Which word best describes the tone of the passage? The tone of Emperor Qian Longs letter is rather formal and respectful. Dewa 19 - Arjuna Mencari Cinta. - Use clear, concise language to explain the central idea of the paragraph. Pessimistic. When I first read the passage, the adjectives that came to mind were dark, mysterious, and suspenseful. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The story is told in third person, but the language is very sympathetic. heresy n. 1. an opinion or idea that is in opposition to the teachings of a church. frightened. Our focus is on providing users with the information and knowledge that they need to be able to answer the most frequently asked questions about how to. What is passage? Enthusiastic. Which statement best explains how the authors use of the word first to describe the United States influences the reader. C. Frustrated: It is the word to express the inability, Discounted present value of future cash flows, Find the indicated partial derivative. The words screaming and rushed in the passage suggest which tone in the story the metamorphosis a tense b positive c fun d. What words best describe the overall tone of the passage. Solve the following problems. Choose your words carefully. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Sometimes, our moods make certain words stand out for us as more fitting or more resonant. Therefore, option (c) is correct. 3 Mood. The narrator is describing the view at the same time he is talking about his feelings when seeing it. After reading the passage, we can say that the word that best describes the tone of the excerpt from Zeitoun is: D. Demanding. Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on English. Terms in this set (13) The authors perspective is: How the author feels about the topic he or she is writing about. About | Contact | Disclaimer | Sitemap | Privacy. Is the tone encouraging or discouraging? She is not simply annoyed by them; she finds them downright objectionable. 2 Tone. anxious. He was also awestruck at the happy mood and wealth that he saw. negarinfo, which word best describes the tone of the passage, 9 plan c skirt is highly appreciated Globalizethis, 9+ anemone curtain call pink most standard, 9+ john deere cs62 chainsaw parts most standard. Bab 9 Tingkatan 5 - Malaysia dan Kerjasama Antarabangsa. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? You are looking : which word best describes the tone of the passage, The following summaries about what is goat pus will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. Individuation OD portraiture. This description creates a feeling of unease and creepiness, which are two emotions often associated with the adjective eerie. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. Nostalgic. Some girls cried with laughter as they got back on their feet. He begins by Imagining what his character looks like and what motivates them. APEX The main character, 14-year-old Walt, tries to prevent stampeders from stealing his neighbor's land. Provide your child with a list of feeling words to use when describing tone and mood in the classroom. The letter is written in the third person, and it acknowledges the kings accomplishments and expresses the emperors appreciation for his friendship. Even if it has the same dictionary definition, it just doesnt sound right. But even worse was the danger of losing it all. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. How does the wordplay in these lines affect the mood? In general, gentle tone is used for subjects that are viewed as worthy of tenderness and respect (for example, love stories), while harsh tone is used for subjects that are viewed as unworthy of compassion (for example, wars). Tone is the authors attitude toward a subject. 0 lighthearted frustrated suspenseful frightened. If you have a DSLR with a lens that is longer than 20 inches. Is There Anything Special I Should Do to Prepare for the Poetry Questions? In a story, tone is a way of conveying the emotions of the characters and how the characters feel about the situation. Chord Dewa 19 - Restoe Boemi. Question: Which word best describes the tone of Emperor Qian Longs letter? The passage aimed to describe those details related to the theme of the story. We were like two seeds planted in a rock. . 1 Which word best describe the tone of this passage? What is the tone of the passage the metamorphosis? And in certain contexts, even the neutral tone words sound more negative than otherwise. Which words best describe the tone of the passage? Tone is the authors attitude toward the topic. Pessimistic. 3. an opinion or idea that deviates from commonly accepted beliefs or practices. If this is a time for honest negativity, this list will help you find the right words. Even though the mother still feels affection for Gregor, she relies on another woman to care for him and dispose of his body, and she cannot bring herself to see her dead son. The line As I was saying, is an example of a play on words. Amy Tan's mother demanded to know the grimace of her illness. Irrespective of the tone, however, all passages should be read with an open mind in order to understand them fully. Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt C. demanding. He fills three pages of his notebook with details about this character s life. As a result, the mood evokes certain feelings and emotions in the reader. - Compare and contrast different points of view in order to illustrate how people see things differently. The girls had fun playing in the pool and laughed afterward. Clear up math. Cheerful is the best word that describes the mood of the excerpt. For example, in a story where the protagonist is angry, the tone would be more angry than in a story where the protagonist is happy. If you're looking for help with your homework, our team of experts have you covered. What word best describes the tone this passage conveys? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. hopeless and afraid. Our expert professors are here to support you every step of the way. What causes cool temperatures along the namib deserts coast. Take time to look at the language. example, if the author has a nostalgic tone or sarcastic tone, you I can help you figure out math questions. it now appeared that snowball was not, after all, hiding on pinchfield farm, and in fact had never been there in his life: he was livingin considerable luxury, so it was saidat foxwood, and had in reality been a pensioner of pilkington for years past. The dialogue reveals. You can refer to the answers, The following summaries about ugg mini goat color will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. For example, if the author writes about a lighthearted topic in a serious tone, it may make you feel as though the author is not taking the subject matter seriously. Tone: Connotation, Diction, Figurative Language, Imagery channel. What is the reflection of the story of princess urduja? Which word best describes the tone of Emperor Qian longs letter? The author is clearly not a fan of mosquitoes, and her tone reflects that. Examples of tone in a story include just about any adjective you can imagine. In addition to the adjectives dark, mysterious, and suspenseful, I would also use the adjective eerie to describe the passage. We have more than 5 000 verified experienced expert, Which word best describes the tone of the passage? Sumber: https://www.quickanswer.blog/question-which-word-best-describes-the-tone-expressed-in-this-passage/, Tags best describes passage the tone which word, EstateName.com 0.9 0.72 simmental 1st Enter an EPD Value 2nd Enter an EPD Value , Which Word Best Describes the Tone of the Passage, Which is the Best Paraphrase for This Passage From Beowulf, On Page 2 of the Passage Read Lines 30-31, Complete the Description of the Piecewise Function Graphed Below, Which of the Following Shows the Diameter of a Circle, Which of the Following Statements is True of Imagined Risks, Why is Fatty Tissue Considered a Double Whammy, A Machine is Supplied Energy at a Rate of 4000, What Value of G Makes the Equation True Es027-1.jpg, An Appropriate Strategy to Learn Difficult Vocabulary Words is the, Which Equation is Equivalent to Y 6 12 X 4. The dialogue shows that Nanamakee has doubts that he should be the new leader of his nation. The authors use of pacing is not effective because the long complex sentences distract from the sense of stress and anxiety the passage should convey. The monitor has to be within 20 inches of the camera. This is the overall attitude that the author has towards the subject matter. Who is Jason crabb mother and where is she? OA. Another question on English. The word makes the reader believe that the President needs additional money to implement the plan for space exploration. What textual evidence in Call of the Klondike, a historical account of the Klondike Gold Rush, supports or refutes the idea that London portrayed history accurately in his short story? The Divine Chocolate store want to create a new truffle mix that consists of milk chocolate and hazelnut. The tone of any given passage is the author's emotion or feeling, usually towards his subject. Which word best describes the tone of this statement? Brainly.com, 3.Which of the following best describes the tone of the passag Quizlet, 4.Hamlet, Part 2: Word Choice and Tone Assignment Quizlet, 6.Which word best describes the tone of the passage 5 Course Hero, 7.What word best describes the tone this passage conveys? Technical jargons tone of writing refers to the way in which an author uses specific language and jargon while writing. An intended audience is the specific persons who the author(s) had in mind when they wrote a piece of literature.Hence, it is correct to state that the intended audience for the above-described book is: marine biologists. That is what happens in the story. What are some examples of tone in a story? a. exasperated. Tone can be divided into two main categories: harsh and gentle. Verified answer vocabulary Avoid repetition by replacing the boldfaced word or expression with a synonym from the following words. An author's tone is how he or she conveys the story. The most useful and completed calculator I ever used! But the threat of losing everything was even terrible. two days later the animals were called together for a special meeting in the barn. In reflective writing, you are expected to reflect on your personal experience and how you felt about things you did. The overall tone of a written message affects the reader just as ones tone of voice affects the listener in everyday exchanges (Ober 88). What did Roderick admit they had done without the visitor knowing it? The author jumps from one idea to the next without a clear transition, which makes the essay feel disjointed. Serious-light tone is used to express mixed emotions, such as being happy and sad at the same time. The word that best describes the tone of the excerpt from The Fall of the HOuse of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe is discovery. Which word best describes mood of this passage? Tone in fiction writing refers to the author's attitude toward the subject matter of a work of fiction. Looking for a little extra help with your studies? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Condemning describes the tone of this passage. Which word best describe the tone of this passage? Inspirational/Spiritual Based on the tone of the passage, which of the following words best describes the author's attitude toward Donna? Grade 9 Literature Mini What words best describe the author's tone in the passage above? It depends on the tone of the passage as well as your personal style. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. , mins to cover, how much will Olive take if the speed of both remains the same?, Que evidencia tenemos de que el narrador esta sano en the tell tale heart, A 1-kilogram rock is dropped from a cliff 90 meters high. answer choices. Subjects. answer choices. A Those who have suffered the most love the strongest. B. Whether it's x or y, once you know the value, you can plug it in and solve for the other . For A serious tone could be more informative, helping readers understand the author's intent better. The grade 10 ELA test was made up of two separate test sessions. Which Words Best Describe The Overall Tone Of This Passage Brainly Com. You can refer to, The following summaries about two goats in a boat will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. If you can't get the app there is one online you can search it up by using it's name. After falling 20 meters, the kinetic energy of the rock is approximately, If the president has an overall approval rating of 20 percent, it may be assumed that. The tone of The Grapes of Wrath is one of desperation and sorrow. You cannot attach it to a monitor. There is no clear sense of the narrator's opinion on Emily or her actions. An authors style is the particular way he uses language to reflect his unique authorial voice. Great app and really helps with the math i dont know how to do. Old habits can be very difficult to overcome. Begin the prompt with a clear statement that explains your topic. tourists fishermen college students marine biologists. We promise its OK in a reflection, because you are talking about your own experiences. Neither knew nor cared about the hungry bears that awaited them. What is the labour of cable stayed bridges? If you have a DSLR with a lens that is longer than 20 inches. . It seems as if something is about to happen, but it is not clear what. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Positive Tone Words Energetic. Answer: c. suspenseful.Explanation:The excerpt to which this question relates, I have attached below in the picture.Based on the context of the passage, it can be concluded that the word that best describes the tone is (c) "suspenseful". They buried Rodericks sister alive (foreshadowed by the rosiness of her cheeks and smile on her lips). Light. This is known as a comma fault in English where sentences or independent clauses are improperly connected.Hence, we can see that option A contained the independent clauses and linking conjunction and are connected properly. Different elements of a poem such as its setting, tone, voice and theme help establish this atmosphere. . a. exasperated. Related Read: Who is jesus to you 200 words? The word that best describes the speaker's tone in the passage is . The tone of any given passage is the authors emotion or feeling, usually towards his subject. It does not reflect the attitudes of characters, only that of the author at that specific moment in the text. A tone can be described as the feelings or emotions that are conveyed through language. I shall never forget the ecstasy with which I received the intelligence that my old master Anthony had determined to let me go to Baltimore to live with Mr. Get an answer for What words and details convey the tone of the following lines from Beowulf. However, if the author writes about the same topic in a serious tone, it may make you feel more empathy for what the author is saying. The reason these words came to mind is because of the way the author describes the setting and the characters in the passage. He also describes how dedicated these professionals are, in order to escape death. Tone in literature can be described as the manner in which a writer expresses emotion or meaning in their writing. What word best describes the tone this passage conveys. Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt aggressive confident fantastical inspiring. Which word best describes the tone in the passage? Which correctly distinguishes between how a pine tree and an apple tree reproduce? Some tips for writing a comprehension passage: The support is shown through . The play explores the idea that people can be transformed through education, but that such transformation also brings new challenges and difficulties, particularly in terms of navigating the complexities of social class and relationships. The authors feeling toward his subject may be described as either negative or positive. HEALTH. Tone refers to the emotional atmosphere of a text, usually measured on a scale from light to dark. One example of tone in a passage would be the authors attitude or feeling towards metamorphic rock. Every aspect of a piece of writing can influence its mood, from the setting and the imagery to the authors word choice and tone. Anything described in negative tone words is likely to leave you with a bad impression, whether the thing described is a place, a book, or a group of people. Its the attitude the writer exhibits towards an object, such as a piece of writing, and can be seen through their viewpoint and word choice. Which words best describe the tone of the passage to a sky-lark. Do My Homework. The author's choice of words and phrases contribute to this mood, as do the details about the setting and the protagonist's actions. The tone of this passage is sympathetic. Answer options:A) tourists;B) fishermen;C) college students;D) marine biologists. From the given options, the word that best describes the tone of the passage is amusing because of elements like how the speaker made a droning noise when he awoke and the fact that he realized that he didnt have a nose anymore. What is the tone of the author in this passage? Tone indicates the writers attitude. The narrator seems to understand why the characters are going through with the lottery, even though they don't agree with it. The definition of tone in literature is the way the author expresses their attitude through their writing. Lowest rating: 3. Tap card to see definition. Assertive. The tone of a technical passage is usually very technical and explanatory. Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt aggressive confident fantastical inspiring After reading the passage, we can say that the word that best describes the tone of the excerpt from Zeitoun is: D. Demanding. Overall, the tone makes the passage difficult to follow. Often an authors tone is described by adjectives, such as: cynical, depressed, sympathetic, cheerful, outraged, positive, angry, sarcastic, prayerful, ironic, solemn, vindictive, intense, excited. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The right context can even change the tone of words that are usually considered positive. Avoid a Predictable Treatment of Your Subject. Additionally, this type of writing can often be dry and dense, leaving little room for interpretation or personal expression. In sum, the passage creates a mood of melancholy and anticipation. The main character, Eliza Doolittle, undergoes a significant transformation in her speech and mannerisms, but she also faces challenges in adapting to her new social status and in asserting her own agency and independence. So, the correct option is C. The tone of the passage may be defined as the attitude or the feelings of the writer concerning the topic that he or she is delivering. The girls scrambled over one another laughing as they regained their footing after falling into the pool. Which Word Best Describes The Narrator S Tone Regarding His Experiment In The Excerpt Brainly Com, Which Word Best Describes The Tone Of This Passage A Critical B Apologetic C Objective D Brainly Com, Which Words Best Describe The Tone Of The Passage Brainly Com, Panduan buat pelajar SPM yang sedang mengulangkaji pelajaran Sejarah. Use Your Voice. The author is clearly bothered by mosquitoes and their presence in her life. excited. At the same time, it teaches a moral lesson by warning of the dangers of. The story shows us how harsh the conditions were: the extreme cold and the long distances, among other issues, made it hard to survive and move about. two old goats arthritis formula reviews . what do you think is the value of studying the language of william shakespeare whose writing is over hundreds of years old? Based on the dictionary definition, what is another way to write the . Chord Noah - Seperti Kemarin. This is conveyed through the narrator's use of first person, their choppy sentence structure, and their use of words like "mad," "vulture eye," and "terror." Chord Noah - Separuh Aku. Is There Anything Special I Should Do to Prepare for the Poetry . Additionally, looking at the books setting may offer clues as to its tone. The author jumps from one idea to the next without a clear transition, which makes the essay feel disjointed. How should you transcribe a spelled word? We can conclude that the Klondike Gold Rush was violent and perilous. Light tone is used to express happiness or joy, while serious tone is used to express sadness or anger. Be honest and say what you think and feel. all relations with foxwood had been broken off; insulting messages had been sent to pilkington. He was also taken aback by the cheerful mood and prosperity he witnessed. If Cathy took 36 The best answer for this question is B. Hunt has a chance to give up since he is only been at elite espionage games or last 26 years ,but bond does not look to be going away,either making it an uphill battle. Mood, however, is much more intentional and controlled. The poets attitude toward the poems speaker, reader, and subject matter, as interpreted by the reader. Solve Now. This can be seen in the fifth line on this excerpt. Choose the best question to ask before reading the rest of the passage. What is the tone in this passage dark and Suspensefullight and Affectionaterespectful and Admiringserious and academic? There is also a hint of humor in the writing, which gives the passage a light and playful feeling. The excerpt, The dark game: true spy stories creates a suspenseful and mysterious tone through the words used in the passage. In these words from the poetry, we see that the poet captured the people's joyous mood, which even outdid the dazzling waves. As gold was discovered in the Yukon region of Canada, various men tried to strike it rich. can determine the tone of a passage by the diction that an author With emotion. It doesnt take much for us to associate words with an emotion or to feel the emotional undercurrent of a word whether positive or negative and to whatever degree. As a result, the joyful and awestruck words best describe the tone of the passage. Sad. Related Read: How did jimmy break his word? Seeds planted in a rock is a phrase used to describe individuals whom react to events with an initial high amount of enthusiasm but can not keep up such response for as long as necessary. Hypocritical. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A British biotechnology firm is experimenting with genetically modified mosquitoes to combat dengue fever, a mosquito borne illness that threatens the lives of millions. Generally speaking, there are three different types of tone: light, serious, and serious-light. Skema Jawapan Pengukuhan Negara Dan Bangsa Malaysia. Rating: 3 (1224 Rating) Highest rating: 4. How do you find the author's tone in a passage? Any action you take based on the information found on cgaa.org is strictly at your discretion. devin will have to drain the rain out from his garage. It is a mistake to think that we can leave this problem to the next generation to solve. The atmosphere is dark and foreboding, and the reader gets a sense that something dangerous is lurking in the shadows. If your options are Halting, Accessible, Sullen, and Disorganized the answer is Sullen ( for apex). Tone does not reflect the readers attitude toward the subject, nor does it involve the attitude expressed by characters, besides the author, in the passage. The tone of the passage might be questioning, inquiring, or suggestive. Which word best describes the tone of this statement? To solve a math equation, you need to find the value of the variable that makes the equation true. Jack London was famous for portraying history accurately in his short stories. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Therefore, the correct option for this question is C. The King of Mazy May," we can infer that the Klondike Gold Rush was brutal and that those who took part in it were in constant danger of having their lands claimed and taken away by others, The brutality of the Klondike Gold Rush and the continual threat of having their properties seized and taken away by others are clear from reading "The King of Mazy May.". Joyful. Sample Inferential Question: The tone of the passage can best be described as. Hugh Auld brother to my old masters son-in-law Captain Thomas Auld. B) Some challenges in life can never be overcome. The tone word you need for the moment is the one that evokes the right emotions and that allows your sentence to flow without speed bumps. If the author's tone does not match the subject matter, it may still have a positive or negative effect on you, depending on how you feel about the topic. The authors use of the phrase fades from my sight gives the passage a sad and isolated tone. Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing.