That makes you more interesting. Maybe he doesnt stay in touch with you throughout the week, when youd like a phone call every couple of days? If he starts talking about how a band you like is in town in the near future hes trying to give you something that you like! Could you be happier without him, or with someone else who treated you differently? But this might be the reason why he acted like that. Take a quiz, get matched, and start getting support via phone or video sessions. What kind of house do you see yourself living in? He consciously or even subconsciously wants to be on your radar and wants to be attractive and strong for you. Re-engage in old hobbies or get new ones. Hes interested in you! If you constantly step in and chase, youll never know anything except how he reacts to being caught. Society still projects men as these tough superman characters who can't be bothered with emotional problems. He wants to show you hes ready for a healthy relationship with you. Maybe you dont have time to date multiple men, arent interested in anybody else at the moment, or the dating pool in your area is just so shallow its hard to find one man to date, let alone two or three. Creative and intelligent men who know their own worth tend to have a lot more going on under the surface than it looks like. No need for repeated calls, no need for endless texts. Pearl Nash Dating coach Mat Boggs talks about this in a really insightful video that I recommend. # You were too clingy. Of course, every woman is different, but these are the most common reasons why women lose interest in a relationship. Those relatively new to romance should be especially cautious and avoid jumping to conclusions. He viewed my story on Instagram after I posted of being lonely. As soon as that fades, a bright shiny thing catches his eye (a job, a girl, a new hobby) and he drops out of view. Even so, issues related to love and dating can be confusing at the best of times, especially as your situation is unique to you. No, he never spends time with me. We learn and imitate those we care about and love. Once he gets it in his head that hes not up to your standards, it can be very difficult to make him see his own worth. The answer is still embedded in male psychology and its simpler than you can imagine you havent made him feel like a hero. So if he acted like he was interested and then disappears, it might be because he's realized that the two of you don't belong together. Spend quality time with your family. I hope this article gave you clarity on exactly what to do when it seems like your guy is losing interest. People with high egos are often known to sudden discarding if someone disrupts their ego, even slightly. One of the top reasons guys act interested but then disappear is that a guy tries to pressure himself to be into you but ultimately just isnt feeling it. When hes into you then you will feel his attention and energy focused on you. Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. Its still really big and it means he cares about you and wants his friends to meet his girl. 1. And that would make your man normal, meaning lack of interest in sex is common. He begins going through a hard time mentally or emotionally and starts to self-isolate. Jelena Dincic And he's really interested in that because he's really interested in you. Everyone has their own internal timeline of the speed at which a relationship should progress, and it can throw them off base if things seem to be heating up too fast. The simple possibility here is that a man whos been flirting around and meets a new girl might suddenly lose all interest in you when he hooks up with someone who he finds hes more into. Typically, whenever someone gives you a reason for why they can't do something, what . So, if your man has a big ego, he might start to ignore you, if you had directly or indirectly attacked his ego. Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. The point is, this very human trait of seeking out connections just to have your ego massaged and be showered with praise and affection is extremely common. To some guys, flirting is all there is, and this type of guy isnt looking for a romantic relationship. And, this surely is going to hurt you a bit . =>> Take the quiz here. Equate a lack of interest on his part to something being wrong with you. Do you know exactly why it happens and how to handle it? Sign up for races or find other incentives to work out and meet new people. Once youve invested time and energy into a relationship, it can feel like the right thing to do is change yourself to match what the other person wants and needs, but thats never the right answer. Perhaps he started dating someone else because he was flirting with multiple women at the same time.. Keep this kind of communication short and to the point as well: its okay to skimp on the sweet. If he likes you, sometimes he will take a risk and open up to you. If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach. Is he working to find common ground with you and doing what he can to make you feel special and doted on? Make a list of your positive qualities. After all, with so many reasons that guys bail out on a budding relationship, how can you have any confidence that you wont be smiling today and in tears tomorrow? (Building up your personal power and confidence is the key to getting a perfect guy. Because he realised that he was practically taking you for granted and was under the assumption he could have you when he wanted e.g contact you when he wants on social media and you'd reply right away. Get away! If not, you need to read this too: The #1 Things Men Desire in a Woman, this is what he told me. But just like you, I was also wrong. (Question1of15). Thats why I never regret getting in touch with that certified relationship coach. Instead, use your head to protect your heart by not giving it away so easily to someone you cant possibly know well enough, yet, to trust with it. You shouldnt feel anxious that you might not be good enough for him. But the one safeguard you can have against having your heart shredded into a thousand pieces is to work on your own foundation. Everything you need to know, Signs a married man likes you but is hiding it. Ltd. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. And now since he disappeared, it probably means that he wasnt satisfied. Like everything else involving human relations, theres no one-size-fits-all answer. Maybe their first love as an adult ended badly. Summary -. But it has to have specific reasons, right? We knew eachother for about 6 months. Samuel_Mendes Follow Xper 3 Age: 24 , mho 63% +1 y He has became possessive of you. Wondering why he thinks that youre not enough for him? But how can he fully appreciate you and all your great qualities if even you dont? Their popularity is a testament to how skilled their coaches are. we guys can be very insecure about girls when we think that the feelings are not mutual an we are getting played. //