Lets review what each of these shapes are reminiscent of in our daily lives to best understand how they can be used in our designs. To Catholics, the rose represents the Virgin Mary and the rosary. Graphics featuring a pair of bones crossing below human skull have symbolized death since the Middle Ages. In Chinese, the word for blessings sounds the same as the word for bat. Using squares and rectangles as the base of a composition is good practice. His image is based on the legend of a soldier who inadvertently vanquishes his only son in battle. The key to existence, therefore, is balanced energy, with no single element dominating over the other. A wedding ring symbolizes the love and bond that two people share, so it's important to consider the diamond shape. Get a bundle of templates that match your brand. Although the Old Norse word means "pirate" or "raider," it can also be associated with concepts such as power, magic and strength. The Double Vajra also stands for protection, harmony, and all-knowingness. After all, any time we see a skull, it means its owner has died. Known for his kindness, he is recognized by his elephant head and rotund belly. The star around which the Earth and other planets orbit, the sun represents the self, life, power, glory, foresight and vision. A shooting star is associated with wishes, hope and dreams. Examine the famous FedEx logo, for example. All you have to do is to look at the proposed geometric shapes and choose the one that you think best represents you as a person. Using emojis in graphics is quickly becoming a trend that doesnt seem like it will go away very soon. Breezy You love warm weather and going to the beach. Circles represent wholeness, a natural sense of completion. The symbol indicates the watchful eyes of God. Graphic Design Videos Learn design principles & best practices. For this reason, the five blessings are commonly depicted as bats, and the shou character is often accompanied by drawings of bats. In spirituality, and in life, it is rare for the answers to just come to us: it is only through humble dedication, and profound patience, that we arrive at a place of peace. An incredibly charged symbol, blood represents both life and death, and also is especially connected to the idea of adult womanhood (because of menstruation). In movies, rain has been used to create a sense of fearful apprehension and even represent a person crying. A symbol is something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention. For this reason, the Sri Yantra is considered a powerful tool for spiritual growth. The heart symbol also has been a common feature on coats of arms. Stars are also commonly associated with magic. Also known as Kwan Yin and Guan Yin, Kuan Yin first appeared in Chinese scriptures around 400 CE. You may be a strong circle with squiggle tendencies. Often seen after a rain, the rainbow signifies new beginnings, hope, the fulfillment of a dream and the promise of prosperity. He eventually achieved enlightenment after meditating under a Bodhi tree. Though our differences may seem vast, when we stand together, we are beautiful, united, and whole. Five-pointed stars with the point facing up: Arrows come in all different types of designs and styles, each with a unique vibe. For example, in the movie Titanic, the decorative butterflies on Roses hair comb were used to represent her freedom from the cocoon of her engagement to a man she did not love. As an animal that feeds on dead bodies, the raven has cemented itself as a sign of death and doom in the human psyche. Jizo is a Bodhisattva in Japanese Mahayana Buddhism, originally known in Sanskrit as Ksitigarbha. But at his core, Buddha was a man who sought to understand suffering, and in the process, founded an entire spiritual movement. There is a psychology behind shapes that you may not even be aware of. In design, skinny triangles can be used instead of arrows or pointers. Social Media Graphics Browse templates for every platform. . A great example of an abstract shape is a stick figure, which represents a person. She contributes news and feature articles to various web publications, such as the Huffington Post. Arrows can be quite small, for use in bullet lists, or quite large to house text inside them. On the pages to follow, we invite you to explore the significance and background behind various spiritual symbols. If your clientele is comprised mostly of young people, you should look into using emojis in your graphics. The Sri Yantra is said to contain the path to enlightenment. Make sure you change the color scheme of your icons to fit your brand and only use one style of icon within the same infographic. A mandala is constructed of concentric circles and squares that lead to a center. Mudras are also a common feature of Eastern art, as various figures and deities are often shown gesturing with a specific mudra. Although the symbol instantly brings to mind the hippie movement of the 1960s, it returned to its roots in the 1980s with its adoption as the symbol of the anti-nuclear movement. His plump figure and benign countenance suggest magnanimity and plenitude. Squares and rectangles make us feel safe and contained. Namaste is more than a mere formality. Mandalas play an important role in Tibetan Buddhism, where they are used as a means of worship. Chakras are energy centers within the body. Though circles are simple shapes, the Zen Circle conveys some of Zen Buddhisms more evasive concepts: enlightenment, emptiness, and the beauty of imperfection. Throat Chakra VishuddhaCenter of the neckRules over communication and expression. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. When visiting a stupa, it is custom to walk around its base clockwise as a form of meditation. In this list, you'll find some of the most prominent symbols as well as learn about what each of them means. Balance by Buddha Groove is dedicated to helping you enrich your life through a more mindful existence. Unless you are trying to send a direct message with your composition, How we place our accessory shapes can tell many different stories. Animals as Symbols When you read a book, enjoy a poem or tell a story, the inclusion of animal characters can convey a message as part of the theme. These lines help the performers read the sheet music better and understand where they are in the piece. History The popularity of the symbol in modern culture has some fearing that children enthralled by piratery imagery might be attracted instead of repelled by warning labels incorporating the symbol. As Buddhism spread throughout Asia, stupas became a vital feature of Buddhist temples and their traditional dome shape slowly evolved into what we now know as a pagoda. Fortunately, there are many types to choose from, and each one represents a specific personality type. Pin drops are the shapes we have come to know via Google maps and other location apps. Cairns are simple rock formations, used as landmarks to guide travelers along a path or to mark a sacred place. Right palm faces outward, fingers are straight, A gesture of protection, reassurance, and comfort, this mudra means no fear., The fingers of the right hand touch the ground. Set your intention and then pick, which one symbol (1 - 9) stands out to you the most. An arrows greatest purpose is to convey direction. 1. Also called Laughing Buddha, his signature smile is symbolic of pure joy. The triangle is primarily a masculine shape, but when inverted it also represents female reproduction. Social Media Graphics Browse templates for every platform. Documents Templates for every business document. The outline of a circle can serve as a band or ring representing a cycle or continuing action. Rain can also symbolize purification as it washes away dirt and destruction. Circles and ovals These rounded shapes tend to send a positive emotional message of harmony and protection. It is up to us to put these pieces together in a way that creatively and effectively tells our story. And although it most commonly denotes sadness and melancholy, the potential of rains symbolism is far from limited. Each mudra represents a different action or form of energy. Geometric shapes are the ones we first learn about as little kids. In this way, it represents one of Zens most powerful lessons: dont try so hard, just be. A mandala is a square or circular chart with geometric designs. In the symbolic world, we see not with light but with wisdom. The figure of Weeping Buddha shows Buddha hunched over, covering his face with his hands. In this list, youll find some of the most prominent symbols as well as learn about what each of them means. When it comes to spiral shapes, it brings the message of bonding together as when and supporting each other no matter what. Om is used as a mantra within Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Geometric shapes are the ones we first learn about as little kids. Characterized by unique featureslong ears, spiraling curlsBuddhas image and his story continue to inspire Buddhists and laymen alike. A few simple ways to use any of thesepolygons is to, Besides geometric shapes, stars can also be considered symbolsas they are often usedin religious depictions and have a variety of connotations. With hexagons, you can design a beehive style composition with analogous colors. It can also symbolize passion combusting from within. With pentagons and octagons you can design something similar in either horizontal, vertical and even diagonal directions. They also point to the importance of perseverance. Stupas are religious monuments and the most iconic forms of Buddhist architecture. Try not to use shapes willy-nilly every time you create a new graphic. While it is often used to signify danger, it is also frequently associated with romance and love. The hamsa symbol depicts an open right hand, symmetrically drawn, and often with an eye in the palms center. The content and products are not intended to replace any medical treatment or diagnosis. Why is it that we see so many circles used as accessory shapes in websites, graphics and even infographics? The international symbol for recycling is a triangle made out of arrows. In Chinese tradition and folklore, longevity is considered one of the five blessings that form the foundation for a good life. You can check out our visual summary below or skip ahead to read a detailed description of each symbol and its origins. If your clientele is comprised mostly of young people, you should look into using emojis in your graphics. Presentations Keep your audience engaged. Born in 563 BCE in Nepal, Buddha was originally referred to as Siddhrtha and lived a rich, pleasant life as the prince of the Sakyas. Stars are great shapes for framing sale prices, special information about a product or promotion, a discount or a bonus. In Native American cultures, the owl is seen as a creature of the night, and so is associated with the supernatural and even death. A symbol is much preferred than some wordy directives. Draw each of these shapes one time. The Sri Yantra is the most revered of all yantras, or mystical diagrams. Bold, solid arrows will convey more strength than thin or hollow arrows. Lines symbols in musical notation often relate to the non-notation markings to help composers write and organize the clefs, notes, and other symbols involved in a piece. The connection is nothing new, either. A combination of symbols from various spiritual traditions, it shows how we can live peacefully as one. In meditation, mudras help maintain focus, allowing the meditator to channel a specific energy for their practice. You cantake it a for a test drive hereand share your unique creations with me below. Triangles can also be used to break from the traditional, square design. For many, Namaste is deeply spiritual. In return, he bestows peace and provides the strength we need to live a good life. According to Angeles Arrien from the book Signs of Life: Five Shapes Found In All Art And How To Use Them writes that this shape symbolizes: Your favorite, symbolizes what your GOAL or MAIN FOCUS is RIGHT NOW: Relationships (i.e. Or create your own backgrounds? A mythological bird, the phoenix is known to emerge from its own ashes. Today, dreamcatchers have been adopted by countless individuals as symbols of protection and good luck. The point-up triangle can also represent male energy, and fire and air are masculine elements. Mockups Create high-quality mockups in seconds. Its historical popularity as a symbol is also due to the fact that an owl always accompanied Athena, the Greek goddess of learning. While a variety of peace symbols, such as the dove and the olive branch, have been used in an assortment of ways across cultures and contexts, the "peace sign", we know today was designed in the 1950s as the logo for the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. It symbolizes the oneness of the universe and denotes the one path towards enlightenment this being the teachings of the Buddha. In our physical world we see things through the medium of light. He is a guardian of travelers and firefighters. A gentle and cuddly animal, the rabbit is often associated with concepts such as warmth, comfort, vulnerability and fertility.