a hug and tells him of his plan to return to his church. Once there was a Union. Meanwhile, Uhtred waits for Ubba's return, who enters the hall with Guthrum. This core belief causes him endless difficulties and complications throughout the series. Wessex; At the peace talk, Danish Earls Ubba and Guthrum arrive. Uhtred and Ulf wish to kill them. Uhtred then looks to Aidan and asks where his allegiance lies. You were the youngest and only daughter of Uhtred Uhtredson and his third wife, Gytha. ("Episode 4.1"), Pyrlig, King Edward, and Steapa approach Uhtred. Uhtred tells the others that they will enter the slave market alone. He continues to disguise himself as the dead horseman. Undoubtedly a signal. Young Uhtred explains that its not his God that Uhtred hates, but the fact that young Uhtred is not his father. He asks if Eadiths God looks over her. Furthermore, he is the man she trusts most. Winchester,Wessex; Following the Battle of Ashdown, the Wessex army have claimed a victory but King thelred has been gravely injured by an axe blow. ("Episode 2.8"), Sihtric arrives in Winchester with a letter for Uhtred from Erik and thelfld. Ragnar tells Uhtred that in swearing Alfred his sword, hell remain a slave. And in a few years, he will be free to pursue whatever path he wishes. In exchange for peace, he will offer them a fortress at Dunholm, which currently belongs to Kjartan. She replies that its because she was a warrior before all else. Erik agrees to his terms and takes his brother and castrates his hand. lswith claims that she is gifting Uhtred his life and tells him that he shall leave in peace. On one hand, The Last Kingdom would be back for a fifth and final season, but sadly it would be the last installment in the Netflix series. Aelfric had a son but the heir Wihtgar was banished. He was raised by Anglo-Saxons and later the Vikings after Ragnar defeated his father. Finan tries to intervene as Uhtred is too weak but he is knocked back. Dirty Blond, "Golden" ("Episode 2.3"), Uhtred, Halig, and Finan are shivering cold on the slave ship. osferth and athena's love was unique, nothing like any other love out there. He then tells Uhtred that hes to be King of Mercia. ("Episode 3.1"), Bloodhair arrives at the gates of Alton with Saxon hostages. She doesnt wish to hear any talk of going against Alfred. The Witan requests the presence of Uhtred, thelfld, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth. He admits that taking Uhtreds children was an irrational decision, though they have been taken care of. If Uhtred wishes to remain an Ealdorman, hell have to adhere to their laws. She thought his death would bring her peace, but it hasnt. He threatens to have her brought in and have every man take a turn with her, though Uhtred can see that Erik is very much conflicted. Uhtred remarks that he was surprised at Eriks anger towards thelred. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He then orders Finan to string up three of the dead from the trees so that they can be seen from the river. But at negotiations, Uhtred taunts Ubba and provokes him into thinking the gods are against him for not avenging Ragnar's murder, and in so doing, buys the Saxons a little more time. Steapa assures him that Alfred is merciful. Who can face her wrath? He and Halig are to be sold in exchange for 200 men from Bebbanburg. So, they prepare to leave. Ragnar remarks that the prospect of Alfred without Uhtred will bring many Danes, Ragnar included. Is she going to have the time of her life having sex with both of them? Oswald flees, but he's not quick enough and is run down and trampled by Uhtred and his horse. Leofric is brought in as a prisoner and admits to plundering Cornwall alongside Uhtred as his equal, but Odda is intent on blaming Uhtred. Male Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric enter the monastery to inform Uhtred and Aldhelm that King Edwards guards have taken control of Aegelesburg. Skade would like to be a part of his life. As they put him in bed, he drunkenly shares with them his plan to raise the Devonshire fyrd against the kings wishes. And because of that, Alfreds not willing to pay a great sum. They're in search of women companionship. Brida takes Uhtreds sword and throws it over the kingdoms walls. She adds that Eardwulf is also responsible for the delay of their return to Mercia. ("Episode 2.4"), Uhtred, Finan, and Steapa go in alone. Edward and the Ealdormen argue that thelfld cant rule because she is a woman. Bloodhair gets on a horse and flees. Young Uhtred suggests that his father was being guided. Shes seen 50 men become 5,000. Beocca admits that while the fight will be furious and men will fall, hes certain Uhtred will win. He realizes that Alfred sent help because of Hild. Osferth wishes to serve Uhtred as his Uncle Leofric often told him that Uhtred is a good man. thelfld tells Uhtred and Aldhelm to restrain themselves until after shes had a conversation with Edward. Avoiding the Roman roads which are filled with Danes, they travel by way of Lyscombe, only to find death and destruction. ("Episode 4.4"), Tettenhall woods, Mercia; Cnut follows Uhtred into the woods and they fight. It is his hope that one day, all kingdoms in England will be united as one, under one God. Pyrlig reveals that a group of riders were just sent to retrieve lfwynn. He doesnt have such ambition. Betrothed to the son of a Lord of Wessex, who could lay claim to the throne one day. Hands up if you wondered about Uhtred's third son on The Last Kingdom season 4. ("Episode 4.10"), Uhtred and Pyrlig continue to try and convince Edward against burning the kingdom. While hes gone, Eadith frees Sihtric and Pyrlig. He only wishes to kill Uhtred so that he doesnt repeat his fathers mistakes. The next morning, Uhtred and Brida look on helplessly in the smouldering aftermath of the murder scene as Kjartan and his men search for Ragnar's wealth. -the last kingdom-. Uhtred asks thelfld to fetch Beocca, but he arrives moments later on his own, and hes come to beg Uhtred to stay. And he will be loyal to her like no man ever before. Uhtred pleads with thelfld to stay with him, but she continues to get dressed.