C. Shifting blood to vital organs, Which factor influences blood flow to the uterus? Respiratory acidosis; metabolic acidosis Heart and lungs B. A. Thus, classical features observed on the CTG trace in a well grown term fetus exposed to a hypoxic insult may not be observed with similar amplitude or characteristics in a pre-term fetus. D. Vibroacoustic stimulation, B. Preterm Birth. B. Premature ventricular contraction (PVC), Which is the most common type of fetal dysrhythmia? At this gestation, there is a high risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality, and survival is dependant more on fetal weight and maturity rather than mode of delivery. Respiratory acidosis A. C. Often leads to ventricular tachycardia (VT), C. Often leads to ventricular tachycardia (VT), Which abnormal FHR pattern is most likely to lead to hydrops in the fetus? A. A. Bradycardia C. Kleinhauer-Betke lab test, Stimulation of the fetal vagus nerve will By increasing fetal oxygen affinity Studies reporting on early signs of renal disturbances in FGR are sparse and mostly include invasive measurements, which limit the possibility for early identification and prevention. A. Baroreceptor Between the 25th and 28th weeks, lung development continues and surfactant secretion begins. C. Category III, An EFM tracing with absent variability and intermittent late decelerations would be classified as C. Rises, ***A woman receives terbutaline for an external version. B. All fetuses of mothers in labor experience an interruption of the oxygenation pathway at which point: . Negative Premature Baby NCLEX Review and Nursing Care Plans. Get the accurate, practical information you need to succeed in the classroom, the clinical setting, and on the NCLEX-RN examination. T/F: Contractions cause an increase in uterine venous pressure and a decrease in uterine artery perfusion. A. Late-term gestation The most likely etiology for this fetal heart rate change is what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. D. Oligohydramnios, All of the following are likely causes of prolonged decelerations except: A. Fetal hemoglobin is higher than maternal hemoglobin B. FHR baseline A. 1975;45 1 :96-100.Google ScholarPubMed 2 Chan, WH, Paul, RH, Toews, . B. Maternal hemoglobin is higher than fetal hemoglobin Only used with normal baseline rate and never during decels; not an intervention, Which of the following pieces of information would be of highest priority to relay to the neonatal team as they prepare for an emergency cesarean delivery? Insufficient arterial blood flow causes decreased nutrition and oxygenation at the cellular level. C. Injury or loss, *** A. 11, no. The correlation between mean arterial blood pressure and tissue-oxygenation index in the frequency domain was assessed by using . C. Sympathetic, An infant was delivered via cesarean. A. Other possible factors that may contribute to onset of labour in this group include multiple gestations maternal risk factors such as increased maternal age, raised body mass index (BMI), or pregnancies conceived through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). C. Polyhydramnios, A. pH 7.05 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) published a practice bulletin on intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring in 2009. 4, 2, 3, 1 The oxygen and nutrients subsequently diffuse from the blood into the interstitial fluid and then into the body cells. Two umbilical arteries flow from the fetus to the placenta, A patient presents with a small amount of thick dark blood clots who denies pain and whose abdomen is soft to the touch. A. d. Continue to observe and record the normal pattern, d. Continue to observe and record the normal pattern, Determining the FHR baseline requires the nurse to approximate the mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 bpm during a ___-minute window (excluding accelerations and decelerations). Prepare for possible induction of labor Growth-restricted human fetuses have preserved respiratory sinus arrhythmia but reduced heart rate variability estimates of vagal activity during quiescence. T/F: Fetal arrhythmias can be seen on both internal and external monitor tracings. Feng G, Heiselman C, Quirk JG, Djuri PM. They are caused by decreased blood flow to the placenta and can signify an impending fetal acidemia. C. E. East, S. P. Brennecke, J. F. King, F. Y. Chan, and P. B. Colditz, The effect of intrapartum fetal pulse oximetry, in the presence of a nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern, on operative delivery rates: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial (the FOREMOST trial), American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. The basic physiology and adaptive responses that regulate the fetal heart rate and physiological fetal adaptations to stress as reflected in the FHTs are described. C. Perform a vaginal exam to assess fetal descent, B. Categories . These are believed to reflect Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and non-REM sleep. Increased FHR baseline Extremely preterm neonates born at 22-26 weeks gestation demonstrate improved oxygenation in response to inhaled nitric oxide at a rate comparable to term infants, particularly during the . B. Maturation of the sympathetic nervous system A. Today she counted eight fetal movements in a two-hour period. A. Arrhythmias Variable decelerations what is EFM. B. Any condition that predisposes decreased uteroplacental blood flow can cause late decelerations. Therefore, understanding of oxygen transport across the human placenta and the effect of maternal ventilation on fetal oxygenation is tentative, and currently based on a model that is derived from evidence in another species. C. Gestational diabetes For children with II-III degree of prematurity, respiratory failure (rhythmic surface breathing), which lasts up to 2-3 months of life, is characteristic. Assist the patient to lateral position (T/F) Metabolic acidosis is more easily reversible and potentially less detrimental to the fetus when compared to respiratory acidosis. 1, Article ID CD007863, 2010. C. Mixed acidosis, pH 7.02 B. The rationale of fetal heart rate monitoring in this cohort is to monitor the fetus in labour with an aim to identify intrapartum hypoxia and intervene if required. This refers to alternative periods of activity and quiescence characterized by segments of increased variability (with or without accelerations) interspersed with apparent reduction in variability. Late decelerations A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) Patients 68 (41 males) small for gestational age (SGA) (birth weight <10th percentile) and 136 (82 males) appropriate for . Interruption of the pathway of oxygen transfer from the environment to the fetus caused by a uterine contraction with reduced perfusion of the intervillous space of the placenta can result in a late deceleration (utero-placental insufficiency). The reex triggering this vagal response has been variably attributed to a . Sympathetic nervous system B. Hypoxia related to neurological damage 7784, 2010. Transient fetal tissue metabolic acidosis during a contraction Respiratory acidosis A. Extraovular placement B. Negligence Administration of an NST The labor has been uneventful, and the fetal heart tracings have been normal. C. Ventricular, *** When using auscultation to determine FHR baseline, the FHR should be counted after the contractions for The fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern helps to distinguish the former from the latter as it is an indirect marker of fetal cardiac and central nervous system responses to changes in blood pressure, blood gases, and acid-base status. Additional tests of fetal well-being such as fetal blood sampling (FBS) and fetal electrocardiograph (Fetal ECG or ST-Analyser) also cannot be used in this gestation. C. Mixed acidosis, pH 7.0 In the presence of other reassuring features of the CTG (as outlined above), these decelerations should not be considered as indicative of hypoxia, and interventions should be avoided based on this parameter alone. 609624, 2007. Fetal adaptive response to progressive hypoxe-mia and acidosis are detectable and produce recogniz-able patterns in the fetal heart rate. 24 weeks C. Dysrhythmias, Which of the following fetal dysrhythmias may be related to maternal hyperthyroidism? Pre-term fetus may exhibit accelerations with a peak of only 10 beats per minute lasting for 10 seconds [6]. A. Which of the following fetal systems bear the greatest influence on fetal pH? 2023 Jan 13;13:1056679. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.1056679. 93% of these preterm births occur after 28 weeks, 6% between 2227 weeks, and 1% before 22 weeks. Within this group, fetal heart rate tracings will show many similarities to the 2426 week gestation cohort. CTG of a fetus at 26 weeks of gestation: note higher baseline heart rate, apparent reduction in baseline variability, and shallow variable decelerations. d. Decreased fetal movement, Which of the following does not affect the degree of fetal activity? Address contraction frequency by reducing pitocin dose 's level of consciousness and respiratory effort significantly improve, allowing her to be extubated. Hypertension b. Epidural c. Hemorrhage d. Diabetes e. All of the above, Stimulating the vagus nerve typically produces: a. 194, no. D. 20, Which of the following interventions would best stimulate an acceleration in the FHR? C. Terbutaline, The initial response in treating a primigravida being induced for preeclampsia who has a seizure is F. Goupil, H. Legrand, and J. Vaquier, Antepartum fetal heart rate monitoring. Continue to increase pitocin as long as FHR is Category I A. Acetylcholine Reduction in fetal baseline variability in the preterm fetus has been described, however this has not been quantified. B. The pattern lasts 20 minutes or longer, Vagal stimulation would be manifested as what type of fetal heart rate pattern? Hence, a preterm fetus may suffer a hypoxic insult sooner than its term counterpart. C. Chemoreceptors; early deceleration, The primary physiologic goal of interventions for late decelerations is to Hence, fetal monitoring is recommended in this gestational group.Although, electronic fetal monitoring guidelines for term fetuses cannot be directly applied to preterm fetuses in labour, baseline rate and variability are often comparable to that of the term fetus. The number of decelerations that occur C. Norepinephrine, Which of the following is the primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system? A. Hyperthermia 2023 Jan 19;24(3):1965. doi: 10.3390/ijms24031965. A. Decreased FHR late decelerations 21, no. Maturation of the control of breathing, including the increase of hypoxia chemosensitivity, continues postnatally. Due to the lack of research and evidence that exists on electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) of the preterm fetus the definition of a normal fetal heart pattern also presents a challenge. A. Baseline may be 100-110bpm O, The data show meanSEM calculated every minute for the fetal heart rate, fetal arterial blood pressure, fetal femoral blood flow and fetal femoral vascular resistance during a 1 h episode of acute hypoxia (box) in 13 fetuses between 125 and 130 days of gestation, 6 fetuses between 135 and 140 days of gestation and 6 fetuses >140 days (term is, The data show meanSEM calculated every minute for the fetal heart rate, fetal arterial blood pressure, fetal femoral blood flow and fetal femoral vascular resistance during a 1h episode of acute hypoxia (box) in 14 fetuses at 1271 days of gestation (term is. Decreased blood perfusion from the fetus to the placenta Much of our understanding of the fetal physiological response to hypoxia comes from experiments . A. J Physiol. During fetal development, the sympathetic nervous system that is responsible for survival (fight or flight response) develops much earlier than the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and sleep) that develops during the third trimester. C. Delivery, Which intrinsic homeostatic response is the fetus demonstrating when abrupt variable decelerations are present? Immediately after birth with the initiation of breathing, the lung expands and oxygen availability to tissue rises by twofold, generating a physiologic oxidative stress. It should be remembered that the physiological reserves to combat hypoxia are not as robust as a term fetus, especially, if the onset of preterm labour is secondary to an infective process. These mechanical compressions may result in decelerations in fetal heart resulting in early and variable decelerations, respectively. B. Sinus arrhythmias C. Administer IV fluid bolus, A. a. Gestational hypertension Categorizing individual features of CTG according to NICE guidelines. C. Damages/loss, Elements of a malpractice claim include all of the following except Fetal tachycardia to increase the fetal cardiac output 2. True. At the start (A), airway pressure is low, and FiO 2 is high, indicating a high degree of atelectasis . These features include baseline fetal heart rate, baseline variability, and presence of accelerations and/or decelerations. Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) An increase in the heart rate c. An increase in stroke volume d. No change, The vagus nerve . See this image and copyright information in PMC. Olmos-Ramrez RL, Pea-Castillo M, Mendieta-Zern H, Reyes-Lagos JJ. There are sub-categories of preterm birth, based on gestational age: moderate to late preterm (32 to 37 weeks). Most fetal dysrhythmias are not life-threatening, except for _______, which may lead to fetal congestive heart failure. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. Continue counting for one more hour The predominance of variable decalerative patterns should initially reduce and disappear after 30 weeks gestation. A. Digoxin Daily NSTs B. Cerebral cortex _____ are patterns of abnormal FHR associated with variability in R-to-R intervals, but with normal P-waves preceding normal QRS complexes. A. Fetal arterial pressure B. absent - amplitude range is undetectable. This is considered what kind of movement? Stimulation of the _____ _____ _____ releases catecholamines, resulting in increased FHR. This results in parasympathetic activation leading to a fall in heart rate, which is protracted and takes longer to recover to baseline rate. A. Acidemia pO2 2.1 Background Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with an increased risk for kidney disease in later life. C. Suspicious, A contraction stress test (CST) is performed. T/F: There are two electronic fetal monitoring methods of obtaining the fetal heart rate: the ultrasound transducer and the fetal spiral electrode. B. A. Decrease in variability The main purpose of this model is to illustrate the kind of information that is needed to make further progress in this . (T/F) There is a strong correlation between arterial cord blood gas results and Apgar scores. Breach of duty B. D5L/R Published by on June 29, 2022. 5-10 sec Cycles are 4-6 beats per minute in frequency Continuing Education Activity. B. A. Acidosis B. C. Decrease BP and increase HR a. C. Mixed acidosis, Which FHR tracing features must be assessed to distinguish arrhythmias from artifact? As the neonatal outcome is largely determined by the gestational maturity and fetal weight, operative intervention is likely to increase maternal morbidity and mortality without significantly improving perinatal survival. An increase in gestational age C. Increases during labor, Bradycardia in the second stage of labor following a previously normal tracing may be caused by fetal Insufficient oxygenation, or hypoxia, is a major stressor that can manifest for different reasons in the fetus and neonate. A. Onset time to the nadir of the deceleration B. Gestational age, meconium, arrhythmia J Physiol. C. By reducing fetal perfusion, Which medication is used to treat fetal arrhythmias? Premature birth or preterm birth occurs more than three weeks before the baby's expected due date. The authors declare no conflict of interests. B. B. Umbilical cord compression Good intraobserver reliability As described by Sorokin et al. B. C. Administer IV fluid bolus. 192202, 2009. 2004 Jun 15;557(Pt 3):1021-32. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2004.061796. what characterizes a preterm fetal response to interruptions in oxygenation. Optimizing the management of these pregnancies is of high priority to improve perinatal outcomes. 5, pp. A. R. M. Grivell, Z. Alfirevic, G. M. Gyte, and D. Devane, Antenatal cardiotocography for fetal assessment, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. 99106, 1982. C. Norepinephrine, Which of the following is responsible for variations in the FHR and fetal behavioral states? PCO2 54 Fetal circulation, unlike postnatal circulation, involves the umbilical cord and placental blood vessels which carry fetal blood between the fetus and the placenta . Fetal Circulation. T/F: Low amplitude contractions are not an early sign of preterm labor. Late decelerations are one of the precarious decelerations among the three types of fetal heart rate decelerations during labor. b. Diabetes in pregnancy A. Hence, continuous monitoring of the fetus during labour, with the view to recognizing features of suspected fetal compromise on CTG and instituting an operative intervention, should be considered with caution. D. 3, 2, 4, 1, FHTs with accelerations, no decelerations, and minimal variability would be categorized as B. Intervillous space flow This is because the mother (the placenta) is doing the work that the baby's lungs will do after birth. With advancing gestational age, there is a gradual decrease in baseline fetal heart rate [4]. Frequency of accelerations is likely to increase, although the amplitude may persist at only 10 beats above the baseline. Inability of a preterm or growth restricted fetus to mount a required stress response may lead to maladaptive responses resulting in permanent hypoxic insult on the fetal brain occurring at a lower threshold than in the term fetus. Assist the patient to lateral position, In a patient with oxytocin-induced tachysystole with indeterminate or abnormal fetal heart tones, which of the following should be the nurse's initial intervention? B. Would you like email updates of new search results? Hello world! There are potential concerns regarding the reduced thickness of the developing structures of the fetal scalp, immature coagulation system, as well as wider separation of skull bones, all of which may increase the risk of complications. Published by on June 29, 2022. C. No change, Sinusoidal pattern can be documented when We have proposed an algorithm ACUTE to aid management. The sleep state The tissue-oxygenation index and mean arterial blood pressure were continuously measured in very premature infants (n = 24) of mean (SD) gestational age of 26 (2.3) weeks at a mean postnatal age of 28 (22) hours. This intervention may be required earlier compared to term fetuses as a consequence of these low fetal reserves. Interpretation of fetal blood sample (FBS) results. Tachycardia leads to decreased time period between cardiac cycles, with a subsequent decrease in parasympathetic involvement and therefore baseline fluctuations. Angiotensin II and cardiovascular chemoreflex responses to acute hypoxia in late gestation fetal sheep. A. 2 C. Spikes and baseline, How might a fetal arrhythmia affect fetal oxygenation? C. Frequency of FHR accelerations, A fetus of a diabetic mother may commonly develop Although, the baseline heart rate is expected to be higher, any rate greater than 160 should be still considered to be tachycardic. Late decelerations are defined as a visually apparent, gradual decrease in the fetal . C. 32 weeks B. Bigeminal Recent ephedrine administration C. More rapid deterioration from Category I to Category II or III, C. More rapid deterioration from Category I to Category II or III B. Features of CTG classification into nonreassuring and reassuring (as outlined in Table 1) according to NICE guidelines could be considered. A. Lactated Ringer's solution A. HCO3 4.0 E. Chandraharan and S. Arulkumaran, Intrapartum assessment of fetal health, in Current Obstetrics & Gynaecology, G. M. Mukherjee, Ed., Jaypee Brothers, 2007. 5. D. 7.41, The nurse notes a pattern of decelerations on the fetal monitor that begins shortly after the contraction and returns to baseline just before the contraction is over. Fetal P a O 2 Peripheral chemoreflex Abstract A distinctive pattern of recurrent rapid falls in fetal heart rate, called decelerations, are commonly associated with uterine contractions during labour. B. C. Maternal hypotension A. Repeat in one week C. Gravidity & parity, gestational age, maternal temperature, Which medications used with preterm labor can affect the FHR characteristics? The correct nursing response is to: It is not recommended in fetuses with bleeding disorders and is contraindicated in pregnancies complicated with HIV, Hepatitis B or C as it may increase vertical transmission. C. Notify the attending midwife or physician, C. Notify the attending midwife or physician, Which IV fluid is most appropriate for maternal administration for intrauterine resuscitation? Away from. Obtain physician order for BPP 7.10 Provide juice to patient Perform vaginal exam B. A. B. B. Generally, the goal of all 3 categories is fetal oxygenation. A. Asphyxia related to umbilical and placental abnormalities Within this guideline, the decision to monitor the preterm fetus remains vague with recommendations that each case requires discussion between obstetric and neonatal input, in addition to weighing up likelihood of severe morbidity of the preterm fetus (based on gestational age and fetal weight) and issues related to mode of delivery [1]. A. 15-30 sec Within this cohort, the risk of neonatal morbidity and mortality secondary to prematurity is significantly reduced with good survival outcomes. Spontaneous rupture of membranes occurs; fetal heart rate drops to 90 beats per minute for four minutes and then resumes a normal pattern. Glucose is transferred across the placenta via _____ _____. D. 36 weeks, Reduced respiratory gas exchange from persistent decelerations may cause a rise in fetal PCO2, which leads first to _______ _______, then _______ _______. 3 A. The dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system B. She is not short of breath, but c/o dizziness and nausea since they put her on the gurney. camp green lake rules; B. Preterm labor C. 30 min, Which of the following tachyarrhythmias can result in fetal hydrops? March 17, 2020. A. Preeclampsia Premature atrial contractions 106, pp. What is fetal hypoxia? Respiratory acidosis B. It has been demonstrated that HG induces an increased proinflammatory cytokine response in the blood of preterm and term neonates . This illustrates development of the fetal myocardium and increase in glycogen-storage levels as the fetus matures. a. Vibroacoustic stimulation Adrenocortical responsiveness is blunted in twin relative to singleton ovine fetuses. 1 Quilligan, EJ, Paul, RH. B. _______ denotes an increase in hydrogen ions in the fetal blood. Factors outside the fetus that may affect fetal oxygenation and FHR characteristics (e.g., maternal, placental, or umbilical cord factors). 2009; 94:F87-F91. Some triggering circumstances include low maternal blood . C. Marked variability, Common problems seen during monitoring of postterm fetuses include all of the following except B. 160-200 Persistent supraventricular tachycardia Fetal Oxygenation During Labor. Determine if pattern is related to narcotic analgesic administration A. The cardiotocograph (CTG) is a continuous electronic record of the fetal heart rate obtained either via an ultrasound transducer placed on the mothers abdomen or via an electrode attached to the fetal scalp. B. Succenturiate lobe (SL) C. Sinusoidal-appearing, The FHR pattern that is likely to be seen with maternal hypothermia is Position the woman on her opposite side D. Variable deceleration, With complete umbilical cord occlusion, the two umbilical arteries also become occluded, resulting in sudden fetal hypertension, stimulation of the baroreceptors, and a sudden _______ in FHR. C. PO2, The following cord blood gasses are consistent with: pH 7.10, pCO2 70, pO2 25, base excess -10 Normal In addition, with ongoing development of the autonomic nervous system, variability should often be within the normal range. One tool frequently used to determine the degree of fetal wellbeing is cardiotocography (CTG). In the normal fetus (left panel), the . Assist the patient to lateral position C. Metabolic acidosis. Onset of-labour in gestational ages between 2426 week represents a high-risk group in which greater than two thirds of cases are driven by an underlying infective process. C. Possible cord compression, A woman has 10 fetal movements in one hour. A. Baroreceptors; early deceleration Term newborns should begin at 21% oxygen (room air oxygen concentration), whereas preterm babies should be started at a higher oxygen concentration, such as 30% (Kattwinkel et al., 2010). C. pH 7.02, PO2 18, PCO2 56, HCO3 15, BE -18, A. pH 7.17, PO2 22, PCO2 70, HCO3 24, BE -5, Which of the following is most likely to result in absent end diastolic flow during umbilical artery velocimetry? Higher B. C. Increased FHR accelerations, Which of the following would likely be affected by betamethasone administration? B. E. Maternal smoking or drug use, The normal FHR baseline