Rumor and word of mouth then played their part, along with the medias recurring lack of fact-checking and the capacity of social media to rapidly disseminate fake news . John Zegrus. [] When the accused was cross-examined he said that it was a State of 2 million population somewhere south of the Sahara. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of mainland Europe. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, Alleged Sighting of the Mythical Manananggal in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety, The Green Children of Woolpit: Legendary Visitors from Another World, Medieval Sea Monster Was Likely a Whale, New Research Reveals, Adventist Adventurer Claimed to Have Found Ark of the Covenant Beneath Crucifixion Site, Iron Age Comb Made from Human Skull Discovered Near Cambridge, An Unbreakable Story: The Lost Roman Invention of Flexible Glass, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire. Today, were going to explore the tale of the Man from Taured. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. It was a hot day in July 1954 when a smartly dressed man arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. Hes from Taured. The passport looked authentic, but it was issued by a . This information confused the customs officials, as they had never heard of the small country. They began looking up maps. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.The country's head of state is the reigning king or queen, and the head of government is the prime minister, who is the leader of the majority political party in the House of Commons.. On December 15, 2015, English-speaking guests in Bangkoks hotels were met with a strange sight. [2] (sic) (this could be misspelled, other sources use Tuared). The United Kingdom was part of the European Union from 1973 until 'Brexit' was finalised on 3 1 December 2020 when the transition period (from 31 January 2020) ended with new arrangements between the EU and the UK. There's also another possibility to consider I'm noticing and unusual amount of strange phenomenon seemed to occur in July in the late 40s and 1950s. [] This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. This is one of those solutions that seem even more interesting than the problem! the Mystery Man, who was arrested and prosecuted in Tokyo after having presented a fake passport to enter Japan in 1959. Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? That was originally where I stopped my post, more or less. -, Press J to jump to the feed. The topography of each country differs sli the major landforms in the united kingdom include mountain ranges, marshland, beache. # 8. United Kingdom country profile. And if there were any doubters, they were invited to read a kind of proclamation beneath the national Tuared stamp. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571: The Limits of Survival, Tesla Versus Edison: The Truth About The Infamous Inventors Rivalry. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain) is a state located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. Not to worry, the officials thought. It could've been from the arabic word "Mumuzaq" ("") meaning "Torn". Mr. Zegrus wanted to travel round the world. Eventually, the man was held by the officers, as they were suspicious that he might be some kind of criminal. His conversation with the custom officials is absolutely mind-boggling. Lanjut ke misteri 'Pria Dari Taured'. []. Whether the author of The Directory of Possibilities mangled a story he had heard long ago, or simply fabricated his own version for the sake of intrigue, it seems clear that the tale of John Allen Zegrus inspired the story of the man from Taured. Was his whole existence a farce? The defendant, John Allen K. Ziegler [sic] (36), was sentenced by Judge Yamagishi to one year of imprisonment. It comprises the island of Great Britain, the north-east part of the island of Ireland and many small islands. If you are denied entry into Japan they put you in immigration jail while they wait for the airlines to repatriate you (the airlines are responsible for repatriating you, they will try to get the money from you in advance if you don't have a return flight, they'll often hold you for several days waiting for a free seat). The first half of the 20th century saw two World Wars seriously deplete the UK's strength and the Irish . The mystery man claimed that it was the third time he was visiting Japan from his country. Some have explained the story as proof of time travel , while others have spoken of a parallel universe. In his universe, the country of Taured was founded over 1,000 years ago, and Andorra was just as fictional to him as Taured was to those Japanese officials. The next morning, however, when the officers went to the mans room, they realized that he had vanished. The story has sparked some interesting conspiracy theories over the years. Upon deeper interrogation, he claimed to be a naturalized Ethiopian citizen and a compatriot of Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. This costs about 30,000 yen a day currently (about $300USD). The man grew frustrated. Belief in malevolent spirits inhabiting the human body has persisted across cultures for millennia. Helpful. In recent years have called for their own country in northern Mali called Azawad. According to Snopes, this popular tale of the man from Taured, said to have visited Japan from a parallel universe , is actually a greatly embellished and fantastical version of a far less sensational real story. The origin of this outlandish tale seems to have been inspired by the true account of John Allen Kuchar Zegrus , a.k.a. Tetapi apa pun yang terjadi sejak saat itu dan seterusnya, membuat semua orang bingung dan prihatin. Until, next time Everyone, Have a Happy New Year everybody, Goodbye! It was a day like any other in Tokyo, Japan, in July 1954. A handful of western newspapers ran the story in 1960 and 61, stating that Zegrus may have worked for the CIA and FBI, but he was now considered a man without nationality. The man also stated that he had never had similar problems in all his previous business trips around the world. I could totally see him trying to pull one over on the judge for what, though, I dont have much speculation. Ive tried setting up an account at the forum to clarify this, but my account is currently awaiting approval by an administrator. I have now been given posting privileges and responded to Anony. In the book, Wilson and Grant have one sentence on our Tauredian traveler: And in 1954 a passport check in Japan is alleged to have produced a man with papers issued by the nation of Taured. 92.4. Who Was Really the Worst Dictator of the 20th Century? Oh, agreed. The ending is so bad that I had to reread it to make sure I hadn't, myself, slipped inexplicably into another dimension where literature is clearly not revered. No one has ever been able to find any Haneda Airport documentation or contemporary newspaper articles about itor any evidence whatsoever. Neither the country nor the language can be identified, although a great deal of time has been spent in the attempt. This rather tears it, I think. In evidence, he describes himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalized Ethiopian. When shown a map, the man from Taured pointed to the area occupied by the Principality of Andorra, and was puzzled as to why his country had been given a different name on the map. The storys first telling seems to be in a book called The Directory of Possibilities, published in 1981. Hence, it could be one of those stories which could have emerged from Wilson's imagination. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Another proposal is that the man was a time traveler from the future, though this interpretation is arguably more problematic than the one supposing inter-dimensional travel. The hotel he claimed to have a reservation for had never heard of him either. The UK is low lying in the east. This is a list of fictional countries from published works of fiction . According to him it should have been, for it had existed for more than 1,000 years! Este servizo de Google, dispoible sen custo econmico, traduce ao instante palabras, oracins e pxinas web entre o ingls e mis de 100 idiomas. One of the accounts of the conspiracy theory published on fact-checking website Snopes reads: "Customs officials found him in possession of money from several different European currencies. The passport was quite recent having been issued only 4 years earlier in May of 1950. Have you ever switched on the news and caught a story about a country that youve never heard of? The world of urban legend is one of the areas of the internet and the world prefer to live in. He told airport staff that he had arrived in Japan on a business trip - for the third time this year. The man did not hail from another dimension, he was prosecuted and sentenced by Japanese authorities, and he did not mysteriously vanish from a guarded hotel room. However, it appears that it wasnt made up, but is based on a true story. All these he recorded on a passport which he made himself. They began looking up maps. Armed with this wonderful document, Mr. Zegrus travelled royally through the Middle East, accepting homage as he went. One hypothesis posits that the man from Taured is evidence of a parallel dimension, whereby there is another Earth like our own existing in an alternate reality. Did the man from Taured disappear back into a parallel dimension or travel back to the future? Pada hari itu udara panas sedang menyergap Tokyo, pada awalnya tidak ada masalah pada kegiatan di bandara tersebut. The book conspicuously lacks any sources for this tale, and the author has faced accusations of fabricating it to sell more copies. Taured comes from Tauredish word "Taure" meaning "Valley". This man has been described as Caucasian with a beard. His passport has multiple stamps, including Japanese ones, and appears real. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Turn out, it doesn't even exist. The man had disappeared just as mysteriously as hed arrived, returning to the nowhere from whence he came. The passport is stated to have been issued in Tamanrosset the capital of the independent sovereign state of Tuarid. Common classes of paranormal tales are accounts of persons who have mysteriously appeared (e.g., from the past, the future, other worlds, other dimensions) and those who have mysteriously vanished (to no one knows where). In 1960 news began to spread throughout the Western world, primarily the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, of a man named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone, Evidence that Noahs Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Ten Bizarre Mysteries Across Time and Space, Not Just an Urban Legend: The Terrifying Ghostly Tales of the Lady in White, Time Travel from Ancient Mythology to Modern Science. Visibility 10 mi. But the more we ponder on Mr. Zegrus, the more we wish there were really a capital called Tamanrasset, in the delectable county of Tuared south of the Sahara, with a language like the one Zegrus invented. According to Mathew (emboldenings again mine): My hon. So, the man was taken to an office in the airport for further questioning. Assuming that maybe he was a spy or criminal, the officers then asked him why he was in Japan, although again this led to a dead end. His ultimate fate is unknown. He claimed Taured was a country that resided between France and Spain. But, to the surprise of officers, they couldn't find any country named Taured. And the spelling is close that I cant believe its a coincidence. (We dont know for certain, after all, that the man actually spoke Japanese.) Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 April 2020. I guess I was establishing perhaps that Man from Tauran who arrived in Japan 1954, that spoke with a strong French language somehow slipped through that possible dimension from those Planet's seemingly similar to Earth? Hes a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land. . Snopes cannot be trusted as a non-biased site. The Scopes Monkey Trial: The Man Who Was Prosecuted for Teaching Evolution, The Beale Cyphers: Virginias Unsolved Key to an Enormous Fortune, The Republic of Salo: Italys Short Stint Under Nazi Rule. Report abuse. The gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? Japan was beginning an intense period of modernization and economic expansion, and foreign businessmen from all over the globe regularly arrived at Haneda. He was from Taured, a small country nestled between the borders of Spain and France. He/she also found a CIA reference to Zegrus here: ZEGRUS SENTENCE--The Tokyo District Court 22 December sentenced John Allen K. Zegrus, a man without nationality, to one year imprisonment for having illegally entered Japan and passing phony checks. The passport was stamped as issued at Tamanrasset, the capital of Tuared south of the Sahara. Any places so romantically named out to exist, but they dont. Due to his lack of a home country, he was never allowed to leave Japan. The hotel at which he claims to have booked a reservation never received one from him. Havana Syndrome: Why Do US Diplomats Keep Getting Sick? In the original Japanese article, it was ".". The man presented travelers checks, his companys name, and a wallet full of foreign currencies. Flag. If so, the solution may be nothing more than the French-Japanese language barrier. One of my favorites, of course, is the supposedly true tale of The Man From Taured. From the northern tip of Scotland to the southern coast of England, it is about 600 miles (1,000 km). Economically, United Kingdom of Taured favors moderate policies. So what about the rest of the story? Prior to Jul 1960 a man named John Alan Zegrus was arrested in Tokyo. ( ipopba / Adobe Stock). Source: MedRocky / Adobe Stock, Wu Mingren (Dhwty) has a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History and Archaeology. Baffled, they took him to a local hotel and placed him in a room with two guards outside until they could get to the bottom of the mystery. No part is more than 75 miles (120 km) from the sea. Surely, this was some sort of an elaborate prank. Note that the French word for Andorra, lAndorre, has some of the same vowel sounds as the made-up Taured. Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. Forever. Obviously I have no evidence of that, and its entirely possible that he did actually attempt suicide in the courtroom (whether based on his sentence/fear of foreign imprisonment or for completely unrelated reasons), but just based on his general M.O. The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless population of 3.271 billion Tauredians are either ruled by a . Fictional works describe all the countries in the following list as located somewhere on the surface of the Earth as we know it - as opposed to underground, inside the planet, on another world, or during a different "age" of the planet with a different physical geography. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or simply the United Kingdom (UK) is a sovereign country in Western Europe. The fake passport was confiscated, and Zegrus was sentenced to one year in prison for using counterfeit checks and documentation. He/she linked to a 1960 Japanese newspaper article that is clearly about Zegrus. Safe to say that the man from Taured certainly wouldn't get away with his antics in the modern world. The story ends with the man disappearing (forever) a day after arriving in Japan. :D, awesome. His action takes precedence, we think, over the American citizen who flew his own plane round the world wearing his own uniform, receiving homage from all and sundry. Remember when one is a Child an are doing a lot of dreaming and sometimes during those dreams when children occasionally another other world comes alive through the dreams? Upon searching the airport, though, the officials discovered that all the mans papers, including his passport and ID, were no longer anywhere to be found. He was dubbed as the "Mystery Man" ( ) by Japanese news at the time, and became a prototype for some . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Someone thus began to put forward the hypothesis that the man of taured may have been a traveler from another dimension, a parallel universe, in which instead of the principality of andorra there was the united kingdom of taured, which for some reason it had materialized among us before. The Moora Mystery: What Happened When a Girl Stepped into the Moor 2,500 Years Ago? As Ziegler shouted "I'm going to kill myself," three guards rushed to restrain him, and he was taken by ambulance to Kyobashi Hospital. (Page 1 of tag Taured) . Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. The forged passport Zegrus used to enter the country was handmade, and the name of the country it bore, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious. V khch l khng nh quc gia Taured tn ti hn 1000 nm lch s v cha bao gi c gi l Andorra. Only, the country was not Taured. Hes never heard of Andorra, and cant understand why his homeland of Taured isnt there. The man from Taured was therefore taken away for interrogation. Where is United Kingdom? The story of the man from Taured begins quite specifically in many sources with a hot day in July 1954. Victims of bureaucracy all over the universe will be delighted to hear that he was wonderfully received everywhere -- well, almost everywhere. So does King Tut. (once transliterated into Japanese, it's nearly impossible to translate Foreign language people/place names [excluding maybe Chinese and Korean, etc.] A debate in the British House of Commons at the time showed that Zegrus described himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalised Ethiopian. So while the country of "Tuarid" might be fictitious it is obviously based on a very real place and people who have traditionally eschewed ideas of nationality and place. In case youre wondering, there is no country by the name of Taured, either today or during the 1950s, the purported time when the incident took place. In July 1954, an unidentified European-looking man arrived at Tokyo airport. A traveler from time or another dimension arrives in Japan. But then I found two Reddit posts thatI can say with some certaintycracked the entire case. Attempted suicide immediately after sentencing Fictitious nationality, fluent in 14 languages A mysterious foreigner of unknown nationality and background, accused of illegal entry and fraud, tried. This is why it's called The United Kingdom of the Valleys of Taured. I love this sort of thing. Let me help you with this little tidbit. Post-Truth Politics: Why the Facts Dont Really Matter, The Two Junior US Government Employees Who Divided Korea, Lse Majest: When its Illegal to Insult the President, The Berlin Blockade: The Story of Historys Most Incredible Airlift. The Taured mystery as covered in Media The case of John Allen Kuchar Zegrus was widely covered widely in the mainstream media. Sama seperti penumpang lainnya, dia pergi ke bea cukai. I do not care to read anything having to do with Snopes referencing toward anything to do with science, history and present education, Ever. At its zenith in the 19th century, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the earth's surface. Category RankScore. But, to the surprise of officers, they couldn't find any country named Taured. At this point, the case had gone beyond any possibility of reconciliation. But centuries ago, the land that is now the United States was a very different place As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. In fact, the internet is full of people replicating the story and using it as evidence for alternate realities. ( Public Domain ). It was the Principality of Andorra. Overall Score. John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. The Great Britain is the larger of the two islands while Ireland is the 2 nd largest. Read our methodology to see how the scores and rankings were calculated. It was when he gave his passport to the immigration officer, the confusion started. As unusual as this account may seem in our modern security-conscious era -- that a man had been successful in moving about the world using a fabricated passport issued by a made-up country and bearing writing in a nonsensical language -- it was borne out by contemporaneous reporting, such as the following August 1960 newspaper article: Everyone who has run into officialdom to his cost and wondered at the ridiculous questions asked of tourists will have sympathy for a man sonorously named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. The company officials in Tokyo he was there to do business with? His passport had been stamped by many airports around the globe, including previous visits to Tokyo. He had reportedly travelled around the world with a very convincing, albeit fake passport written in an unknown language. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. This whole case came up during a 1960s debate about frontier formalities which took place at the House of Commons in the United Kingdom, as an example of how passports were prone to forgery. He can speak Japanese and says his native language is French. Customs service at Haneda Airport in 1950s. Project MKUltra: The CIAs Attempt at Psychedelic Mind Control. Antonioli also linked to a 1960 speech by British M.P. The passport shows him coming from a country called Taured, you see. Others were a little more far out, including the speculation that the man had either time travelled or was from another dimension. That section of the story reads like a later addition to make the reader think the guy really did come from an alternate universe. The United Kingdom is a state made up of the historic countries of England, Wales and Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. It is known as the home of both modern . is that just the how the translator chose to translate 'Tamanrasset, Taured'? The traveler, more and more impatient, was then asked to show other documents, which he did: but also identity cards, driving licenses, and insurance apparently had been issued by an elusive United Kingdom of Taured. Just how this authentic story of identity fraud has morphed into a fantastic example of conspiracy theory / fake news / urban legend, incorporating elements of parallel universes and time travel, appears to have been thanks to an embellished interpretation provided by a Facebook post published by Alien UFO Sightings . Sacred Marvels: 17 Cathedrals That Will Take Your Breath Away, In Pictures, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World, What is Shambhala? His work often required him to travel internationally, and he had picked up Japanese during his regular visits to the country over the past five years. See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. Key Facts. Dnna. We have all of the mans documents, so he cant get very far. It's almost as if that word was made up just for lulz. Edit: To explain a little further, the last "ouloul" at the very end of "Ghouloulouloul" seems to have been added by Deeple for whatever reason when, regardless of what transliteration scheme you go with, that's not how it's written in the original Japanese article. The forged passport was of the highest quality and was written entirely in a made-up language. Although, it has been established by Astronomers and Astrophysicist that those Planet's well they're simply too far away to attempt The Voyage. The cover reportedly included the gibberish text: rch ubwall ochtra negussi habessi trwap turapa. (Ancient Origins) -Juli 1954, muncul seorang pria berpakaian rapi di Bandara Haneda di Tokyo, Jepang. United Kingdom of Taured is a nation led by King Maxiwilliam VIII on the continent of Asia. Well, now we can put these rumours to bed - turns out, the man never did vanish into thin air. If one considers the Science fiction; aspect, suppose he did come from another dimension? That is, until he was met with the very confused customs officials in Tokyo. why would customs officials have brought him to a random hotel in the first place? This story seems to be one that was inspired by a real-life incident, but its modern form is a greatly embellished and fantastical version of the far less sensational real story. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. The British constitution is uncodified; it is only partly written and is flexible. It is written in a language unknown and it has remained un-identified although it has been studied for a long time by philologists. John claimed to be a naturalized Ethiopian and an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser. The passport was stamped as issued at Tamanrasset, the capital of Tuared south of the Sahara. Any places so romantically named ought to exist, but they dont. 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He was part of the crowd as it made its way through customs. Answer (1 of 15): Doesn't exist and never did. What if these New Planets do have Human Being's that live on these Planet's an perhaps the man told the Truth he was from Tauran accept it exists on one of those Planet's. TheMan from Taured, sometimes referred to as theTaured Mysteryor theMan without a Country, is an urban legend about a man who arrives at a Japanese airport from an unheard of country called Taured. However it is just a piece of science fiction. And as is often the case, the truth isn't quite as exciting as the legend. On that particular day, a man was said to have arrived at Haneda Airport, known also as Tokyo International Airport. United Kingdom ialah sebuah anggota tetap Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, anggota Negara-Negara Komanwel, G8, G7, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Majlis Eropah, OSCE, dan Kesatuan Eropah. Its probable, therefore, that Zegrus based the name and location of fictional Tuared on the Tuareg people and the city of Tamanrasset. Jenansfer Berhodrick had allegedly entered the airport in July 1954.