Theyre used to this idea that they could do anything, that it turns out that they are treating their own people in this way. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a video address to the nation, following the initiative of the country's lower house of parliament and security council to And Im asking the government, together with the regions, to prepare a list of those facilities where harmful discharges will be liquidated at the end of this program. The west has got the objective to finish with Russia as a powerful player in the east, and they were trying to finance the terrorist and they were trying to contain our growth expansion, and the large Russian business was responsible for strategic factories where thousands of people used to work, which were determining economic situation in certain regions, which means that the management and the owners of these businesses are dependent on western powers who are hostile to our situation, and this is not a tolerable situation. Yesterday that information was published and I remember they were saying that our economy will drop 20, 25% and I was saying 2.9 and then later we were saying GDP reduced by 2.2%. There is nothing new in this: deep down, the Western elites have remained the same colonisers. They are attempting terrorist attacks that are aimed at destabilizing our society. We understood this and they are again in Kyiv talking directly about their plans. Behind these words stands a glorious spiritual choice, which, for more than a thousand years of Russian statehood, was followed by many generations of our ancestors. California Weighs $360,000 in Reparations to Eligible Black Residents. And if this does not work, they destroy entire states, leaving behind humanitarian disasters, devastation, ruins, millions of wrecked and mangled human lives, terrorist enclaves, social disaster zones, protectorates, colonies and semi-colonies. (01:21:21) I would like to remind you that in 1930s, Western countries opened the path for Nazi Germany to develop. What, if not racism, is the Wests dogmatic conviction that its civilisation and neoliberal culture is an indisputable model for the entire world to follow? The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice, destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. It was just the sale of resources of oil and gas and timber and so on, and money was not invested into long-term projects, and in order to break this negative tendency, we see this. Everyone needs to understand that the sources of wealth in the future should be only here in Russia. Create a better, more engaging experience for every student. And the objectives of the West is infinite power. I want to make special note of the fact that there is every reason to believe that the Western elites are not going to look for constructive ways out of the global food and energy crisis that they and they alone are to blame for, as a result of their long-term policy, dating back long before our special military operation in Ukraine, in Donbass. Look now, what kind of alliance is that? I made a decision to conduct a special military operation. A few days ago, people in Donetsk and Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye declared their support for restoring our historical unity. Whats also important is that the economic drop was only registered in the second quarter. We should not allow a situation where a building becomes dilapidated. (01:45:45) Most states refuse to snap a salute and instead choose the sensible path of cooperation with Russia. And in this century, they did this to Ukraine. It is a disgrace, a disgrace for those who do this and for those who, like slaves, silently and meekly swallow this arrogant behaviour. I would like to also talk about support for families. They do not want or need Russia, but we do. Youve been in this game for many years. They have brought up very distant defenders just like our ancestors were defending Donbas. Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules. First of all, we have to increase our international connections and establish our new logistical roots with new partners. Build with the best speech-to-text APIs around. They represent the majority the majority! The Speech In Which Putin Told Us Who He Was. We have not forgotten anything. Speech-to-Text API for pre-recorded audio, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition engine. And today they recognize this. Let us vow to stop where we are and return to friendship and mutual cooperation. Thank you! And its not just us who are reducing payments in dollars, theyre doing that themselves. We all know that Ukraine was simply used to reduce their population as well, hoping to break Russia and steel all their raw materials and drive both the Russians and Ukrainean people into slavery. All participants of the special military operation especially, and including the volunteers, they need to have 14 days of rest every year, in addition to the travel time. And we see great growth of internal demand, domestic demand, and we have increased the production of the products that are in most demand and we were able to fill in the niche that was freed for us by western companies. More cheating and naked deception again. Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov: People say that the allies didnt help us. MOSCOW, Feb 21 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday delivered a warning to the West over Ukraine by suspending a landmark nuclear arms control treaty, The second is that we are going to focus on development of our technological potential of our economy. Many people had reasons to hate the communist Russian regimes from Stalin regime. A few years ago it was just 60 million total crop. I am convinced that countries and peoples understand that a policy based on the exceptionalism of whoever it may be and the suppression of other cultures and peoples is inherently criminal, and that we must close this shameful chapter. We have been insisting on protecting our own interests and also that protecting the position that there should not be a situation in the world where there are civilized countries in the rest of the world. We are expanding our potential of treating the waste so that we have a close cycle waste treatment systems. And our future depends on how we use these opportunities. Heroes of great Russia. I apologize that I will not be able to name everyone. We will continue to defend our values and our Motherland. Taking into account this massive tasks, we have to renew our approach to training new personnel. Calculate how much it costs to transcribe, caption, or subtitle your content. I would like to emphasize that those who were born and grew up in Belarus and in Donbas, and who fought for the independence of these areas, need to be at the forefront of our future development. We had a program of building 1, 300 schools from 2018-2024. And in the context of complete hatred from the Kyiv regime, they waited and they believed that the Russia would come to their help. The taxed system has to be comprehensive and it has to be approached with a very creative, with a very creative spirit. They have to live with it. We will launch industrial mortgages. This is a very visible program. They do not want us to be free; they want us to be a colony. And their statements that they would like to inflict a strategic defeat on us, either theyre very cynical, ultimately cynical, or stupid. Id like to point out that the structure of this fund has to be deployed by the end of this year. Russian business has restricted its logistics and has established connections with predictable partners and there are many of those in the world, majority of them in the world. People have passed this spiritual connection on to their children and grandchildren. And for this, they started to destroy all the basics of world order after the Second World War. They also have to take into account that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield. They discriminate and divide peoples into the top tier and the rest. We do not attempt to attack this, but we need to understand that to the west, these people are second-class persons, and all of these purchased titles of all the titles will not help here, and they need to understand that they are second-class citizens there, second-class persons. I would like to thank teachers who are sincerely taking care of the new generation of Russians, especially those who are working in very difficult conditions near. And we will especially pay attention and were already paying attention to the corridor north-south, Volga-Caspi Canal will open to the boats with a 4.5 meter depth and we will modernize the eastern direction of our railways. Thanks to our strong balance, we do not have to ask for money abroad. Athletes' ambitions don't end when they leave the field of play. The ceremony to inaugurate Vladimir Putin as President of Russia is taking place at the Kremlin in the Grand Kremlin Palace, which symbolizes the continuity of the traditions of Russian statehood. This is Vladimir Putins second term in office. More than 71 percent of voters who took part in the election gave him their votes on March 14. Participation of teachers and scientists, scholars, we have to use that participation in order to create the courses for literature and geography, so that the young generation is able to learn as much as possible about our history. (01:30:46) (01:09:57) Theyre telling their citizens that its the Russians who are to blame and theyve used different tools. Recently, weve passed a law to put the new strategic defense facilities in areas. At the beginning of February this year, there was a statement of North Atlantic Union with the actual requirement to Russia, as they say, to come back to the strategic weapons including inspections to our nuclear facilities. In 1991, the West thought that Russia would never rise after such shocks and would fall to pieces on its own. What they did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people like animals. Western Oligarchy Simon Elmer Kolozeg.Org, Has Russia Already Won? All of this was completely against the documents that were accepted by the United Nations Security Council. This fund will coordinate social, medical, and psychological support, they will provide help in educational sport, in entrepreneurship, in providing new professions and professional development, and also long-term home care for all those who are in need of it. And we will do this. But there is another choice to be with your motherland, to work for the benefit of your compatriots. So they started the vaccine murders and now the Russia Ukraine war. articles a month for anyone to read, even non-subscribers! We did not allow for the labor market to drop either. What does that mean to us? Our development and prosperity are also a threat to them because competition is growing. Edelweiss is a name of a Nazi German unit, and they have very popular chevrons on their uniform with the German Nazi insignia. Transcribe your audio files to find high-impact insights in minutes. And after that, are they thinking that theyre going to just tour our facilities, military facilities? Section 107, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. A-. Creating new roads, also win, creating and opening new schools and kindergartens, this is also a win. Teachers are participating directly in the construction of our future, and its important to raise the prestige of this profession so that parents are very respectful of the teachers and the teachers are very respectful of the parents. And so we will continue working with our partners with the objective to creating a stable currency environment. Dear colleagues, we have an approved plan of creation of a military force for the 2023, 2025, and we are working on it and correcting it as we go. These are specific figures which we put in place and we will work on launching those. WebTranscript of the Inauguration of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia May 7, 2004 01:00 The Kremlin, Moscow The ceremony to inaugurate Vladimir Putin as President of Russia Third, is an important point on the agenda, is the new sources of financing and investment. Musk Made a Mess at Twitter. (01:02:27) Dear colleagues, Russia is an open country and its a unique civilization. Developing cultural sphere would be one of the priorities for Donbas [inaudible 01:18:32] areas, we will be creating hundreds of cultural institutions, including museums and centers, centers that will allow people to feel the connection between the past and the present and the future, that will allow them to feel the belonging to the single cultural space. On the dedication to our unity, to our motherland, that unity has been demonstrated since the first days of the special military operation. Some people want to live until the end of their life in an arrested palace with arrested account somewhere abroad. Western elites not only deny national sovereignty and international law. They dont care. And we have a program up to 2030 to finance these sort of products to the tune of 10 billion rubles. Profits from World War II helped the United States finally overcome the Great Depression and become the largest economy in the world, and to impose on the planet the power of the dollar as a global reserve currency. Back in the 30s of last century and today, its the same idea to direct aggression to the east, to start the war in Europe using other peoples tools. Every one of us has a great responsibility. The objective of it is to clean the water in industrial areas and significantly reduce the harmful discharges in the industrial areas. It does not and it never did. They spent $150 billion to support militarily Kyiv regime. We are talking about the supply, about payments and benefits in case theyre wounded and local governors addressing me and reporting to me on the result of their work. The following is The Spectators translation of Putins speech for victory day 2022. (17:06) This is contrary to human nature, truth, freedom and justice. And in this relation, Russia has to ensure the readiness of the Russian nuclear potential. It is their destructive policies, wars and plunder that have unleashed todays massive wave of migrants. Putins clearest answer yet came in a speech delivered on Monday. And theyre betting trillions, trillions of dollars, and they are trying to continue robbing everyone else and theyre covering themselves with words of democracy and values. Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? Here in Novorossiya, [Pyotr] Rumyantsev, [Alexander] Suvorov and [Fyodor] Ushakov fought their battles, and Catherine the Great and [Grigory] Potemkin founded new cities. This was in the context of mutual trust. And I would like to thank our members of parliament and government for this consolidated understanding of our national priorities. We are confident in our power. Following There are new centers of influence and they keep developing, and this is a natural objective process that cannot be ignored. The attempts to contain Russia in this regard demonstrated that Russians were able to adapt very quickly and each initiative that is supporting Russia has to have to have support from the government, and in this regard, its important to come back to reviewing some of the criminal code which relates to economic crime. Now, in order to free itself from the latest web of challenges, they need to dismantle Russia as well as other states that choose a sovereign path of development, at all costs, to be able to further plunder other nations wealth and use it to patch their own holes. Despite all the trials they endured, they carried the love for Russia through the years. Those who benefit are responsible, of course. That is why the choice of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson makes them so furiously angry. People going to the front line are taking these letters from the children because they know that these are sincere words and they understand why theyre fighting, who theyre protecting. As for tax systems for Russian families, starting from last year, families with two or more children are freed from tax on sale of property. Everything is changing very quickly now. The Ukraine is now like a training ground for them. And when Russia, I would like to emphasize, when Russia sincerely tried to find a peaceful solution, they were playing with lives of people and they were playing a dirty game. People see the results of this program. (01:07:59) Our domestic market, our personnel potential, our people, all of that allows us to really uncover a great potential of Russian ill areas. We are creating educational, industrial clusters where factories and industry is working very closely with educational institutions, and its important that experienced employees who worked in manufacturing, come as teachers into these educational facilities. President Vladimir Putin gave a State of the Union-type address earlier today in Moscow where he talked about the war. When Vladimir V. Putin announced Russias invasion of Ukraine in a televised address on Thursday, he articulated aims far beyond those of Russias prior assaults on This is total absurd. Starting from 2014, Donbas has been fighting to defend its right to live on its territory and speak its own language. Strategic security agreements have been trashed; agreements reached at the highest political level have been declared tall tales; firm promises not to expand NATO to the east gave way to dirty deception as soon as our former leaders bought into them; missile defence, intermediate-range and shorter-range missile treaties have been unilaterally dismantled under far-fetched pretexts. We are also working on raising the prestige of secondary professional educational. As a result of wars that were started by United States since 2021, about 900,000 people died and millions became refugees. Everything I am saying is important. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a major address on the war in Ukraine, which changes its nature dramatically. (01:33:10) I would like government to expand this program. Good afternoon.