Our Marathon Fueling Guide will help you nail your nutrition, give you tips on how to fuel with UCAN, and teach you to avoid the pitfalls that many runners fall into. While Strategy #1 has been popular, it can be problematic and has led to the development of this new slow-acting carbohydrate strategy. Remember to start fueling 15-30 minutes before the race, and then continue fueling every 17-30 minutes through the race. Top dietitians, elite trainers and more than 400 professional Tailwind is a popular option. I used to feel a crash a few hours afterwards and I dont get that anymore with UCAN. But if something goes wrong, thats no reason to give up there are a number of things that you can do to get back on track. The fueling begins 15-30 minutes before the race start. UCAN 2.93K subscribers Coach Greg McMillan joins Generation UCAN for a webinar on the top 3 marathon fueling strategies! I've used those Power Gels from Power Bar is a couple of marathons in the past and never felt it made a difference compared to doing nothing at all so I kind of tossed the gel thing aside. Then once you have it dialed in on a long run, try it in a goal pace workout and see if it works in a more intense situation. This last strategy is becoming very popular and I suspect will be the go-to strategy for most runners in the future (unless some breakthrough product/strategy is discovered). I pored deeper into my look at these fueling options and was further emboldened with what I discovered. Compare All Plans, Login Training Plan/Run Team UCAN fuels a wide range of elite and everyday athletes, from 4x Olympian Meb Keflezighi when he crossed the finish line to win the Boston Marathon to beginner runners training for fitness and. First, you dont get the high from the sugar rush at every feeding. The development of SuperStarch evolved from the innovative discovery of a food that could provide up to ten hours of energy (as glucose) for children with a rare metabolic disorder. Since this process takes time and requires lots of water, it means fluids can slosh around in the stomach for a while, potentially causing problems.. I use the UCAN powder before long runs and carry a bar along the way. Ingest 4-8 ounces of sports drink every 15 minutes and/or an energy gel every 30-45 minutes. I introduced a co-worked to it recently, and she says it has totally made her long runs better and recovery more easy. Use our Marathon Nutrition Calculator to practice your nutrition strategy in training, and pay attention to your body during these sessions. When you have simple carbs before your run, you may start to feel your blood sugar drop 30 minutes into your workout, which can cause fatigue and loss of focus. For athletes with body composition and weight loss goals, a recovery drink with steady-release carbs instead of sugar will keep the body in fat-burning mode for longer post workout and can also help curb post-run hunger. Usually my long runs last a maximum of 2:45. Keep them frozen as long as you can because they will melt, especially the chocolate/peanut butter bars (which are my fav)! Generation UCAN makes fueling for a marathon simple, whether youre a competitive athlete and running to win, or focused on fitness and running to lose. It was a part of my routine in the NFL, during my recovery, and I use it daily. That said, no coach will recommend running a marathon at marathon pace prior to the marathon. A password will be sent to your email address. Thats where strategy #2 comes in. You then risk cramming everything down or hitting the wall, which is why yourlong run fueling strategy should be practiced many times before race day. Please note that affiliate links {such as Amazon} may pop up on RTTF from time to time. The lighter you are and the less body weight you have, the fewer calories you will burn. But if you go out and do 10 miles at race pace, you might need 4-6 gels to fuel your workout. -Jayme N. Use our referral number MTA to save 20% on your order. Before diving into the numbers, lets talk about thekindsof foods you should eat during a marathon. It will still take several long runs, hard workouts and tune-up races to fully dial in your optimal feeding schedule. A pre-workout meal before a long run or race may include: This is a good combination of high carb, moderate protein, and a small amount of fat. This is especially important during a marathon when you want to be able to access carbohydrates as quickly as possible. If using the Plain UCAN, mix with a scoop of protein powder or with sugar-free electrolytes for flavor. Here are some tips on fueling with UCAN during a workout: Consume 1 serving Edge every 45-60 minutes during exercise. Do you have trouble fuelling before or during your training? To avoid this crash, sports nutrition companies recommend re-dosing about every 30 minutes with a sugar-based energy gel, or to continuously sip at a sugary sports drink. The top three ingredients in the Ucan bars are SuperStarch (hydrothermally cooked non-GMO corn starch), protein blend (whey protein isolate, milk protein concentrate) and isomaltooligosaccharide. P..S. loved your Belin race recap, I am a huge fan of your podcast, keep up the good work! As I mentioned, Ive had better success with this strategy than the traditional strategy but there are a few considerations. Forming a hydration plan for athletes will depend on your sweat rate and electrolytes lost in sweat. It can no longer tolerate as concentrated or as much carbohydrate as it could earlier in the race. Here are our pro tips for marathon nutrition: Use the Marathon Nutrition Calculator to create a nutrition plan for your next marathon. If youre taking in sugary sports nutrition, do it later in the workout. Eating during a marathon is the definition of easier said than done. What are you supposed to eat, how much, how often, and what about water versus electrolytes? If you start experiencing stomach distress, yet all your calories are coming from liquids and bottles, the risk becomes two-pronged. Let's discuss. Have I dialed in my preferred quantities and do I own what I need to easily transport my UCAN? You have to consider what to eat as well as when and how often to eat (or drink) as well. After suffering GI distress and bonking, I searched for a powerful on-the-run fueling alternative. Hey MTA! 2023 Marathon Training Academy. Many runners will preload with electrolytes before running. water or sports drink 10-20 minutes before activity drink 10 oz. All Rights Reserved. Drink formulations centered around fast absorbing carbohydrates that emptied from the stomach quickly, got absorbed from the intestines quickly and thus boosted blood glucose levels quickly (and provided some electrolytes as well). This is where it all starts coming together we know how many calories we need to consume during the marathon, the type of foods we should consume, and how to separate your fluids from your calories. Studieshave shown thatcarbohydrates in liquid form are the best food to consume during a marathon for most runners. Gels are one of the most common sources of carbohydrates during a marathon. When I use UCAN, I drink a full serving of the Energy Powder 30 minutes before I start. For all but the last 30-45 minutes, use the Strategy 2 regimen above. UCAN PRODUCTS. Since the marathon lasts 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 6+ hours, it makes sense youd need to fuel to maintain your blood glucose level. Dathan Ritzenhein's Marathon Fueling Journey Dathan Ritzenhein details his struggles with "The Wall" and how the steady energy of UCAN helps him get the best out of himself in training and racing. The higher your absorption, the more quickly you can access the 30+ grams of carbohydrates from a gel. Personally the aftertaste of this was not a winner for me. The main reason for the frequent dosing is that as the carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and raise the glucose in the blood very quickly, the brain senses this (and remember I said it tightly monitors the blood glucose level) and triggers the release of insulin to lower the blood glucose level to keep it from going too high. The performance benefits of carbohydrates were discovered many decades ago and since the 1970s, fast-acting carbs like simple sugars (i.e. You know what they say about the best-laid plans Marathon nutrition is not as simple as writing a plan and executing it. It comes in seven different flavors, including one caffeinated flavor (matcha). I think that big smile was due to my awesome MTA training that kept me strong until the end. My testing and research has definitely paid off, not only for my health but my race times as well. As for the cinnamon swirl option, it has a similar amount of protein and carbs and other measureable nutritional elements but lacks the flavor of the chocolate bars. Its a slower energy burn so thats going to keep you satiated longer, for at least a couple hours, says Seebohar. Most stations are clustered in urban areas where driving a few miles can take 20 minutes. Covered in this post here, we mentioned our Running Weight Calculator which is more for fun than genuine use. Their endurance fuel option mixes with water and provides calories and electrolytes. This is especially important during a marathon when you want to be able to access carbohydrates as quickly as possible. Skratch is another popular option. Weight loss is not always a good thing. For longer events I like Tailwind too. There is no more faking it when it comes to your nutrition approach when you get up to the marathon distance since glycogen stores are limited at around 2000 calories, or about 2-2.5 hours. NO SPIKES, NO CRASH Avoid the highs and lows of sugar-based fuels with our slow-releasing SuperStarch ! As you will soon understand, it's virtual impossible for an ultrarunner to replace all of the calories they burn during an ultramarathon. But if you start fading near the end of your workout, you might need a little bit more fuel onboard. They recommend one every 60 minutes. So, runners learned that we need to fuel during the marathon and this research coincided with the boom in the sports drinks industry. For at least 15 hours after the earthquake, nine out of the facility's 12 emissions monitors read as "invalid," "questionable," or "missing," according to the refinery's online . Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for endurance athletes in training. If youve ever experienced GI distress (sloshing, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) then you know it can make for a miserable training or race experience and can be deadly to your performance. 4-8 oz. Generation Ucan bars deliver on the most important test. For years, I watched well-trained runners fail because of the nasty effects of sugary gels and chews, says Coach Greg McMillan, whos worked with all levels of runners from Olympians to first time marathoners. Traditional energy gels and sports drinks with maltodextrin and simple sugars have a high osmolality, which is why many runners experience GI distress when they consume them repeatedly. Strategy 2 - Slow Acting Carbohydrates Our community of athletes, experts and ambassadors are changing the game and inspiring a new generation to say UCAN! In most cases, runners should separate their fluids from their calories. My hope with this section is to provide some insights into the common fueling methods so you can experiment to see what works for you. Most first-time marathon runners will be out there for at least 4 hours, so fueling before and during your run is critical to performing your best and feeling good doing it. The number revealed by the Marathon Nutrition Calculator is more than just a number you cannot fuel your marathon with equal amounts of chocolate cake, sports gels, or broccoli and expect the same result.Not all calories are created equal when it comes to marathon nutrition and fueling your training session. The general recommendations are to consume 30-60g of carbohydrates per hour (some people need more, especially if fueling for an ultra-marathon) after the first hour of exercise. Thats been a win-win for me and many other runners. . Here are some tips to get started: Here are some tips on fueling with UCAN during a workout: Refueling with Energy + Protein after a tough session helps your muscles recover while giving you a consistent release of energy so you dont crash. Maurten is a fast-acting energy source that allows you to easily digest and use a large amount of carbs which has shown to enhance performance. Stations in destination locations like Santa Barbara, Napa and Truckee mean weekend getaways with your FCEV. Most of your hydration should come from electrolyte mixes and some water. I can see how the 360 or even the 360 CAF would be a good choice, but since my stomach is sensitive, I prefer to stick to the 160. Liquid sources of calories are best for marathon training and racing because of the pounding effects of running. As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. UCAN marathon fuel: Utilizing a super starch they claim both no stomach issues and no crashes. It is flavored with real fruit so has less sugar than other fueling products. I therefore recommend UCAN Hydrate during runs that are above 45 degrees and in the days leading up to the race. The only app with personalized training plans designed specifically for real people who want to accomplish something amazing in endurance sports. How are they different? Zach has a degree in Exercise Science and Psychology. Then, well guide you through the details of creating a nutrition plan for marathon training and racing. They do not cost you anything to use, but are a huge help to support the ongoing content creation process. First and foremost, every endurance athlete must practice with various nutrition options before race day. Ultra runners have done this for years and a visit to any ultra aid stations will look more like a buffet at potluck party than the usual tables of water and sports drink (and the occasional gel station) at most marathons. Dont try anything new on race day. Chat With Us, Privacy Policy | Contact Support | Terms and Conditions. "UCAN gives me 2 to 3 hours of sustained energy . The harder you run, the more calories you burn, and the fastest runners in the world can burn over 1000 calories per hour. The top three ingredients for all of the Gu Energy gel options were maltodextrin, water and fructose. That will tease out any flaws in your nutrition approach since youre subjecting yourself to as much of the race day stress as possible. I tried two of Ucans five flavors chocolate and cinnamon swirl. You just work out in your training the frequency of ingestion so you maintain energy. This worked well until one time when it was just too much for my stomach during the, Remember, this is the fueling approach that works for me and every runner is different. Protein bars. I was so excited when the Edge gels came out but they were a flop for me. This would then keep the brain happy (it uses glucose and tightly monitors blood glucose levels) and would provide some glucose for the working muscles. Edge won't give you a sugar rush like a typical energy gel, and you don't need to chase it with water to digest it. Having breakfast before a marathon creates a buffer like nutrition insurance which provides you with some extra carbohydrates if you under-fuel during the race. The secret is out! See what you find works. I took 2 bars before the race and 2 during the race. UCAN comes in powder and portable forms, so it can be mixed as a liquid or carried like a gel. Instead, you use slow-absorbing carbohydrates that maintain a steady blood glucose level and are kinder on a dehydrated GI tract. I too struggled with the gus and hammer gels for my first 3 marathons. You should ingest a liquid with carbohydrates and a little protein within the first few minutes (less than 30 minutes) after a No-Fuel/Slow-Fuel long run. The others are chocolate peanut butter (sounds amazing), peach passion (worth a try) and coffee bean (yuck, I am not a fan of coffee). You have steady energy for the bulk of the race and avoid the GI issues found with the fast-acting carbohydrates but then get the big energy burst in the home stretch. Generation UCAN makes fueling for a marathon simple, whether you're a competitive athlete and running to win, or focused on fitness and running to lose. It can be tempting to lose weight in the hope that it will make you faster, but this plan will eventually fall apart. Instead, we can focus on a high quality pre-run meal and a high quality post-run meal over our quick fuel. Everyones body is unique and can handle different types and amounts of food before a workout. We start with non-GMO corn and apply a patented, natural cooking process with just the right amount of heat and moisture over a long period of time. It is always a good practice to start out adequately hydrated before a long run or race. improved the lives of children with a rare metabolic disorder. Maurten uses a hydrogel technology that makes the fuel super easy to digest and quickly accessible as you run. All Rights Reserved. UCAN Edge - - Long run fuel 70 calories (less than half of most gels) with 19 grams of carbohydrates and 55mg of sodium. And, runners are using more food and food-like products (dates and figs seem to be very popular at the moment). I wanted to thank you both from the bottom of my heart for starting the Academy and online community. and college teams rely on UCAN to be at their best. Instead, it is best to prepare a meal plan that contains a mix of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein to fuel your workouts. He is a certified coach, Cat 1 cyclist, and is a freelance writer having been published in many of the worlds largest endurance sports publications. It is important to keep your hydration hight, so make sure to hydrate with water and additional sugar-free electrolytes as needed during the race, especially on hot and humid days. The bar is dense and doesnt have a real distinct cinnamon flavor. Based on fueling and hydration recommendations, you may need 1-2 scoops per hour of racing. You might decide, or be coached, to instead run a 20 mile long run with two 6-mile marathon-paced segments included as your race simulation. Heres a breakdown of some of the best chews for running to help you determine which may work best for you. 1 serving of Energy Powder has 20g of LIVSTEADY carbs and delivers 60-90 minutes of steady energy; 1 serving of Edge has 15g LIVSTEADY and delivers 45-60 minutes of steady energy. In general, before a long run or race, youll want to decrease your fiber intake such as beans, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, etc. For me, Ucan bars deliver taste (notably chocolate), a powerful fix of fuel and ingredients I feel comfortable with. Hi there! Please note that with the COVID19, delays can be longer, WE SHIP INTERNATIONALLY We ship in South Asia, send us an e-mail : sales@generationucan.com.au. Stand at the 25-mile mark of any marathon and youll see lots of runners (and Ive been one) who clearly stopped fueling adequately and are left to struggle to the finish line. Manage Account Electrolyte mixes are best for performance but can be difficult to stomach for long periods. This carbohydrate is manipulated by heat and water so it is absorbed more slowly to avoid the spike and crash. What if You Have Stomach Issues During a Marathon? In my long quest to find the optimal fueling solution for my needs, I have found Maurten and UCAN to be the products that work best. After working with thousands of marathoners from charity marathon groups to Boston Qualifiers to Olympians, I wanted to provide a quick overview of the three most common strategies that Ive seen work. You should still have a carb-based breakfast on race morning to make sure that your carbohydrate stores are completely topped off. Drink 1 serving of the UCANSports Drink Mix30-45 minutes before the race starts. Fueling for a marathon involves looking at many factors, which we will discuss in this post. Our slow-releasing energy source, SuperStarch, is changing the way runners fuel their training! It may take some practice to find the right foods and gels for your stomach, but thats why you practice in training instead of trying something new on race day. This will help decrease your marathon recovery time. Marathon Fueling with Pro Runners Sara Hall, Emma Bates and Coach Greg McMillan Marathon Fueling with Pro Runners Sara Hall, Emma Bates & Coach Greg McMillan Watch on In this blog, we dive into the fueling routines of some of the fastest women marathoners in the world. They have gels now so they may be great running gels for sensitive stomachs. "I love having UCAN bars after my workouts and long runs. Fuel smarter on-the go with our sugar-free energy gels. Blog The bars do have roughly twice the number of calories but after all, during these long runs, I need to replenish calories. It provides long-lasting fuel to help power your runs and doesn't contain added sugars. With some experimentation, you can use more or less UCAN each feeding and/or take it more and less frequently. Nailing your nutrition is a key aspect of marathon training and racing. I dont feel the soreness or aches and pains after a long run and I still have energy 2 or 3 hours later. From staying adequately hydrated, to training your gut, to taking in enough fuel, these are some of the logistics that marathon runners need to consider for fueling during a marathon. You can choose either theUCAN Sports DrinkMix or theProtein-Enhanced Drink Mix. Remember that you can train your gut to take in carbs during long runs and it does deserve time and patience as you practice. It does contain erythritol as a sweetener, so be sure to know how that effects your digestive system. These are good starting points as you begin your experiment to find the best fueling strategy for your next marathon. It did not take me long to figure out that I could cut them into easily manageable bite-sized pieces that were easy to transport and easier to chew on the run. UCAN is a sports nutrition company that sells products containing its proprietary SuperStarch, a low glycemic complex carbohydrate that's designed to provide steady energy rather than spike blood. The top three ingredients in the Ucan bars are SuperStarch (hydrothermally cooked non-GMO corn starch), protein blend (whey protein isolate, milk protein concentrate) and isomaltooligosaccharide. Firstly, you want to make sure you are eating enough throughout your training cycle carbs, protein and fat. Increasing your fluid intake in the days leading up to the race, the night before, and the morning of is going to be good practice to reach adequate fluid status. An important part of taking in carbohydrates during the race is to take them with water, and take them consistently. Youll also want to decrease your fat intake such as cheese, ice cream, fatty meat, avocado, nuts, and seeds as these foods take longer for the stomach to digest and therefore may cause GI issues. For food/food-like products, ingest every 30-60 minutes depending on the product. As a professional runner and nurse anesthetist, Sarah Sellers relies on UCAN to energize smarter before her morning long runs. Once they move up to longer distances, the errors in their nutrition approach are revealed, often resulting in the dreaded bonk (aka hitting the wall). If the run is longer than 2 hours, I carry a Maurten gel with me and I take that when I have 5 miles left to go. No matter your marathon time, you can simply feed once every hour to maintain steady energy. It has been a game changer for me in terms of recovery. -Karen J. Do you have a long run fueling strategy in place? Your training sessions should be fueled in the same way as racing, but with some adjustments for volume and intensity. Its such a great race, requiring speed, My recent article on PodiumRunner. I've switched to SIS gels for in race. UCANs breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADYTM, delivers consistent energy and helps maintain stable blood sugar. I also eat an English muffin with almond butter to go along with my Maurten Drink mix. Meb is considered one of the top American Distance runners of the last 2 decades. Other Considerations for Fueling a Marathon. For example, a runner might use UCAN or another slow-acting carbohydrate for the bulk of the race but then supplement with a fast-acting gel or sports drink in the last 30-45 minutes for the sugar high. Some runners even choose a caffeinated fast-acting carbohydrate source for an even bigger mental boost. Its important to recover with carbs and protein for endurance athletes in order to replenish glycogen, especially after a long run. It is a mixture of short-chaincarbohydrateswith a digestion-resistant property. Find a McMillan Coach Near You Consuming these carbohydrates boosts blood glucose and energy levels rapidly, but theres a downside the subsequent crash. To illustrate just how universal marathon fueling has become, here are the race weekend eating habits of runners from five countries: Australia, Finland, Wales, Venezuela, and the United. Fueling up with UCAN before a workout is one of the best times to use the product. I want to thank MTA for all the advice I received as I trainedit was appreciated! of low-fat milk and a banana. Were going to answer all those questions and more in this article. If you feel your stomach starting to turn, switch to drinking water until your stomach resettles, and then go back to electrolyte mix. This led to the traditional fueling strategy that most runners have used (or at least started with). Should I pre-load with 2 or 3 servings of UCAN Energy before a long run or race? This seems to provide the best of both worlds. My running buddies use it too! Running longer runs and marathons without fuel means energy levels, and blood sugar levels, fade over time. Many runners will go back to bed or even take a nap between their early morning breakfast and the start of the race. There are benefits of carb loading for runners 2-3 days in advance of the race. Rough guidelines are 30-90 grams of carbohydrates per hour in this strategy. If you are traveling for a race, make sure to bring some of your usual pre-workout fueling options as well as plan ahead and search the area you will be staying in to find some options for pre-race fueling. Refreshing, sugar-free electrolyte drink mix. UCAN Discount Code: RUNTOTHEFINISH for 20% off. UCAN is a slow-release fuel with the benefit of not having to fuel as often and avoiding blood sugar spikes and crashes. You will discover whether you prefer fluids or solids or a combination. UCAN's breakthrough complex carbohydrate, LIVSTEADY, delivers consistent energy without the unhealthy, jittery blast you get from caffeine and sugar-laden products. In general, alow carb diet for runnerisnt going to help with performance, though it can be helpful for teaching the body to use more fat for longer distances. Plus, the tangy, citrus flavor provides a refreshing treat when you feel like you've hit a wall. An average marathon runner, for example, may target 30-60 grams of carbohydrates consumer per hour during a marathon. Try to minimize the amount of sugar or simple carbs you consume along with UCAN, but having small amounts of sugar during exercise in conjunction with UCAN will not negate the impact. That effort will help you work out the kinks and give you rock solid confidence that your race day nutrition will be spot on.